We are grateful for your prayers!
Thank you for joining us this week as we at the Baptist World Alliance pray for our worldwide Baptist family and for God's work around the globe. If you pray along with us weekly, you will be able to pray for the entire world each year!

Irish Baptist Networks is a member of the BWA 1905 Founders Circle who helped fund the creation of the Heritage & Mission Welcome Center that opened at the BWA Office in Falls Church, Virginia, USA, in 2019.
Join us in thanking God for the vital role that Baptist leaders in Ireland have played in the life of the BWA since its beginning in 1905. 

Join us in prayer that Baptists would continue to have a positive witness in a rapidly-changing society. 
United Kingdom

3 Member Bodies
Baptist Union of Great Britain
  • 1,940 Churches
  • 115,567 Members
Baptist Union of Scotland
  • 158 Churches
  • 10,884 Members
Baptist Union of Wales
  • 340 Churches
  • 9,447 Members

Pictured is General Secretary Elijah Brown with staff from Scottish Baptist College. He traveled to Scotland in September 2019 to participate in the European Baptist Federation's Council Meeting in Glasgow and to celebrate the 100-year anniversary of the Baptist Union of Scotland.
Join us in thanking God for the positive contributions Great Britain has made in world history and for the role church leaders in this region have played in ecumenical movements. We also give thanks for the partnership between BMS World Mission and BWA, which has resulted in the leadership work of Rachel Conway-Doel in the formation of the Baptist World Alliance Forum for Aid and Development (BFAD).
Join us in prayer for political, ministry, and church leaders as they respond to the changes resulting from Brexit.

We also pray for Tony Peck, General Secretary of the European Baptist Federation region, who makes his home in England.

Thank you for your prayers for Rev. Elijah Brown and his time with the Executive Committee this week at the BWA Office in Falls Church, Virginia. This is a vital time of prayer, planning, and fellowship with nearly 100 people in attendance from 21 countries.

During the Monday morning gathering, Rev. Brown announced the appointment of Rev. Everton Jackson as the new Director of Integral Mission. Pictured is a commissioning time of prayer. Please join us in prayer for Rev. Jackson as he transitions into this vital role within the Baptist World Alliance.

Prayer to the God of Passion and Power

God of passion and power,
insistent, immediate,
challenging, compelling us with your story’s breathless beginning.
Walk us into the wilderness
to hear your voice where silence reigns.
Give us insight, the vision beyond all seeing,
so we may look upon heavens torn open
and know that the time of good news for all creation
is always now. Amen.

Claire Amos )