The newsletter of Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church
March 2019

Dear CTEWC Friends,
This month's  First features new fellowship and employment opportunities, be sure to take a look and spread the word. It also features several timely political reflections from our Forum contributors around  the world. In our Junior Scholars' Forum, we hear from Anthonia B. Ojo, SSMA, on vote-buying practices in the wake of last weekend's elections in Nigeria. Miguel Ángel Sánchez discusses the prospects for anti-corruption initiatives proposed by Mexico's newly elected president, while Suzanne Mulligan analyzes the promise of the Irish "Occupied Territories Bill" in light of Catholic social teaching. From Cameroon, Solange Ngah reflects on miracles and healing in light of African Christianity, and Stanislaus Alla, SJ, reports on threats to the land of indigenous communities in India. Finally, Jason King illuminates a recent debate in the United States regarding methods and sources in Catholic moral theology.
As we enter into the season of Lent, let us pray for one another on our ongoing journey of conversion .

Kristin Heyer
Shaji George Kochuthara, CMI
Andrea Vicini, SJ

Featured Forum Articles
Asian Regional Report
Upcoming Conference
The De la Salle University, Manila, in collaboration with Liverpool Hope University will be holding a conference on "Church-State Relations: Religion in the Public Sphere" on July 26-27, 2019.

Conference Report
An Inter-Asian Conference on the Spirituality and Theology of Creation, organised by Missio in collaboration with with Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram (DVK), was held from 19th -21st February 2019 at Dharmaram Vidya Kshtram, Bengaluru. To read the full report prepared by  Jijo T. Varghese Kaithavana, please click here.

European Regional Report
Reflection on Robotisation of Life
Last February COMECE (The Catholic Church in the European Union) published the document " Robotisation of Life - Ethics in View of New Challenges ." Produced by an ad-hoc working group established by COMECE, led by Prof. Antonio Autiero and enriched by diverse contributions of experts in theology, philosophy, law and engineering, the document analyses the impact of robotization on the human person and on society as a whole and elaborates its reflection as an ethical step which can shape community life in our complex and globalised world.

Se crea la Asociación T eológica Ibérica para el Estudio de la Moral (ATIEM), la primera asociación de moralistas de España y Portugal, y como cuyo primer presidente ha sido elegido José Manuel Caamaño. Aquí el vínculo a la noticia completa.

International Conference on "Transhumanism: anthropological, ethical, juridical and theological challenges" call for papers is open. More details and schedule in English and Spanish here.

The Department for Theological Gender Studies of the Catholic-Theological Faculty at the WWU Münster continues its work with new faces, a new name and a renewed structure. Thus, we like to invite professors and young scholars, gender-experts and theologians with critical and constructive outside perspectives to explore potentials and desiderata of theological gender studies to detect new research questions.

Therefore, we like to invite you to our conference "Gender(Studies) in der Theologie - Warum und Wozu?" (Münster, 28th-29th of November 2019) and we ask for your participation. We are looking for contributions from all theological subjects. The conference language will be German. Please circulate this Call for Papers in your networks and send it to interested colleagues (professors, postdocs as well as PhD-students). Thank you very much!

Please send abstracts to  [email protected]  (Deadline: 8th of April 2019). For further information, you can also contact us or our research assistant, Verena Suchhart-Kroll, under this e-mail-address.  We are looking forward to receiving your abstracts!
Latin American Regional Report
Sin lugar a dudas, uno de los temas centrales de la región en 2019 es la Asamblea Especial del Sínodo de los Obispos para la Región Panamazónica, el cual se realizará entre el 6 y el 27 de octubre de 2019. Se r eflexionará sobre dos temas puestos por el Papa Francisco: los nuevos caminos para la Iglesia, y la ecología integral. El sínodo ha despertado tanto esperanza y entusiasmo como sospecha y agresión discursiva. Si bien se trata de un encuentro donde los católicos discernirán junto a sus pastores sobre los rumbos sustentable de la región en función de una mejor vida para sus pueblos y un cuidado consciente del planeta, muchos lo ven como un nuevo foco de reorganización de una teología de izquierda. Esa sospecha emerge de algunos sectores de los nuevos gobiernos en la región sobre la Iglesia Católica.

La situación de Venezuela es alarmante y tiene a la región en alerta. Mas allá de los conflictos políticos, propios de cada pueblo, la comunidad católica latinoamericana está preocupada por las condiciones de vida en que se encuentran las personas en ese país, de ambos lados del conflicto, y se solidarizan con todo el pueblo venezolano.

La vida académica promete ser muy movida este ano. Mas allá del eco o repercusiones de las tensiones por las que esta pasando el catolicismo a nivel global, Latinoamérica tiene sus propias tensiones, las cuales giran en torno a temas de moral social como: desempleo estructural, desfinanciamiento de la educación, deuda externa, extractivismo, trata de personas, entre otros.

