DHEC Environmental eNews
June 2021 | View as Webpage
DHEC continues to work with federal, state, and local partners as it responds to COVID-19 in South Carolina. As we remain committed to protecting the safety and health of the public during this ongoing pandemic, DHEC's Environmental Affairs staff is also focused on keeping our customers and stakeholders informed of important events, regulations, meetings, permitting information, and compliance information.
COVID-19 Vaccine Update

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control recently announced the COVID-19 B.1.617.2 (Delta) variant has been classified as a Variant of Concern (VOC)The Delta variant was first identified in India and carries a higher rate of transmission and a greater chance of severe disease than other COVID-19 variants. In South Carolina, four confirmed cases of the Delta variant have been identified, to date. 

Getting fully vaccinated with one of the three available COVID-19 vaccines is the number one way to protect yourself against COVID-19 and its variants, including the Delta variant. DHEC continues to encourage everyone 12 and older to get vaccinated. This is especially important for young adults, who are part of the most unvaccinated age group nationwide and in South Carolina.

Visit the Vax Locator to find vaccine sites near you.
Hurricane Season

Hurricane season began June 1st. Are you prepared? DHEC encourages families and businesses, literally and figuratively, to "Be ready for the storm." Visit our website to learn about what to do before, during, and after a natural disaster occurs. Industry partners should review and update Emergency Action Plans now--before the storm. 
Retail food industry partners can visit our website for information on Retail Food Emergency Action Plans, what to do in the event of a flood or power outage, and how to handle boil water emergencies.
Ozone Action Days

South Carolina has had two forecasted Code Orange Ozone Action Days since Ground-level Ozone forecasting season began on April 1st of this year. Code Orange Ozone Action Day means that atmospheric conditions will likely produce concentrations of ground level ozone that may be unhealthy for sensitive groups, such as people with lung disease and other respiratory problems.  

DHEC has a team of experienced meteorologists on staff who review weather and air quality information daily to produce a next-day ozone forecast, which is posted on DHEC’s own ozone website and U.S. EPA’s AIRNow website. 
MyCoast South Carolina

MyCoast South Carolina is a web and mobile-based application that houses a suite of tools where users can submit photographs and data associated with high-tide flooding, storm damage, and marine debris. MyCoast was designed to engage the public and enhance awareness of coastal hazards among the general public, stakeholders, and decision makers. Visit to learn more. 
Top Ten Permitting Obstacles that Spell Delay for Retail Food Establishments

The Division of Food and Lead Risk Assessments has updated the Retail Food Industry / How to Apply for a Permit webpage to include "Top Ten Permitting Obstacles that Spell Delay." This handy fact sheet lists the most frequent issues operators encounter that prevent them from obtaining a permit on the first try. 
Regulatory Updates
Hazardous Waste Airbags & Aerosol Cans

Amendments to R.61-79, Hazardous Waste Management Regulations have been published in the State Register. The amendments adopt EPA's interim final rules “Safe Management of Recalled Airbags” and “Universal Waste Regulations: Addition of Aerosol Cans.” 
Permitting of Agricultural Animal Facilities

Amendments to R.61-43 have been published in the State Register. These amendments incorporate Act 139 of 2018, which amended S.C. Code Sections 44-1-60 and 46-45-80 and added Section 44-1-65. S.C. Code Section 44-1-65 establishes specific requirements for review and appeal of decisions by DHEC regarding the permitting, licensing, certification, or other approval of poultry and other animal facilities, except for swine facilities.
Composting & Mulch Production

Amendments to R.61-107.4, Solid Waste Management: Compost and Mulch Production from Land-clearing Debris, Yard Trimmings and Organic Residuals have been published in the State Register. The regulation was originally effective in 1993 and was revised in 2014. The current revisions are proposed to improve environmental protection, by means such as clarifying storage limits and financial assurance requirements.
Join Our Team!
As the state agency charged with promoting and protecting South Carolina's public health and environment, DHEC has a legacy of attracting and retaining talented individuals who want to build rewarding and successful careers. DHEC employs a wide range of environmental professionals from engineers and geologists to inspectors and meteorologists.
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