A weekly newsletter that promotes our core values of
P ersonalization, R isk-Taking, I ntegrity, D iscovery, and E mpowerment
March 4, 2019

Sanborn Regional High School
17 Danville Road
Kingston, New Hampshire 03848
(603) 642-3341

Proud recipient of the 2018
NH Excellence in Education Award
Senior Spotlight: Tiffany Borowy
Note: Each week, we will feature a few seniors with a spotlight article, written by a staff member.
This article was written by Director of School Counseling Heidi Leavitt
Tiffany Borowy is ‘that’ student who no matter what is happening in your day is always able to make you smile. I have had the pleasure of being her school counselor for 2 years and she is hands down one of the most energetic and bubbly people I have ever met. This energy serves Tiffany well in both her academic and after school pursuits. Tiffany attends the Seacoast School of Technology (SST) in the Careers in Education program. The joy that she receives from her work with these children is evident the second you ask her about her time that she spends there. In addition, Tiffany has worked with several families as a mother’s helper/Nanny. She cares for these children as if they were her own. Her SST teacher, Dawn Russell, writes “Tiffany has shown exceptional commitment to the preschool lab at SST. She volunteers for an Independent Study which entails coming to SST early to assist with arrival and supervision of our preschoolers for the first 45 minutes of the afternoon session until the PM SST student teachers arrive. She maintains a positive attitude while working with children. She has a willingness to try things outside of her comfort zone. Whether it be teaching a lesson, running an impromptu circle time, or working with some of the more challenging preschoolers.  We appreciate her dedication to the early childhood education component of the Careers in Education program!”

When Tiffany is not spending time with young children, you can usually find her pursuing information about her second passion… The New England Patriots! On any given day, Tiffany will be wearing something with the Patriots logo on it. She can rattle off statistics about her favorite players (basically the whole team), give you opinions about the previous weekends play calling or tell you what she thinks Bill (as in Belichick) should do in the upcoming draft. She has been lucky enough to fly to Miami to watch a game and to Atlanta to take part in pre-Super Bowl activities which she will cite as a life altering experience. Tiffany can be found spending the off season re-watching the previous seasons games and counting the days until pre-season begins. 

Tiffany is definitely one of the most fun students to spend time talking with. Her energy and enthusiasm are contagious and everyone in the School Counseling office loves when she visits. Tiffany will be pursuing her post-secondary education in the field of Elementary Education. She is hoping to head to Georgia for college but would be okay with staying close to her Patriots boys here in New England as well!  

Senior Spotlight: Sophia Boucher
Note: Each week, we will feature a few seniors with a spotlight article, written by a staff member.
This article was written by Teacher Aaron Cass
If I could build a prototype for the perfect student, it would have all the features of Sophia Boucher: hard-working, honest, kind, inquisitive, always looking to improve. But Sophia is more than that. In the three years I’ve had her as a student, I’ve come to notice her quiet sense of humor, relentless passion for language, and lurking sense of adventure.

Beneath that calm facade is a quirky, occasionally dark curiosity for the world. Did you know she wrote a historical fiction series based on disasters like the Spanish Flu, Hurricane Katrina, and the Dust Bowl? You’d laugh – and maybe cry – if you read her satirical review of Newtok, Alaska, slowly melting to mush as the permafrost retreats. I will certainly miss her smart, subtle take on the world when she leaves Sanborn.

Next year, Sophia plans to attend North Shore Community College near her grandparents in Beverly, and then transfer to UMass Lowell where she will pursue her love of language. From there she plans to one day work as a journalist, editor, or writer.

Though I could go on quite a while praising Sophia, I’ve got a laundry list of staff members with their own thoughts on this fantastic young woman:

Her Spanish teacher, Christina Mercedes says, “I am so proud to be Sophia's Spanish teacher and adviser for the Spanish Honor Society. She is the sort of student that any teacher would love to have in class . . . When we hosted the dancers from Nicaragua, Sophia was one of the students who went out her way to make sure that the event went well. She is a very respectful young lady with a beautiful smile and is always working to help others.

Business teacher, Jeff Adams, describes her as, “One of the hardest-working students I have had in my years of teaching. The quiet student a teacher wants in class, who does excellent work on time, is very polite, and willing to help other students.”

NHS head, Elizabeth Richardson, notes, “She is an optimistic leader and has found her purpose in completing community service. Inside or outside, she doesn't mind helping with any service project that is going on in NHS.”

Resident math and science guru, Doc Young, says, “I've had the privilege of knowing Sophia in three courses over three years in honors-level mathematics and Physics. She is loud and obnoxious.... oh, wait, not her.... Sophia is in Wikipedia under "model student" I tell ya! I don't know what I will do next year without being able to double-check with her on what we did in our last class or to answer a problem! Sophia has clearly set herself up for future success with all of her hard work both inside and out of her classes.”

