February 26, 2019
DID YOU KNOW: H eating Help Programs Reduce Poverty
  • Public Programs, including the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (#LIHEAP), cut poverty approximately in half in MA - keeping 920,000 (including +200,000 children) out of poverty.  
  • Heating Help Programs including Fuel Assistance (LIHEAP) and Energy Efficiency Programs helped 160,000 households in MA last year including 36% children and 45% elderly. Approximately 20,000 of these households benefited from our weatherization and efficiency programs. 
For more information and to access the data, "Obstacles on the Road to Opportunity: Finding a Way Forward" published in May 2018
URGENT NEED: MASSCAP Seeking $30M State Resources for Fuel Assistance
The FY19 Supplemental Budget the Governor submitted to the House Ways and Means Committee includes $11M for additional fuel assistan ce resources.  While this resource is very much appreciated, the original request of $30M is necessary to help these thousands of vulnerable families, children, seniors and veterans cover heating costs in the face of frigid temperatures.

We ask you to urge the House and Senate Ways and Means Committees to build on the $11M by amending it to include $30M.

The $30M will:
  • Meet the immediate need of the 48,000 oil heat customers allowing an additional 100 gallon delivery
    • Most have already exhausted benefit!
  • Allow for protection for gas and electric customers against potential termination following the moratorium (April 1, 2019)
    • More than 1/2 of these 100,000 already have overdue bills!
  • Help all customers avoid terrible decisions between heat and food,clothing and shelter.

Learn more here and visit 


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MAKING A DIFFERENCE: Warmth is a Necessity
Louis (94) and Marilyn (86) live in a cozy lakeside cabin they purchased together in the 60's. Louis is a Veteran of the US Navy, and Marilyn, a retired registered nurse. Both career professionals, now living as most seniors do, on a fixed income.  Louis learned about Fuel Assistance through his local senior center and was referred to Lynn Economic Opportunity (LEO).  He and Marilyn were initially too proud, believing everyone is responsible for themselves, but with the rising cost of fuel and household expenses, they are grateful for the support and the ability to stay safe, to avoid dangerous choices and to keep warm in their home. 

Our Mission
To strengthen and connect the statewide network of Community Action Agencies and collectively advocate for an end to poverty.

Our Vision
All MA residents will be able to meet their basic needs, access economic opportunities, build strong communities and move toward prosperity...

Find your Agency
There are 23 Community Action Agencies in Massachusetts serving virtually every city and town in the state.   To locate the agency in your area and learn more about the programs they offer,  click here .

Read our 2017 Annual Report
                                              #End PovertyMA