A Nourishing Smoke Offering that benefits
Bardo Beings and Ghosts"
This smoke offering ritual (Sur chöd) is a concise mind treasure of Dudjom Lingpa drawn from the sky-like expanse of the fundamental nature of reality (Cho Nyid Namkha Long), a treasury for him. This simple, important practice benefits all beings, especially those in the Bardo, and hungry ghosts (pretas). We will learn and practice this exactly as the late master Lama Tharchin Rinpoche did, who recommended this ritual be done for beings who have had traumatic deaths.
Workshop participants will receive the lung, teachings, and hands-on instruction for preparing the offering, and we will conclude with the practice. Refreshments will be provided.
Yudron Wangmo completed a formal three-year group retreat under the direction of Lama Tharchin Rinpoche, and over two additional years of cumulative retreats supervised by Lama Pema Dorje Rinpoche, who gave her the title Loppon and authorized her to teach. She also served and studied with Adzom Paylo Rinpoche. Yudron is resident teacher of Ngakchang Gatshal in Oakland and the director of the Mayum Mountain Foundation. She has is author of Excavating Pema Ozer and The Buddha of Lightning Peak, two Buddhist young adult novels. She now offers online and other teachings at www.mayummountain.net.