April Showers Brought
Mother's Day Flowers! 

So many choices and unique gift items too. Come shop and let us help you!
Attend Tomorrow's 
Container Gardening Class!

Class begins at 4:30 p.m.
Sign up at either location for tomorrow's Container Gardening class and surprise mom with your newly acquired container gardening skills. 

It's the perfect Mother's Day gift. 

Maximum class size: 30

Flower Pots & Containers  
15% OFF -  Saturday Only
Shop for Mother's Day and take advantage of tomorrow's 15% off all flower pots.

You're sure to find the right one for the Container Gardening class and for Mom too.  

Sale ends Saturday, May 7.  
Fairy Garden Class
Friday, May 13

Sign up and attend our first Fairy Gardening class next Friday, in Goldsby, at 4:30 p.m.. 

Learn how to design, and create whimsical fairy gardens.  Share the fun and bring a friend. You're sure to see the magic begin! 

Goldsby location only: 405-288-2368
KFOR-TV Landscape And
Garden Photo Contest 
Do you have a green thumb and enjoy photographing your garden too? 

Enter our sixth annual landscaping garden photo contest Submit your photo by Sunday, June 5, 2016.

Only Oklahoma residents may participate. Contest details posted soon on our website.
May Is National Military Month  
Home of the free because of the brave! Marcum's Nursery thanks our service men and woman for serving our country. 

Receive 10% off May 28 (Armed Forces Day) through Memorial Day, Monday, May 30. 

Military ID required at purchase.
Raised Bed 
Is A Great Success! 
Lady Bug Natural Brand

Both store locations had a great turn out for Kate, our rep with Lady Bug Natural Brand. 

Kate  demonstrated how easy it is to put together your raised bed garden from pallets, and how to  grow in and maintain raised beds adding compost, fertilizer, and plants. 

Check our Events info on the website for upcoming classes. Don't miss
the Fairy Gardening class Friday, May 13. 
May Maintenance Guidelines
After years of working in the industry and building a nursery business around Oklahoma's inclement weather, we are suggesting the following maintenance guidelines:

* Plant your Ball & Burlap (B & B) trees.

* Add Marcum's Redbud Compost to revitalize your soil nutrients while planting new plants. 

* Apply  Hi-Yield Grub Free Zone II to control mole crickets. 

* Dollar spot disease can first become visible on lawns in mid-May. Apply ferti-lome Liquid Systemic Fungicide or ferti-lome F-Stop. Make certain fertilizer applications have been adequate before ever applying a fungicide. 

* The second application of pre-emergent, Hi-Yield Ornamental Weed Preventer with Dimension or orzulyn herbicides, can be applied in May to early-June depending upon tiing of first application. Check label for details.

* In mid-May, treat for pine needle diseases with copper fungicide. 

We're Here For You
"Just add the sun!"
Oklahoma City Store
2121 Southwest 119th  
OKC, OK 73170
(405) 691-9100

Goldsby Store
169 N Main Ave
Goldsby, OK 73093
(405) 288-2368

New Spring Hours:

Oklahoma City Store:
Monday - Saturday 
8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Sun. 1 p.m. - 5 p.m

Goldsby Store:
Monday - Saturday 
8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Sun. 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Featured Perennial
This eye catching perennial is sure to catch your attention with its vibrant colors and torch-like tubular flowers. It's drought tolerant and attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.
Featured Tree  
This spectacular, large rounded shaped shade tree is great for any front or back yard. Its lustrous green summer foliage turns a brilliant red-orange in the fall. This is an Oklahoma proven winner and handles our diverse soil and crazy climate conditions. 
Featured Shrub
Rugged and reliable, this is a superior selection of an old-fashioned favorite that grows into a large shrub/small tree. It produces fragrant blue-violet flower spikes that bloom in mid-summer.
Featured Annual
Hanging Baskets
You can't go wrong with this Mother's Day choice. Choose from asparagus fern, mixed petunias, geraniums, sweet potato vine, and much more. Our greenhouses are bursting with color!
Featured Gift Item
Thunder Up!
Moms can dress up their front flower bed or nestle this Thunder garden stone by the pool. We also have great selections of OU and OSU garden stones too.


Chump's Chatter

Oklahomans love their roses, but there is a huge growing concern with the increase of the Rose Rosette Disease (RRD). What is this disease, and how do you determine whether or not your roses have RRD or new growth? 

Where and when was the Rose Rosette disease first discovered? 

A Rose Rosette disease symptom is sometimes referred to as ____ broom.  


Dahlia's Answers: RRD was first identified in the 1940's in the Rocky Mountains. Its symptom or characteristic of the disease is sometimes referred to as witches' broom. 

Dahlia's Dirt!
The Rose Rosette Disease is a growing concern to our Oklahoma rose gardeners.  Read the OSU Cooperative Extension Fact Sheets (EPP-7329) on the RRD disease cycle, characteristics, and management of the disease. 
"The disease is caused by a plant virus, the rose rosette virus (RRV). This virus cannot be transmitted by sap; it is only transmitted by grafting or eriophyid mites, This mite is microscopic and tends to hide in buds, at the base of shoots, leaf axils or under leaf scars. The mite acquires RRV when it feeds on infected plants. 

The mites crawl short distances on rose plants, but they can be carried further distances by wind currents, blowing to new roses.
Mites can also be carried to new sites on gloves, clothing and tools."   

Learn more about the Rose Rosette disease. [Online] 7  May  2016. 

Want the "dirt" on a particular topic? Send your suggestions to
Pickles With Pizzaz!      
Say good bye to ordinary and try this perfected pickle recipe. Your taste buds and friends will never be happy with "ordinary" once they've tried these!

This recipe is easy to personalize to your liking. Vary the amount of spices and the flavors of the Tabasco sauce and it becomes YOUR secret recipe!
Great for summer cookouts and family gatherings!