Name: Jessica Philippe
Your position: Member Engagement Librarian
Educational Background: MLIS- Pratt Institute; BS- Tulane University in International Relations
What is most interesting about your position? The professional development needs for librarians are always changing, so I'm always learning new things. And I like visiting our member libraries.
What has been your biggest professional challenge? Probably doing library instruction for health sciences students.
What was your background before becoming a librarian? I sold CD's, worked at a health food store, and waited tables before my now (12!) years as a librarian.
What would you be doing if you weren't a librarian? I would be a professional organizer.
What is the most interesting issue in librarianship today? Libraries tackling issues of sustainability and diversity, equity, and inclusion.
What are you most proud of? Personally: my daughter Margot. Professionally: Helping get a bookmobile on the road in Palau.
What other organizations are you involved with? The NYLA Sustainability Initiative.
What advice would you give to a new librarian? You will learn what you need to know on the job and you can be a librarian anywhere, so travel while you can!
What software/web tools do you use regularly? Gmail, Google Calendar, Constant Contact, Zoom, Spotify.
Favorite social media platform:   Instagram- it's an addiction.
Favorite blog or website:  Professionally: Information Wants to be Free , Personally: I follow several minimalism/zero waste bloggers.
What do you do to relax?   Read; clean my house. I need a hobby, obviously.
What is the most daring thing you've ever done?   Move to Palau.
What would you like to learn?   French, so I can communicate better with my in-laws.
Is there anything about you that others would be surprised to know?   I was one of the first High School female pole vaulters in New York State.