Vol. 10, Iss. 8
February 27, 2020
Dear Parents,
What an exciting week it has been here at BFA! Last weekend, many families spent their Friday and/or Saturday evening watching the absolutely amazing performances of 'Mulan, Jr.' by our middle school performing arts students. The students in the musical theatre performance elective as well as the technical theatre elective worked together to put on high school level performances. The singing, acting, and dancing was so fun to watch. And, our tech crew was fantastic (and calm under pressure!). We have so much talent in this building! Thank you to all of the parents who helped support the production with costumes, set building, painting and getting kids to extra practices. The kids can't do it without support of the parents and their outstanding teachers.
Ms. Johnson, Mrs. Hinkle, and Mrs. Tickle who put in hours upon hours to make this the professional show that it was.
This week, the middle school girls
basketball A Team won the league championship for the THIRD STRAIGHT SEASON! Their undefeated season continued with a win on Tuesday night at home against North Star Academy. The gym was packed with fans of the Lightning Bolts, and most everyone was decked out in red for our Red Out! These players are so much fun to watch--it's been an amazing season and we're a little sad it's over. Way to go, girls!
Thank you to everyone who participated in the parent survey. We had an outstanding response rate, with 99.4 percent of families responding! The results will be analyzed by the SAC, the Board and the Administration during the next few months.
Next week, we'll launch our new carpool app. This is so exciting! We strive to be innovators and problem solvers and this new app is an example of that. Please make sure that you have downloaded the app and are ready for launch on Monday! The first few days will require extra patience as we get the new system rolling. Please demonstrate the core values that we expect from our students while dealing with staff and volunteers as we go through this transition.
Safety continues to be a focus here at BFA and in the school district. Next Tuesday, March 3, we will be participating in another lock-down drill in cooperation with the Douglas County Sheriff's Office and the School District Security Team. The drill will begin at 9:30 a.m. and will last approximately thirty minutes. Please plan accordingly if you have appointments and need to pick up/drop off your students during this time. The school will not be accessible from 9:30 a.m. until approximately 10 a.m. next Tuesday.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Diana Simpson
As announced previously, we are updating our current carpool process and will begin using an app,
Bolts Out
, for dismissal beginning Monday, March 2.
You should have already downloaded and set up the app; but please see this presentation for instructions, if necessary. In case you don't remember how the new app will work, below is an outline of the process we'll begin using on Monday:
We will continue to use both A and B lanes for dismissal. As usual, you should not switch lanes once you're on BFA property. We recently marked our A and B lanes with large, painted letters so it's easy for parents to tell which lane they are in. You'll also notice red and white striping as well as a flag identifying the 'Check-In Zone.'
Beginning at 2 p.m., but not before, parents can start arriving for afternoon carpool dismissal.
When queuing for dismissal, you'll need to do the following:
- Turn into lane A or B
- Pull forward to the Bolts Out Check In Zone (signified by the red/white stripes and large flag)
- Put your car in park
- Open the Bolts Out app on your smartphone. Your family number and name will show up on the home screen of the app.
- To pick up your student, press the circle for A or B lane, depending on which lane you're in that day.
- Next, if you are carpooling, click on the top circle with the '>' symbol to scroll through your authorized carpool list. When you see the last name of the student(s) you are picking up that day, take action to select A or B lane (depending on which lane you're in). Keep scrolling, and selecting lane A or B until you've selected all your students for pick up. As you scroll through your carpool choices, if you do not press A or B when a family name comes up, you will NOT be designated to pick up that student.
Please note: The '>' sign on the app home page, will only show up if another BFA family has set up your cell phone number for carpooling. And, you can press the '<' sign at the bottom of the screen to scroll back.
7. Put your cell phone aside.
8. Put up your blue tag to show you've Checked In.
9. Pull around into the dismissal car line.
10. Wait for the staff member to guide your car into the actual pick up areas; volunteers will be on hand to help out for the first few weeks.
11.Once your student(s) is in your car, you can remove the blue tag from your rearview mirror and that will let us know that you've collected your student(s) and are ready to exit.
Please keep in mind that the
walker process has not changed. We will maintain our current list of permanent walkers, and anyone wishing to be added or removed from that list needs to email
traffic@bfacademy.org by 1:30 p.m. the day of the change.
We look forward to using our new dismissal app, Bolts Out, beginning on Monday, March 2!
Please join us for a
Parent Seminar
from 7-8:30 p.m. next Tuesday, March 3, in the Middle School Commons
. Our very own BFA school psychologist,
Hugh Redford, will be speaking on
Executive Functioning
from 7-8 p.m. and then the CEC will host a small gathering with goodies and drinks afterwards.