Desde Brasil, Ronaldo Zacarias nos cuenta que está preparando la edición del nuevo libro de moral sobre derechos humanos, producto del congreso organizado en 2018 en UNISAL, San Pablo. María Clara Bingemer, desde Rio de Janeiro, nos cuenta que están trabajando en la organización de un encuentro internacional entre teólogos norteamericanos y latinoamericanos en el mes de octubre. En Argentina, desde la Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche, se está organizando un Congreso Internacional sobre estética de la cultura popular donde participarán algunos de nuestros eticistas de la CTEWC contando la importancia del símbolo en la construcción de identidades, entre ellos estarán Martin Biaggini y Emilce Cuda (organizadores), José Carlos Caamano, Alex Vila Boas y Juan Manuel Rega como panelistas. En Rosario, Argentina, Aníbal Torres, Jorge Murillo y Santiago Barassi están organizando un seminario internacional sobre trabajo y Doctrina Social de la Iglesia, del cual participarán sindicatos, partidos políticos y movimientos sociales vinculados al catolicismo, y serán panelistas invitados Elio Gasda de Brasil, Emilce Cuda de Argentina y Abraham Canales de España.

De 26 a 28 de agosto, será realizado, em Aparecida-SP (Brasil) o Congresso Internacional de Ética Teológica, promovido pela Sociedade Brasileira de Teologia Moral e pelos Redentoristas de São Paulo, ccom a participação efetiva da Academia Alfonsiana, de Roma. O Congresso abordará o tema: ÉTICA ENTRE PODER E AUTORIDADE: cenários, fundamentos e perspectivas. A densidade das relações de poder resulta de longo processo de transformação sociocultural que chega aos nossos tempos com grandes exigências éticas. Em uma visão teológica cristã pretendemos buscar percepções sobre a magnitude desse fato, e fundamentos teoló gicos como contribuição acadêmica à busca plural de perspectivas éticas necessárias ao bem viver na sociedade plural. 
Calls For Papers
Societas Ethica 2019
"Digital Humanity - Ethical Analysis and Responses in an Age of Transformation" - The Annual Societas Ethica Conference takes place 27-30 June 2019 in Tutzing, Germany. For thematic areas and submission guidelines, read the full call for papers here

Cuestiones Teológicas  is an official journal of the Department of Theology, Philosophy and Humanities of Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín - Colombia. It covers the areas of scientific research related to theological knowledge and topics directly related to Theology.  The call for articles aims to receive manuscripts in the following academic categories: Scientific Articles, Scientific Reflection Paper, Review Articles or Reviews.  Revista Cuestiones Teológicas receives contributions in Spanish, English or Portuguese.
Guidelines for submitting articles can be found here.
Job Posting
Profile at KU Leuven: Professor theological ethics, specialized in social, political and/or economic ethics  

Each year at KU Leuven a limited number of academic positions are made available for excellent researchers with a high-quality research program. These positions are primarily research-oriented, but the applicants must be prepared to undertake limited teaching assignments. The Research Unit Theological and Comparative Ethics (Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies) is looking for suitable candidates, specialized in social , political and/or economic ethics.

The candidate must hold a Ph.D. in Theology or an equivalent Ph.D in another discipline combined with a profound knowledge of the Christian  social  ethical traditions. The candidate is an interdisciplinary expert in the relationship between theology or religion, and society. He/she has a profound knowledge of the  social  teaching of the Christian churches in general and the Catholic Church in particular, as well as an open attitude towards the  social /political or economic vision of other religions and secular philosophers and ethicists.  S/he has published on specific issues in the political,  social  or economic realm and is as such an acknowledged expert in one of the areas of specialization such as political ethics, business ethics,  social  ethics,  migration ethics, peace ethics and/or Catholic  social  teaching. The candidate must have exposure and/or being acquainted with action and advocacy by civil society organisations.

At the start of the mandate the candidates must have at least 3 full years of experience in scientific research, counting from the day of their PhD defense.  Exceptions might be authorized because of extraordinary potential and track record. The candidate must be a highly internationally recognized researcher in the field (senior positions) or a researcher with high research potential (junior positions), which is illustrated by internationally recognized scientific publications. Candidates also possess the appropriate didactic skills. Women and candidates from the Global South are especially encouraged to apply.

If you would be interested in applying for this position, please contact Prof. Bert Broeckaert ( [email protected] ), coordinator of the Research Unit Theological and Comparative Ethics, as soon as possible.
Fellowship Opportunities
1. Australian Catholic University's (ACU) Institute for Religion and Critical Inquiry (IRCI) seeks candidates of outstanding potential and demonstrated achievement with expertise in Autonomy, broadly conceived, to contribute to the five-year project,  Redeeming Autonomy: Vulnerability and Rationality .

The Redeeming Autonomy project seeks to make a strategic intervention in the academic and cultural debate around the concept of 'autonomy'. The project has two principle dimensions, which it seeks to bring into a fruitful relationship: the conceptual and historical; and the contextual and applied. Applications are invited from candidates whose research addresses an aspect of one, or both, of these strands of the project.

Applications are open until March 13, 2019. More information and application details are available here.

2. The  International Fellows Initiative  is a collaboration between the two Jesuit theology centers in the United States of America: the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry and the Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University in Berkeley.

The IFI hosts post-doctoral international scholars for a six to nine month period of research at either location (applicants will indicate their preference of research site as part of the application process). The IFI provides scholars with space, time, and resources to complete the research set forth in their fellowship proposal.

Applications for Fall 2019 are due March 15, 2019.  More information and application details here.

In This Issue
Fellowships and Grants
Submit and Browse CTWEC Resources

Submit Your Resources
Send us your announcements, job postings, recent publications, etc. Submit here.

Browse Resources
Check out fellowship, conference announcements, calls for papers, publications, etc.  Visit the resource page.

Kristin Heyer



Sara Bernard-Hoverstad

Asst. Editor

([email protected])