Keeping King's Chapel's members and friends connected each week between Sunday worship services with updates from the Parish House.
Spotlight On:
Sunday, January 6, 2019 - Partner Church Sunday with Transylvanian Communion and Preaching
In the Hungarian Unitarian tradition of our partner church in Kolozsvar, Romania, we will share the bread and cup standing together in a circle.   As her sermon, the Rev. Joy Fallon will read from a beautiful communion homily ("agenda") written by the Rev. Norbi Racz, Senior Minister at our partner church.

Family Game Time | Saturday, January 5 | 4-6 PM | The Parish House at 64 Beacon St

Come join for an evening of fun, fellowship, and competition. Please bring a favorite game and optionally a potluck dish or snack to share! Children should be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
De-greening the Church | Sunday January 6

Join us after 11 AM worship this Sunday to help take down our Christmas greens and decorations. Many hands make light work! 
Tuesday Morning Meditation | Tuesdays 7:30 AM| Little Chapel 

An early Tuesday Morning Meditation meets in our beautiful Little Chapel at 7:30 to 8:30 AM each Tuesday, including approximately a 20 minute meditation. We explore and experiment a bit, so if you have some ideas or are a little adventurous, this brief coming side by side with others in your church community may bring some welcome fun, joy and/or peace to your day. This is for "drop-in" participation - no long term obligations. Never meditated before?  Drop by and give it a try. Feel free to contact Gary Riccio at or Stephen Courtney at for more details.
Budget Meetings | January 13 and 27

Please join us at two upcoming budget meetings: first, a preliminary hearing for King's Chapel FY2019 budget on January 13 after 11 AM worship. Then, we need your presence at the All Church Membership vote to approve the budget on January 27. A quorum is needed, so come and let your voice be heard!
A Search for Meaning: Thursday Night Gatherings| Miguel Gomez-Ibanez | January 24 | 6 PM

Join us as the  Adult Religious Education program continues with the Thursday Night Gatherings, featuring speakers from the congregation and the ministry sharing meaningful aspects of their life's work and experiences. 

This month, Miguel Gomez-Ibanez will share with us his experience in working with wood; what brought him from being a white collar professional to work with his hands, and how this connects to other aspects of his life. 

The Thursday Night Gatherings are free and open to the public.  The gatherings will consist of a presentation followed by opportunities for discussion.  Light refreshments will be served. 

For reservations or further information contact Gretchen Horton, Parish Administrator, at
Spirituals | Concert Series | January 27 | 5 PM | Reception to Follow 

The next concert in our Sunday series will take place on January 27 at 5 pm. The choir will embark on an exploration of the rich heritage of African-American spirituals. The program includes classic as well as newly written arrangements of some of your favorite tunes such as Steal Away, Deep River,  and Hold on , as well as selections based on African song, and the extension of the spiritual tradition from Abolition to the era of the Civil Rights struggle, and Robert Sirota's original Spiritual for Mother Emanuel , written in the wake of the tragic 2017 shooting in Charleston. Members of our ad hoc  committee that is currently exploring King's Chapel's history in the era of slavery will offer  readings of poetry from the Harlem Renaissance. The music committee invites all to a reception at the Parish House immediately after the concert - we hope to see you there!
From The History Program
The History Program would like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who helped make 2018 such a great year. 288,856 people visited King's Chapel in 2018. The over 4,700 visitors who joined in for a guided tour raved about their visits, calling it "the best history lesson ever," "one of the most informative tours we did in the States," and "the highlight of our trip" to Boston. In addition to the daily programs, the History Program organized a record number of history programs and events, and we're looking forward to more in the new year. 

New programs and special events in 2018 included Till Death Us Do Part Valentine's Day crypt tours, a spring lecture on patriot Dr. Joseph Warren's life and legacy, daily Art & Architecture tours, a new hands-on program, and observance of the centennial of the 1918 Armistice, and more.  A special thank you to the team of History Educators, who created such memorable and engaging experiences for our visitors. It's no wonder tourists call our staff "the best tour guide I have ever had!"

We're looking forward to another exciting year in 2019!
Looking Back
New Year's Eve Service & Potluck

Thank you to all who rang in the New Year with King's Chapel! Cathy Price and Carol Genovese led a worship service in the Little Chapel, followed by a potluck and spectacular views of the fireworks. Many thanks to Carol Kemp, who organized the potluck supper! 
Sandwich- making for common cathedral

Many thanks go to the many people who helped to make and serve sandwiches for  common cathedral on December 23.  In a myriad of ways people were present by publicizing, shopping, peeling boiled eggs, making the sandwiches, packing and transporting the food, serving the lunch. All finalized with attending the  common cathedral service.