The annual Math Olympiad problem solving competition with Platte River Academy was held this week and we're excited to note that 25 students participated in the competition! There were nine students from PRA and 16 from BFA. Awards and certificates were given to the first and second highest scoring students in each grade. Congratulations to the following winners:
- 5
Grade - First Place: Will McGeary (BFA), Second Place: Anna Turner (BFA
- 6th Grade - First Place: Aanya Naik (PRA), Second Place: Deeptha Sridar (PRA)
- 7th Grade - First Place: Gavin Sarra (PRA), Second Place: Braxton Bower (PRA)
- 8th Grade - First Place: Siva Sundaresh (BFA), Second Place: Tuhin Sur (BFA)
In addition to BFA students receiving 3 of the 5 top scores, Siva Sundaresh was the highest scoring BFA student. Everyone enjoyed the competition and they're looking forward to another event with PRA at BFA on Tuesday, March 24.
anks to all our BFA and PRA student competitors, the STEM Committee, BFA math teachers, as well as the parents and volunteers who made this event successful!
Accelerated Reader (AR) Dress of Choice day,
is tomorrow,
Feb. 28, for those students in grades 1-5 who have met their AR goal. If you are uncertain if your student has made his/her goal, please contact their teacher.
We want to give a huge shout out to our
Ben's Brigade Dads of BFA! Without your help and support, our Morning with Moms Event would not have been a huge success. Thank you!
We also want to thank
Smoothie King in Highlands Ranch Town Center (1100 Sergeant Jon Stiles Dr #101) for making more than 500 smoothies the morning of the event. We hope all the moms/aunts/friends enjoyed a special morning with your students last week! If you are interested in assisting with future CEC events, or have any feedback on past events, please feel free to
email us at
Ms. Johnson wanted to share her sincere thanks to the cast, tech crew, directors and volunteers for a very successful show this past weekend.
Following is a note from her...
Mulan, Jr. was so different than any other performance we've done--the cast challenged themselves to learn new styles of dance and did a beautiful job. The tech crew also was incredible--and, extra thanks to them for wonderful lighting design and sound. They were thrown some extra challenges during the Friday show and were able to improvise solutions on the spot and fix them all for Saturday.
Musicals are something that require a ton of help--thank you to all the costumers, set builders,
painters and truck drivers!
Special thanks to Dylan Gregory, Crystal Williams, Summer Tenney, the Schwartz family, Karen Graves and Russ Pitrone for going above and beyond. Between everyone, there were probably more than 1000 volunteer hours put into the show!
Every year I raise my expectations for my cast and crew, and every year they rise to that level and put on an amazing show.
Their passion and dedication were evident in every song and scene, and even every scene change!
Also, thanks to all the co-directors who added so much to this production--
LaCretia Gelley and
Caden Randolph, as well as to our tech directors,
Ali Hinkle and
Laura Tickle.
Congratulations and thanks for putting on a wonderful show!
The PTO's spirit wear store is open now, but will close on Sunday, March 1, for the year. If you or your student need a new BFA t-shirt, hoodie, or other BFA spirit wear, or spirit items, now's your chance. Please visit the store on
MySchoolBucks to place an order TODAY!
All items will be delivered to the classroom and sent home with your student.
The eighth grade class has been working hard in their language arts and social studies classes over the past month researching topics spanning the globe and time periods. The eighth graders wrote research papers with the theme of
"Breaking Barriers in History." Students will be presenting their findings next week in social studies class and exhibiting their work at the
annual Social Studies Fair in the Lightning Gym on Friday, March 6. Parents are welcome to visit the fair between
8:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. with a break between 11 a.m. and 12:40 p.m.
Take advantage of this last chance to
order your yearbook at a discounted price! Prices will go up this Sunday, March 1. Like last year, the only way to
purchase a yearbook is through our vendor, Walsworth. The PTO will not be offering yearbook sales at any other events throughout the year. Don't wait, get yours today!
Now - Feb. 29, 2020 = $31.00 per book
March 1 - March 31, 2020 = $36.00 per book
Order and pay for your 2019 - 20 yearbook today!
We're happy to announce that we've partnered with Bookies Bookstore, and at
1 p.m. on Monday, March 2, Author David Kelly will visit with our second, third and fourth graders to talk about his book series,
"Ballpark Mysteries." Books can be purchased for $6 each at the event; and after the discussion,
David Kelly will sign books for students. (Students can bring cash or check made out to 'Bookies Bookstore' to purchase a book.) Parents are welcome to attend and will also be able to order books after the event.
See this
for more information.
Come cheer on your BFA Destination Imagination (DI) teams at the South Metro tournament on
Saturday, March 7, at
Fort Logan Northgate 3-8 (4000 S. Lowell Blvd., Denver, 80236)
BFA has two middle school and secondary level teams competing in the afternoon. Our teams will be demonstrating their problem solving skills in the following category:
Improv Challenge: To the Rescue
- Noon, Fantastic Fajitas...We're Spicy!, Middle
- 1:40 p.m., SSSSTT: SuperSillyous Serendipitous Sophisticated Savvy Think Tank, Secondary
The teams would enjoy your support and to see BFA faces in the audience rooting them to victory! Everyone is welcome. The entire tournament schedule is available by clicking here.
