Unitarian Universalist Congregational Society of Westborough
Weekly Update
February 28, 2019
Sunday, March 3 – 10:30 am
Found While Lost
Rev. Bev Preaching
In Becoming: A Spiritual Guide for Navigating Adulthood, Rev. Erik W. Martínez Resly writes, “The question is not whether we will get lost in life, but rather how we will move through it in faith. Will we dwell on everything that we have lost? Or will we focus instead on everything that we have yet to find?” Join Rev. Bev as she explores how, in matters big and small, you can be found when you think you are lost.
This Week in Religious Education
RE classes: March 3rd we are beginning in the Sanctuary at 10:30 and you can pick your kids up from their regularly scheduled RE classes at 11:45! Thanks!

Battling Horcruxes: This year our 5th/6th grade RE class is participating in the program Harry and the UU, which explores the injustices in the world today through the lens of JK Rowling’s Harry Potter book series. February’s horcrux is about Animal Cruelty and how we can confront it! See what the kids learned on their poster by the bathrooms. March’s horcrux is the Environmental Horcrux. Please help us support them as they are thinking about how to better care for their world.

Teachers: Please review the RE signup genius and consider donating your time and talents for a few more sessions. Some of our classes don’t yet have teachers signed up and we would like to make religious education here at UUCSW a wonderful experience. In addition to the regularly scheduled RE Classes, please consider volunteering to help with the many Group RE classes we have in the upcoming months. We would love to see you and your children as often as you can come! Thank you!

PreK-1st Grade:
Spirit Play: Come hear some moral, interfaith stories, have hands on play, and enjoy a light snack.

2nd-4th Grade:
Moral Tales: Come learn more about how every person can make a difference! We’ve got some great activities for today!

5th-6th Grade:
Harry and UU: Come join us as we learn about the Environmental Horcrux and how we can reimagine our desires and deeds to address it.

7th-8th Grade:
Modified Building Bridges: For the month of March we will be learning about Buddhism!
UU Knits March 4
Do you enjoy any type of needle or yarn craft? Then bring your WIP (Work in Progress) to sit and gab with other crafters while you make some progress! We provide a zero-pressure setting, and we have a great time. We welcome all skill levels. Join us in the Parlor on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month at 6:30 pm.
Book Group March 8
For MARCH, we are reading Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis by J.D. Vance. Please join us. The group is open to all. We usually meet in members’ homes and enjoy small groups of seven to ten people. We enjoy some light refreshments, lively discussion, and wonderful company. You are welcome to attend.

If you are planning to attend for the first time, please email: Judithteacake@gmail.com.
Buddhist Group March 17
Several people have mentioned they would like to come to the meetings but have scheduling conflicts. Understandable! For you we found this:

Starting in March there is an opportunity for some informal meditation instruction online for free. The magazine Tricycle has an annual Meditation Challenge to encourage meditation in beginners and long-time practitioners. Martine Batchelor will post weekly guided meditation videos and there will be two live group calls with her for questions. There is a Facebook group and regular emailed tips and reminders. And other stuff; check out the webpage: tricycle.org

Erin and Carol will be following along in the challenge.

Of course, there's nothing quite like meeting in person with friends to discuss and meditate together. Still try to come sit with us if you can! Feel free to drop in for any meeting. The next meeting is March 17 in the Chapel at 1:30 pm. For questions contact Erin Gold kentuckybluerose@gmail.com or Carol Palmer cgpl1fe@yahoo.com. May all beings know peace.
Snow Cancellation Information
If the weather is inclement and you’re wondering if services are cancelled please check the following places: 

WEBSITE: www.uucsw.org
PHONE: The church’s outgoing message (508-366-2635) will reflect weather-related closing.