Clearly we could go on. Sophia, you really are amazing. We’ll all miss you come June, and we wish you the best for where you go from here. Stay awesome – we know you will!
Senior Spotlight: Briana Talarico
Note: Each week, we will feature a few seniors with a spotlight article, written by a staff member.
This article was written by teacher Jerry Wolbert
As a Junior I had the privilege of having Bri as a student in three different classes and advisory (which is a lot of me, I’m not really sure what she was thinking!), so it makes perfect sense that I would author her Senior Spotlight. I feel privileged to have had that extra time with Bri because it gave me the opportunity to really get to know her well; and I can say with high confidence that Bri has a very bright future ahead.

Bri has always been a hard-working self-conscious student, that consistently puts forward her best effort when completing assignments. She has an outstanding work ethic and I have no doubt that she will continue that positivity through her post Sanborn years.  Guidance counselor Michelle Farrar describes Bri as “driven, focused… always smiling and upbeat”.
Bri has played softball pretty much since she’s been old enough to swing a bat! She is super-excited about her senior year as a member of the varsity softball team and her role as captain of the team. Bri’s leadership and decision making skills will provide her fellow teammates with the tools they need for a successful and memorable spring softball season. Bri plans on continuing to play softball at the college level next year.

This past year Bri completed an internship in a pre-kindergarten classroom at the Bakie School, where she had the opportunity to work with a variety of children in a classroom environment. What she enjoyed the most about that experience was that she was able to watch her students grow and develop. On a daily basis, she brought her excitement and passion with her while working with these young children. 

Bri has committed to attending Merrimack College in the fall and is looking forward to participating in club softball. Bri wants to follow in the footsteps of her family and pursue a future in teaching. She plans on majoring in Elementary Education with a minor in Special Education.  
Senior Spotlight: Olivia Williams
Note: Each week, we will feature a few seniors with a spotlight article, written by a staff member.
This article was written by Teacher Jeff Adams
I first met Olivia during her sophomore year in my Gaming I class and my first impression was she knows nothing about games or computers so I was not expecting anything great. Boy was I wrong! This Sophomore blew me away, so much I asked her to sign up for Gaming 2 and she finally was able to during her Senior year. I am once again being amazed by her hard work, intellect and helpfulness in the classroom. Olivia would like to follow career in biology, but I would love to see her as the next computer genius like Bill Gates.  

Olivia is the student every teacher wants in their class, she elevates each assignment to exceed the expectations.  Science teacher Caitlin Golino said “Olivia is a quiet and hardworking student, and works hard to achieve the grades that she receives. She is very skilled in science and has enjoyed her Biotechnology courses at SST. She has a great sense of humor and makes me laugh most days”.  English Teacher Mrs. Boisvert says “that she loves Olivia’s candor and that she always speaks openly and honestly from the heart about anything from academics to pop culture. Her humor is also very infectious!”  

In my gaming class Olivia would show that she can be adaptive, hard-working, intelligent, helpful and reliable. It is with these traits that Olivia would like go onto the next level and attend college to major in biology which will allow her to follow a more specific career field such as microbiology. Math/Science teacher Dr. Young says that Olivia is “quite the mathie-sciency young lady. She is taking bio-science at SST, and is probably growing clones at her house. She has worked hard at advancing the Math Team, and she will be missed next season”. Olivia has been an amazing member to our school community; we cannot wait to see what Easter egg in life she will discover.  
Sanborn Students Will Be Asked To Give Feedback on Hope Survey
Dear Parents / Guardians of Sanborn Regional High School Students,

On Monday, March 18, 2019, during our Advisory period, students will have the opportunity to voluntarily participate in a confidential 46-question survey that Sanborn students and teachers have developed. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete and will measure student feelings and attitudes towards hope, engagement, belongingness, goal-orientation, and autonomy. Results will be used to help the school improve in its ability to meet student needs.

The survey is adapted from this website: Data will be collected in a Sanborn-controlled Google-Form and will not be shared externally. Students will not be asked to provide their name and their participation in the survey will be completely voluntary.

If you would rather your child not participate in the survey or if you have any other questions about the survey (or would like to preview the questions in advance), please send an email to Principal Brian M. Stack at before March 18.
"I Applied Day" NHHEAF Scholarship Awarded to Tiffany Borowy
As you may recall on Wednesday November 14th, 2018 Sanborn Regional High School participated in New Hampshire Higher Education Assistance Foundation’s (NHHEAF) I Applied Day which promotes New Hampshire Colleges and Universities in partnering with NH seniors to attend on one of the many great colleges within the state.  Historically about 70-75% of SRHS seniors attend a four or two year college immediately after high school, and this day allowed students to apply to all NH schools with a fee waiver to remove any cost barrier that may prevent a student from applying.  