Thanks go to Amelia and her extended family, Cathy, Eliott, Ross, Ken, George Junior, Will, Rita, Todd, KC, Ciael, Gary and any others I might have missed. I especially want to thank Amanda and Tim for all of their work behind the scenes to help make all of this happen!

It was heartening to see what we can do together to be there with our unhoused neighbors.  They blessed us with their open presence and sharing, love and courage, even in their difficult circumstances and freezing weather!  Besides the sandwiches, we also provided them with 150 hand and toe warmers.  Earlier in the month we sent them 150 backpacks and DD gift cards for their ministers to distribute.
We look forward to continuing this relationship with common cathedral, and being able to serve and worship with them. Stay tuned for more information as this relationship develops!!
~Carol Genovese
"We Rejoice with Those Who Rejoice, and Weep with Those Who Weep"                            
~ Romans 12:15

We hold in our prayers Christopher Barnett, who suffered a grand mal seizure a week ago,  and a subsequent MRI of his brain revealed a brain tumor. Elizabeth, Chris, and the rest of the family ask that we pray as they make decisions regarding a surgeon and hospital.  They have requested no calls, emails or visits at this time, but would welcome any notes sent their way. 
In This Issue
December 23's Sermon by Rev. Joy Fallon
 Click HERE to watch last week's sermon.
Sunday Services 
Epiphany & Partner Church Sunday

Morning Light with Holy Communion | 9 AM
  • The Rev. Joy Fallon, preaching
  • Skip Lewan on Piano
Morning Prayer with Holy Communion  | 11 AM
  • The Rev. Joy Fallon, Senior Minister
  • The Rev. Amelia Edson, Assistant Minister
  • Heinrich Christensen, Music Director
  • Albert Craig, Soloist
  • Carol Kemp, Lector
  • Cathy Price, Usher in Charge
  • Michael and Pamela Bergeron, Ushers
  • Clark Aitkins, Verger
The Readings:
  • Psalm 72: 1-7, 12-14 
  • Old Testament, Isaiah 60: 1-6
  • New Testament, Matthew 2: 1-12
At the communion rail following the service, Bill Kuttner will greet those interested in learning more about King's Chapel. 

After the service all are invited to Coffee Hour hosted by Becky Wittenburg.
From the Bench
The choir will stay home and continue to rest on their Christmas laurels this Sunday, while soloist Albert Craig treats you to some Epiphanies in the form of beautiful pieces of music for the season, including The Tree Kings by Cornelius and Britten's New Year Carol. For communion, you will hear former choir member Mindy Hinkel's arrangement of 3 traditional Spirituals (My Lord, What a Morning; Little David, Play on your Harp; and His Eye is on the Sparrow) into Spiritual Mass. 
The organ voluntaries are by Malling and Reger. 
Tuesday Recitals
January 8 | 12:15 PM
David Hughes, countertenor & lute
Songs of Sadness, Satire and Seduction

"Stretching his hand up to reach the stars, too often man forgets the flowers at his feet."

Chancel Flower Donations

Someone once said that life is more beautiful with flowers.  They make us smile; they calm us; they invoke memories. 

Would you like to offer flowers for our Morning Prayer service?  Each Sunday members or friends provide flowers for our chancel.  If you would like to contribute to honor a loved one, please contact Anne Sexton, chair of Chancel Committee,  at 
to make arrangements. 
Upcoming Meetings

Many Meetings- Jan. 8, 6 PM

Ad Hoc Meeting- Jan. 15, 6 PM

Vestry- Jan. 22, 6 PM 
Want to know 
what's going on at 
King's Chapel?

Click HERE  to view the King's
Chapel Schedule at our website:

Volunteer: Sign up for Hospitality

Anyone can help!
Enter your email address and select a spot to fill.  New volunteers may choose to co-host with a buddy. 
Questions? email
Contributing to Between Sundays

Our e-newsletter is sent each Thursday afternoon.  Want something in Between Sundays? Feel free to email with a written piece and/or pictures before Wednesday at 5 PM.
Accessibility Assists

Our beautiful Georgian sanctuary designed by Peter Harrison and completed in 1754, has been lovingly maintained by the congregation since its completion. One of the box pews has been made wheel-chair accessible. Ushers are available to assist those who are wheelchair-bound to that pew.

A sound system has been installed in the sanctuary of The Chapel to amplify the sound during worship services. Hearing assistance devices are available for your use. Please see an Usher for assistance.