Dear FVAMC Family,
Eid Mubarak
InShaAllah. We can't believe that Eid is tomorrow (Sunday, May 24th) And as we say goodbye to the holy month of Ramadan, we want to thank you ALL for being such a generous, kind and engaged community.
We would also like to
recognize Br. Safwan for his daily dedication and duaa.
He let us into his home everyday and kept us connected during a difficult time and for him we are grateful and pray that Allah accept his and all of our fast, InShaAllah
We have a number of things we are doing to celebrate Eid and you can join us virtually via zoom or Facebook using the links below.
Zoom Channel
Meeting ID: 311 416 1084
Password: 353535
Planned Eid Festivities:
Virtual LIVE Takbeer at 8:45 AM
Br. Safwan will lead us in Takbeer. If you can join us via Zoom, please unmute and say Takbeer along so that we can hear you.
Virtual LIVE Salat Ul-Eid followed by Khutba at 9:15 AM
by Br. Safwan
Drive-by Eid Celebration in our FVAMC parking lot at 11 AM
We are asking ALL of our FVAMC families to please join us! Decorate your cars and if you have children, bring them too. We have pre-packaged treats for all of the children (whether or not they are FVAMC Academy students) and will be using social distancing precautions in addition to wearing masks.