Come enjoy a delicious dinner and support BFA! Mici Handcrafted Italian (9245 S. Broadway, Highlands Ranch) will generously donate 20 percent of all dine-in, delivery, and carry-out purchases on Tuesday, March 10, between 11 a.m.- 8:30 p.m. Just be sure to mention BFA!
Help us make this evening a success by sharing this great opportunity with your family, friends and colleagues!
Join Ms. Johnson for a FUN after school improvisation class! The Comedy Improv class is for students grades 3-8 and will be held from 3:30 - 4 on Tuesdays beginning March 24 and going through May 12. This class provides an introduction to students wanting to learn the fundamentals of improvisation. Participants will learn the basic tools, rules and philosophy through games, drills and simple scenes.
Sign up today!
Due to the Parent Seminar, the monthly CEC Monthly Meeting will be rescheduled to Tuesday, March 10 at 6:30 p.m. We will be gathering at Old Blinking Light, in the front section of the restaurant, for our meeting. Please join us as we plan for the remaining CEC Events this school year. All are welcome!
Last Spring, King Soopers and City Market replaced the reloadable grocery card fundraising program with an even
better AND EASIER rewards program. The King Soopers Community Rewards Program helps our school earn money back from each purchase when you scan a linked King Soopers or City Market loyalty card at check out. Here's how it works:
- Sign in to your digital account at King Soopers Community Rewards. If you haven't already set up an account, set up your account and link your King Soopers card or phone number to your account.
- Click on Community Rewards, Enroll Now and search for Ben Franklin Parent Teacher Organization or enter our code XN773. Click Save.
- Next time you check out at King Sooper or City Market, scan your card (or enter your alternate ID), and BFA will get money back from your purchase.
Since the new program began last April,
BFA has earned over $2,600 from 45 linked accounts. We hope you'll take the time to link your account to BFA so we can increase those easy fundraising dollars. Thank you to everyone for your continued support!
Is your elementary student interested in learning Spanish? If so, our middle school Spanish teacher,
Señora Connell, is offering a Spanish class for elementary students
. You can sign up for classes by the month. The cost for this activity is $50 per month, per student; and, payments should be made via Zelle or check (made out to Patricia Connell).
Morning classes: Kids in grades K-5 will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:30 to 8 a.m. in the Spanish classroom (#276)
Afternoon classes: Kindergarten through second grade will meet Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:30 - 4 p.m. in the Spanish classroom (#276). Third grade through fifth grade will meet Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30 - 4 p.m. in the Spanish room (#276).
You can sign up for one month at a time. Classes follow the regular BFA school calendar for breaks/days off, and continue until the end of May.
Please contact Señora Connell for registration, payment information and questions.
The School Advisory Committee (SAC) will meet from
4:30 - 5:30 p.m. today, Feb. 27,
in the Conference Room. All welcome to attend!
Ben's Brigade will meet from
8 - 9 p.m. today, Feb. 27
, at Lansdowne Arms in Highlands Ranch. All BFA dads are welcome to attend!
Accelerated Reader (AR) Dress of Choice day, is tomorrow, Feb. 28. If your elementary student(s) in grade 1-5 made their AR goal, they can participate in Dress of Choice. Please contact his/her teacher if you are uncertain about whether your student achieved his/her goal.
Please join us for a
Parent Seminar
from 7-8:30 p.m. next Tuesday, March 3, in the Middle School Commons
Hugh Redford
, will be speaking on
Executive Functioning
from 7-8 p.m. and then the CEC will host a small gathering.
Tuesday/Thursday preschool kiddos will take their class pictures on Tuesday, March 3, during school. A form for ordering pictures will be sent home this week.
Wednesday, March 4
, is a Formal Uniform Day
. Students should wear their navy polo shirt with the BFA logo and tan pants, shorts, skirt or a skort.
lass pictures are on Wednesday, March 4, for M/W/F preschool kids and students in grades K-8. Forms for ordering pictures will be sent home this week.
There are some full-day kindies with ANTS IN THEIR PANTS! Come watch the performance at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 4, on the performance stage in the Thunder Gym.
The eighth graders wrote research papers with the theme of "Breaking Barriers in History." Students will be presenting their findings next week at the Social Studies Fair in the Lightning Gym on Friday, March 6. Parents are welcome to visit the fair between 8:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. with a break between 11 a.m. and 12:40 p.m.
Ben Franklin Academy 2270 Plaza Drive Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 |
Fax: (303) 974-1738
Our mission is to create young adults with character like America's founding Renaissance man, Benjamin Franklin: well-read, scientifically curious, and civically engaged.
Our students will excel academically through a challenging, sequenced curriculum that emphasizes math, science, and literacy. We will be a data driven institution, focusing on individual students. Our students, teachers, parents, staff, and leaders will be held accountable for the success of our school. Finally, we recognize that an education is incomplete without fostering the arts, sports, nature, and character.
Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Purity and Humility.