Week of July 11, 2021 With St. Martin's
Facebook Live Link: http://www.facebook.com/SaintMartinsEpiscopalChurchBridgewaterNJ
Sunday's service will be a low mass, which means that there will be no music or incense.
Also, the Parish Picnic will be held after the service on the patio. Burgers, hot dogs, veggie burgers and non-alcoholic drinks will be provided by the church. Please bring your favorite summer side dish or dessert. Lawn games will be set up for adults and children. If you have a game, please bring one. Since we will be providing the hot dogs and burgers, please email Alison at randyali@aol.com by Thursday noon if you and your family plan to come so we have an approximate amount of hot dogs and burgers to purchase.
At this moment, Sunday looks like it may be a rainy day, so we will send out an email on Saturday afternoon if it looks like will have to postpone the picnic.
Outreach needs two volunteers to act as servers on the SHIP food truck on Wednesday evening, July 21st. Please contact Marlene at 908-704-9527 or mficzko@optonline.net.
July is casserole month. Please prepare and deliver casseroles to the SHIP office during the month of July.
Acolytes Needed
It is the hope that in mid-September, we will once again be able to celebrate a full and complete Sung Mass on Sundays. In preparation for the return of a more normalized routine, Father Rob is looking for those who would like to serve at the altar. Over the summer there will be training sessions for Thurifers, Crucifers, and Lay Eucharistic Ministers. Please let Father Rob know if you (or your child) are interested in serving.
There is an urgent need for Crucifers. Anyone aged 11 and above, who can comfortably carry the Crucifix in procession, may serve as a Crucifer. Youth are especially encouraged to volunteer.
Anyone aged 16 and above may serve as a Lay Eucharistic Minister.
Please let Father Rob know as soon as possible, so training dates can be arranged.
Grounds for Sculpture
A small but enthusiastic group explored the grounds last Friday. It was a glorious day.
Women's Group
Here is a link to the ideas that everyone had about get-togethers for the group, as well as thoughts about the Fall Family Fun-fest Fundraiser. Women's Group Ideas
Coffee Hour
We need your help!
If you would like to become a coffee hour host, we are asking you to provide a baked good (does not have to be homemade), iced tea and lemonade. There is no need to buy ice tea or lemonade this week because there is plenty leftover from last week. Please copy this link to find out more:
A Message from the Diocese
The 17TH Annual Bishop George E. Councell Memorial Golf Tournament will take place this fall on Monday, October 11, 2021, Columbus Day, at Mercer Oaks Golf Club in West Windsor, New Jersey. Over the past 16 years, we have raised over $390,000 for the work and ministry of Trinity Cathedral!
Half of the diocesan congregations and friends have participated in this event. We invite you to join us this year. Please consider supporting this event by placing a sponsorship or advertisement in this year’s souvenir booklet. Attached to this email are copies of the AD/SPONSOR FORM and GOLF PARTICIPATION FORM for your convenience.
For questions, please contact Dick Koenig (rwkoenig225@verizon.net), or contact Patrice D’Angelo, Cathedral Administrator, at the number on the form.
Bishop Stokes speaks of Trinity Cathedral as The Spiritual Center of the Diocese of New Jersey and our Second Church Home. Your advertisement/sponsorship and partnership with the work and ministry of the Cathedral will keep the Cathedral as a powerful place of witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ in this Diocese.
Fellowship Dates
Place them on your calendar NOW!
July 18th 11:30 a.m. - Summer BBQ on St. Martin's Patio
August ? - Rafting on the Delaware (Date TBD)
September 12th - Kick-off Sunday
October 10th - Canticles for Life - AIDS benefit concert
October 16th - Fall Family Fun-fest
Ride To Church
Do you need a lift to get to service on Sunday? Please contact the church office at www.stmartinsnj.org and we will find someone to pick you up.
Prayer Concerns and Blessings
If you would like your prayer/blessing request included in the Prayers of the People, please email your prayer request to Philip at philip.muniz@gmail.com by Friday afternoon of each week.
- Jane Linn's grandson, Jacob, and his family
- Peggy Irwin
- Mary Irwin
- Elsie Francis
- Linda Virtue in her recovery
- Philip in his recuperation
Guidelines for In Person Worship
Following the guidance of the Diocese, the Reopening Committee and Vestry have adopted the following changes to our in person gatherings.
1. Vaccinated people do not need to wear a face mask, nor be socially distanced, but are encouraged to consider continuing these practices around children and others who may wish to remain socially distanced. Vaccinated people may sing unmasked.
2. Some have expressed a desire to continue to wear a face mask and/or be socially distanced, regardless of their vaccination status. Please feel free to continue to practice these measures if they make you feel safer.
3. The Gospel Side of the Nave (left side facing the altar) will be an open seating section. You may sit anywhere on that side. No social distance is required. No face masks are required (although you may choose to wear one). Reservations are not needed to sit in this section. When you arrive at church, tell the usher you wish to sit in open seating.
4. The Epistle Side of the Nave (right side facing the altar- near the Lady Chapel) will maintain social distancing and people who sit on this side will continue to wear a face mask. This section is appropriate for families with children and other non-vaccinated people, and vaccinated people who desire these extra measures for their personal comfort and protection.
5. If you desire or need to sit in a socially distanced pew, please continue to reserve a pew, following the instructions on the website. There are 5 pews (and the choir loft) available: 2 singles or a family of 2-5 may sit in each pew. When you arrive inside the church, please tell the usher that you have made a reservation for a socially distanced pew, and the usher will help you find a seat. https://www.stmartinsnj.org/in-person-church-sign-up/
6. Please remember to print your own copy of the Mass leaflet, or download it to read on your device.
7. No one will be asking your vaccination status and you are on your honor to follow the expectations of the Diocese.
8. You may park anywhere in the parking lot. You no longer need to keep a space between you and the other cars.
9. Please stay at home if you are sick. The Mass will continue to be live-streamed.
Join the Fellowship Committee
The Fellowship Committee is looking for members. Do you like to help plan events? We are looking for people who can help with any of the following: advertising, decorating, planning activities for both adults and children, cooking or baking, fundraising, etc. As you can see from above, we have a few events coming up that we need your help with. Please email Alison at randyali@aol.com.