ATEC News: June 2021
Last year, ATEC member dues funded the creation of a new foundation, Choose Aerospace, with the mission of promoting aviation technical careers.

Council leadership immediately began implementing an aggressive initiative to support the expansion and development of high school aviation technical programs. Over the last year the foundation managed a procurement process to identify aviation technical curriculum development partners and will soon roll out an ambitious plan to reach 10,000 users of the content by 2027.

Choose Aerospace is currently soliciting applications for high school programs that will pilot the program during the 2021-2022 academic year. For more information about the curriculum, including the previously-recorded informational briefing, visit or email

While the deadline to apply is June 15, Choose Aerospace will continue to accept applications until twenty pilot schools are selected.
Legislative News
ATEC recently joined a coalition of more than 30 organizations representing U.S. aviation, trucking, rail, and maritime interests to express support for legislation promoting career opportunities available throughout the nation’s transportation sector. Read More.
Aviation Coalition Urges Continued Congressional Funding of FAA Workforce Grant Program
In a letter to House and Senate leadership, the aviation community urged Congress to once again fully fund the aviation workforce development grant programs created by the 2018 FAA Reauthorization billRead More.
Congress Re-Introduces Bill to Create Aviation Workforce Center of Excellence
Senators and representatives recently introduced a bill to establish the National Center for Advancement of Aviation (S.1752/H.R. 3482). The legislative text funds the creation a nationally-chartered, independent private entity to facilitate collaboration and cooperation between all sectors of aviation to coordinate, promote, and support the future of aviation. Read More.
Congratulations to the Student and Educator of Year
An instructor at Kansas State University Polytechnic and a student from Lansing Community College were named the 2021 recipients of ATEC's most prestigious awards. The annual awards are made possible through partnership with the Northrop Rice Foundation and, who provide cash prizes to recipients. Read More and watch the recorded award ceremony.
Join the ATEC Board: Nominations are Open
The board supports ATEC’s mission and provides leadership and strategic governance. Each fall, the ATEC nominating committee undergoes a selection process to fill vacating directorships. In September, two institutional member representative slots are available. Learn more and submit a nomination here.
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