Volume 10 | October 2020
Opportunity Stanislaus Helps County, Cities Get Cares Act Funding to Local Businesses, Funds Scholarship for Displaced Workers
Dear Opportunity Stanislaus Investors:
As you know we have worked hard since the start of the COVID-19 epidemic to ease the burden on local business. Our latest efforts have been in helping the county and the cities of Riverbank and Oakdale utilize CARES Act funding to provide grants of up to $50,000 (for the countywide program with up to $20,000 in the respective cities). Our staff worked to help applicants with the necessary paperwork and to date we have assisted more than 100 small business owners/operators in applying for these funds. We even provided assistance in Spanish as statistics show that Hispanics have been hit disproportionately hard by the pandemic.

We also wanted to help those individuals laid off because of COVID so we partnered with the City of Modesto to create the City of Modesto CDBG VOLT Institute Scholarship Plan to provide up to 20 full scholarships to VOLT for qualified applicants. The applicants must be residents of Modesto and meet financial qualifications. Scholarship recipients will be trained in the Maintenance Mechanic program, an area where workers with one year of experience on the job are making over $28 an hour. Registration is still open for the fall and another class will start in January. The 360-hour course includes soft skills training and has morning, afternoon and evening classes.

Though we are all equally unsure of the course this pandemic will run, it has been our pleasure to serve businesses during this difficult time. If any of you, our valued investors, have been adversely impacted by COVID-19 we want to hear about it. I encourage you to fill out our investor survey by clicking here or reach out to me via email at If we haven’t reached out to you to set up a call or Zoom meeting about how we can best provide value to your organization, you will hear from us soon. We appreciate your support now more than ever.

Best Regards,
Dave White,
Chief Executive Officer

Register Now for the 6th Annual Business Women's Symposium

Valley Sierra Small Business Development Center is proud to announce the 6th Annual Business Women's Symposium with a focus on overcoming obstacles and celebrating success. The event features speakers Anna Eshoo of I AM YOGA Wellness Studio; Wanda Bonnell of Promise Scholars Program; and Sally Gerbo of Gerbo Designs. Tickets are just $10. To register click here.
Feature-length documentary explores the past, present and uncertain future of San Joaquin Valley Rivers and Water Supplies

“Until the Last Drop,” a feature-length documentary filmed along the banks of the Merced, Tuolumne, Stanislaus and San Joaquin Rivers is scheduled for virtual release Labor Day weekend 2020. In this probing film, Modesto Irrigation District (MID) along with Final Cut Media examine the rivers that have transformed the San Joaquin Valley, helped create cities and nourish the world.

Through interviews with more than two dozen scientists, elected leaders, appointed officials, water managers, conservationists and farmers, the filmmakers explored the controversy over how much water should remain in the rivers for environmental uses and how much should be shared with the 2.6 million people who drink it and the farmers who use it for growing food. 

To view the film click here.

Looking to Provide Supervisor Training for Your Employees? We Can Help

Turn your employees into managers with our six-part Supervisor Development Academy. The training, offered by VOLT Institute in partnership with AgSafe, starts October 20 with intermittent courses through December 15. The program, sponsored by California Manufacturing Technology Consulting, requires a $100 upfront payment but is reimbursable for enrollees that complete all six sessions. To register call (209) 566-9102 or by clicking here.

Opportunity Stanislaus Provides Free Training on The Fair Employment and Housing Act and ADA Compliance

On September 17 Opportunity Stanislaus sponsored a free online training at the request of Varni Brothers Corporation, an organization committed to the continuous upskilling of their staff. The training was on Fair Employment and Housing Act and ADA Compliance and was provided by Steve Monjaras of Return to Work Partners and was attended by over 30 people at three local organizations. To view a PDF of the training click here. If your organization has Human Resources training needs or you need free help hiring email Amber Edwards at

Want free training for your managers and employees about COVID-19 or just need signage for your office/store? We can help! Click here for more information and free training!

Help us help you by taking our quick five-minute survey. This is your chance to weigh in on how you think we are doing and how we can better serve your business! Click here to take the survey.

Opportunity Stanislaus is pleased to welcome its newest investor: JS West. To learn more about JS West click here.

Last month Opportunity Stanislaus ran a story on the Downtown Modesto Partnership's RAD card program. The amount raised was listed as $15,000 but DOMO then noted that the number was given in error and the correct number is in excess of $150,000. Anyone interested in donating should contact Josh Bridegroom at (209) 303-0411. All donations are tax-deductible.