What is Screen Free Week?
The average American devotes more than 10 hours a day to screen time. Get these hours back and reap the benefits by participating in screen free week. Screen Free Week is dedicated time to turn off the screen and turn on improved sleep, better regulated moods, and more organized behavior – all benefits of less screen time. Make it a family affair devoted to ditching the screen.
Register and participate in screen-free activities all week long. Registration is FREE and open to all, ages 5 and up.

Click here to see a calendar of events

College students we have a great deal for you for the summer! Bring your student ID to the Bob Burger Recreation Center from May 17 to June 7 and purchase the College Student Summer Pass for just $90.

The pass is good for 3 months from date of purchase.

Are you ready to channel your inner tennis player? Come try out our tennis lessons that run on 3-week intervals. Participants are required to bring their own racquet and water. Lessons will be on Mondays and Wednesdays at Whitetail Park.

Ages 4 - 14
Starting May 3
Fee: R $55 / NR $65

Kickball is not just for kids on the playground; it is also a great game and social experience for grown up kids. Gather a group of friends or coworkers and come engage in a crazy-fun sport on Thursday evenings at the LaMont Does Park ballfields.

Ages 18+
June 3 - August 5
Outdoor Bootcamp HIIT with Amy
Participate in a high-energy, physically distanced, strength and conditioning-based workout outside.

Reserve your spot for Bootcamp HIIT

Zumba in the Pavilion
Perfect for Everybody and Every Body! Each Zumba® class is designed to bring people together to sweat it out. We take the "work" out of workout, by mixing low- and high-intensity moves for an interval-style, calorie-burning dance fitness party.
Then we make it even better by moving the party outside to the most beautiful park in Lafayette. Waneka Lake Pavilion, located by the Boathouse. Registration required.

Reserve your spot for Zumba in the Pavilion.

Fitness Meetup - Personal Trainer in the park
The great outdoors are calling, and although you don’t have time for a fourteener, you do have time to go to the park for a Personal Trainer-led workout. Personal Trainer in the Park is a new program offering a wide variety of exercises to help you get fit outside!

Reserve your spot for Trainer in the park
Looking for a sitter will be a thing of the past, Bob's Kid's Corner is opening May 17. Put your mind at ease while you work-out knowing your little one is safe and having fun at Bob's Kid's Corner.

The Lafayette Seals Swim Team is dedicated to creating a positive swimming environment for all children 5-18 years of age. Registration for the 2021 season is now open. Sign up today!

Celebrate Mother's Day, May 9, 2021, at the Bob L. Burger Recreation Center, where Mom's and Grandmothers will receive a FREE admission all day with a paid child's admission.

Summer Hiring is Happening Now!
Lafayette Recreation Department is looking for exciting, high energy, fun, and motivated summer staff capable of excellent customer service for Lifeguarding, Customer Service and Summer Camp staff.

2021/2022 BASE Afterschool Care
Lafayette Recreation is gearing up for the 2021/2022 school year.

We value your health and well-being. Book a personal trainer and get started today improving both! All fitness plans are crated to suit your current fitness level.

Strength & Conditioning for Middle & High School
Calling all middle and high school online class takers, athletes in the offseason, and anyone else who needs to MOVE! Strength and Conditioning for Middle or High School, designed and taught by a certified personal trainer, will improve all fitness levels by focusing on the foundations: mobility, stability, strength, endurance, power, speed, agility, and performance. Participants will engage in a variety of exercises to develop or improve their own fitness foundation improving sports or everyday activities.

The Great Outdoors Waterpark will be open again for the summer of 2021!

Opening day is May 29th.

Check www.theGOWP.com for updated information coming soon.
May Self-Care Tip
5 Ways to Find Your Zen:
Focus on the task at hand
Be all in
Find rest
Simplify your life
Let go of that which does not serve you
May Nutrition Tip
Ditch the junk food, embrace healthy snacks

  • Fresh or Dried Fruits - apples, bananas, peaches, grapes, raisins, strawberries, pears
  • Veggies - carrots or celery sticks, cherry tomatoes, snap peas, cucumbers, avocado slices
  • Lean Proteins - fish (canned tuna or salmon),hard boiled eggs, hummus, tofu
  • Dairy Products - cheese cubes or slices, cottage cheese, yogurt
  • Breads and Cereals - whole wheat bread, whole grain tortilla chips or crackers

Craving sweets? Try eating some lean protein first!
May Arm Toning Challenge
Complete the following exercises in order from top to bottom using this guideline:
  • Days 1-10: complete 10 repetitions in one set
  • Days 11-20: complete 15 repetitions in each of two sets
  • Days 21-31: complete 15 repetitions in each of three sets if you can

  1. Chest Press
  2. Triceps Kickbacks
  3. Bicep Curls
  4. Bent-over Row
  5. Shoulder Press
Lafayette Recreation | recadmin@lafayetteco.gov | 303-665-0469 | Website