Shir Chadash Rabbinic Search Committee

Dear Shir Chadash Members,
With Rabbi Silver’s announcement that she will be stepping down from her position at the end of her contract on June 30, 2022, we have begun to plan for a rabbinic search. This note will provide you with a brief update on preliminary activities we have initiated. 
We are pleased to inform you that Bob Kutcher and Nicole Tygier have agreed to serve as search committee co-chairs. Below are the members of the Rabbinic Search Committee. Each of them brings a valuable perspective that ensures the committee represents various demographics of our community.
Bob Kutcher – Co-chair
Nicole Tygier – Co-chair
Julie Finkelstein-Steinhaus
Danny Mintz
Rochelle Sackett
Will Samuels
Mark Schleifstein
Karen Sher
Laurie Sterbcow
Ken Klein – Ex officio
Peter Title – Ex officio
Bob, Nicole and I have spoken with our United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism (USCJ) liaison about the rabbinic search process and how USCJ might assist us in the search process. She has shared her insights and provided us with placement materials for the search committee to use. 
We will be seeking involvement from the congregation during the search process. Your voice matters to the search committee. We are considering the most efficient way to gather this vital input from congregants.
We plan to communicate with you as we move through the search process. Thank you for your support as we undertake the process to select our next Rabbi.
Ken Klein