In addition to this wonderful event allowing students to apply to NH colleges for free, NHHEAF was generous to offer one $500 scholarship to any student who participated in the event. We are thrilled to announce that Tiffany Borowy is the winner of that $500 scholarship, and we wish her the best as she starts her next school year at college!

Congratulations Tiffany!
Class of 2020: Join Our Summer College Boot Camp
Athletic Booster Update
Please check out the Athletic Booster Club website as the signup genius for concessions has been updated (a button is below)

Reminder Winter Sports Banquet the Monday after vacation 3-4-2019 start time 5:45 then we move to the auditorium for 6:30 for the awards. 

Mark your calendar for Spring Sports Awards Monday June 3rd.
SST Offers Tech Fun Night March 22 For Grades 5-9
SAT Prep Course Offered at Austin 17 House
ASVAB Testing March 8
Sanborn Regional High School will be administering the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) exam on March 8th from 7:30-11:30 am. While the ASVAB is most well known as a required exam for military enlistment, it is also an excellent resource for career exploration and planning. Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors who are either thinking about enlisting in the military or need some extra help figuring out their plans for after high school are encouraged to sign up for the exam. There will also be an information session with an ASVAB representative on March 5th from 8:30-9:30 am. Please see or e-mail Ms. Arena ( to sign up! More information can be found at
Summer 2019 Enrichment Camps
BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND: Sanborn Schools are offering a variety of week-long summer enrichment camps. These camps are open to both Sanborn and non-Sanborn students. Space is limited, so ACT FAST to secure your spot in one of these camps today by submitting a registration using this button:
Yearbook Information
Come To The Next PTO Meeting!
The mission of the Sanborn Regional High School Parent Teacher Organization is to enhance and support the Sanborn Regional High School learning community of students, staff, and families of Fremont, Kingston, and Newton.

This is accomplished through the following endeavors: Community Outreach, Teacher Involvement, Educational Programs, Civic Cooperation, Volunteer Programs, and Fundraising.

When we all help a little it is amazing how much we accomplish as an organization.

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, March 20th at 6pm in Room 137 at the school. We normally meet the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 6pm.

If you have any questions or information you would like to share with our organization, please contact Barbara Munroe, PTO President, at or Tammy Gluck, PTO Vice President, at 
An Update From Southern Rockingham Coalition for Youth (SoROCK)
Hello Sanborn Community!

I hope everyone is staying warm. SoRock has just wrapped up our free Staying Connected with your Teen workshop through Teen Institute. Those who attended learned skills for increasing communication and decreasing conflict, ways to bond with their teen, strategies for preventing high-risk behaviors, how to involve your teen at home in problem-solving, decision making, and responsibility and more. If you missed the workshop but are interested in attending one in the future, please contact us for more information.  

We will soon be wrapping out our winter session of the P.A.S.T.A Caregiver and grandparent support group with plans of a third session in the spring. The next meeting is on Monday 12/17 at 6pm at the Danville Community Center. We are currently looking for input from caregivers and grandparents in this position to help us prepare for, and possibly to attend, a meeting with one of our NH Senators in the New Year. The meeting will be focused on filling gaps and meeting the needs of this growing population for both caregivers and the children.  

SoRock would like to acknowledge that the holiday season is a stressful one and is not necessarily joyful for everyone. Please remember self-care and stay connected to others. If you know someone who is struggling reach out and remind them, they are not alone. If you are in need resources, please visit

SoRock is a community-based coalition with over a 25-year history of working collaboratively with federal, state and local organizations to help promote, support and sustain healthy choices for families in our communities. We do this by actively working to reduce and prevent alcohol, marijuana, prescription and other drug misuse.  SoRock relies on community engagement to be successful in it’s mission. Please visit our website or follow us on social media @SoRockNH to stay up to date on prevention programming and events in the area.  If you would like to get more involved reach out to me at or give me a call anytime at 603-642-3341 x 196
Charlotte Scott
SoRock Coalition for Healthy Youth
An Important Message From School Administrators:
PTO Clothing Donation Bins
When you drop your unwanted clothing off in these bins, the SRHS PTO gets paid based on the weight of the clothing! This is a really easy way to help our school. All PTO proceeds go directly back to programming and scholarships that directly benefit our students. 

Did you know? From April of 2015 - May 2017, this fundraiser has helped us raise nearly $2400.00 for the PTO. Help us double that number by sharing this opportunity with your friends, your family, and your neighbors!

* Not Sponsored by the Sanborn Regional School District