February 2020 E-Newsletter
211 Reentry Resource Portal is live
A new Alameda County online portal is now live to help people who were previously incarcerated reestablish their lives after incarceration! The Alameda County Probation Department's
Reentry Resource Portal, which is hosted within the 211 information system, can be found on our website at
, and aggregates useful information to help people with reentry.
There are many reentry resources available in Alameda County to help and support individuals and their families who are impacted by the justice system, but navigating the systems of services can be overwhelming. This new mobile-friendly portal places reentry resource information in a one stop location to make it easy to find the resource these individuals or a family member may need to succeed.
Click here
to read KTVU's coverage of the portal.
Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019
211 has received several calls about the
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) with topics ranging from where to get a mask for an upcoming trip abroad to assisting with rumor control. Since Eden I&R learned about the first US case of the novel cornoavirus, we have been in ongoing communication with Alameda County Public Health Department, who has provided us with updated information and FAQ lists to share with 211 staff. Callers needing more information about the virus, are encouraged to email
The 211 team at United Way Worldwide (UWW) has also been closely monitoring the spread of the novel coronavirus and is in regular contact with the CDC pandemic response leadership. The UWW team is providing guidance to 211s across the country. The CDC is maintaining a robust site with information and answers to commonly asked questions
The Truth About Section 8
Tuesday, March 10 | 5:30 - 7:00 pm
Castro Valley Library, 3600 Norbridge Ave
Did you know that as of January 1, 2020, housing providers in the State of California may no longer decline to rent to someone simply because they are a Section 8 voucher holder?
Join Jennifer Cado of the Housing Authority of the County of Alameda and Eden I&R's Housing Coordinator, Pam Glassofff, as they discuss what a housing provider can expect when renting to a section 8 voucher holder.
Click here
to learn more and register for this free event.
‘Keep Oakland Housed’ program exceeding expectations
The City of Oakland recently released results of the new "Keep Oakland Housed" program aimed at preventing people from losing their homes and ending up on the street. City leaders say the program has worked better than anticipated and is now looking to expand.
In its first 15 months of operations, Keep Oakland Housed has helped prevent more than 2,100 Oakland households, which represent more than 4,000 individuals, from becoming homeless. 211 is a proud partner in this initiative and refers eligible Oakland callers to partner agencies
Catholic Charities of the East Bay, and
East Bay Community Law Center for assistance with legal representation, emergency financial assistance, and supportive services.
Click here to read KTVU's coverage of this initiative.
Earn it! Keep it! Save it! Free Tax Preparation
Get your taxes done right by an Earn it! Keep it! Save it! expert and maximize your refund! Visit
earnitkeepitsaveit.org to make an appointment at one of 200+ Bay Area locations. You can also call 211 for location information.
You could qualify for more than $6,000 in refunds from the California and Federal Earned Income Tax Credits!
211 By the Numbers - January 2019
211 Alameda County
conversations handled*
8,010 referrals provided
29% single mothers with minor children
Living with disabilities
*reflects both calls and two-way texts to 211
Average Call Length
Average Wait Time
Services Database
agency record updates
program record updates
Housing Database
units added
records updated
"I feel like a weight has been lifted off my back."
- 211 Caller
A woman called from Oakland during a domestic violence incident with her husband.
She claimed he physically assaulted her in front of his family and she wanted to leave but was afraid of him and did not want to call the police. She tried reaching out to her parents, but they would only help her with her baby’s needs as she has not filed charges against him and in the past had ended up back with him. She called 211 looking for help as she had nowhere to turn. 211 provided her with information for the 24- Hour Mobile Response Team of the Family Violence Law Center to assist with safety planning and emergency relocation since she was in immediate danger. This caller was also provided with the number for the 24-Hour Domestic Violence Hotline Safe Alternatives to Violent Environments program.
For additional 211 call examples handled in January, go
AHIP (AIDS Housing Information Project)
AHIP (AIDS Housing Information Project) offers housing and human services resource referrals to People Living with HIV/AIDS via a designated phone line and through one-on-one, in-person assistance at clinics and AIDS Service Organizations.
In January, AHIP had
in-person meetings and
calls with clients, and provided
service referrals and
housing referrals.
people engaged at events and fairs
community meetings attended
website page views
outreach materials distributed
7 disaster preparedness trainings held
6,718 website sessions/visitors
Census 2020
Eden I&R is proud to partner with United Way Bay Area to conduct outreach for Census 2020, including educating Hard-to-Count populations on the importance of taking the Census. For more information on Census 2020, visit