It's Showtime, CSI
Kevin Vaughn

The year has started off with a bang for our chapter! 

Puget Sound CSI's January Joint-Chapter Meeting with American Concrete Institute (ACI) was a big success and we learned all about the new Rainier Square redevelopment. The construction technologies that have been employed and the benefits realized in both the schedule and to the owner are nothing short of amazing. Brian Morgen from Magnusson Klemencic Associates in Seattle gave a great overview of the fascinating project. More information can be found at the following link:

Our February chapter meeting was incredible as well. We were back at Ivar's Acres of Clams on Alaskan Way for an in-depth presentation about the future of the Seattle waterfront, which is certain to transform our city in ways we can only imagine. It was interesting to hear firsthand about this process from Bob Donegan, President of Ivar's and a member of the Waterfront Steering Committee, which reports directly to Seattle's Mayor and City Council.

This month is going to be a big one for our chapter, featuring our annual ProSpec Event as well as a St. Patrick's Day social function at the Washington Athletic Club (WAC). I look forward to you attending this meeting in order to vote for next year’s Board of Directors, which will be done in-person this year. See below for more information about who is running, and who to contact if you’re interested in joining us!

I cannot say enough about the efforts and accomplishments of Julie Taylor and her ProSpec committee year after year. This committee operates as a well-oiled machine and is something to admire. I cannot wait to attend ProSpec this year and there is no doubt it will be a very exciting evening for our chapter.  
As they say in the entertainment business, "It's Showtime!"

Kevin Vaughn