This week’s Parsha opens with the list of Nisiim, the leaders of the individual tribes. I’d like to talk about the name of one of the Nisiim that perhaps we don’t always focus on and that is the Nasi of Shevet Gad. In Bamidbar 1:14, we are told his name
לְגָ֕ד אֶלְיָסָ֖ף בֶּן־דְּעוּאֵֽל (For Gad, Eliasaph the son of De'uel).
Later in Naso when we’re told about the Korbanot the Nasim bring during the sanctification of the Mishkan we are again told that the name of the Nasi of Shevet Gad is אֶלְיָסָ֖ף בֶּן־דְּעוּאֵֽל. There is something quite interesting here. Later in our Parsha, we are told about the encampment of B’nei Yisrael and how they traveled in the Midbar. They travel according to tribes and when the tribe of Gad is mentioned, the name of the Nasi of Gad is actually changed. It’s no longer אֶלְיָסָ֖ף בֶּן־דְּעוּאֵֽל, but the name is changed to אֶלְיָסָ֖ף בֶּן־רעוּאֵלֽ.