Eaton County 4-H
Family News
Eaton County 4-H Crowdpower Campaign - now through Oct. 31
“Eaton County 4-H is where I began my 4-H career, and the place where I have made so many meaningful friendships that will last a life time, created bonds with animals, learned new skills through opportunities from activity kits to 4-H Exploration Days, and have grown into the person I have always wanted to be. 4-H, virtual or in-person, has provided me with a safe place where I can be myself and make my best better. 4-H has changed my life! YOU can change hundreds of other 4-Her’s lives by donating to the CrowdPower campaign, and growing the next generation of leaders!” ~Jael, Eaton County 4-H Council youth President
Friends and family of Eaton County 4-H, we invite you to show your support for the 4-H program now through October 31! We are launching this campaign to raise funds to support 4-H programs, clubs, volunteers and youth in both current virtual and future face-to-face programming. Our goal is to raise $3,000 that will be used to directly support our 4-H volunteers who deliver 4-H programs and to support youth who participate in programs.
Here are a few great ways that you can participate in this campaign:
- Share the information! Pass along this information to your friends, family, and community partners. There will be posts throughout the month on our county 4-H Facebook and Instagram pages (links to the pages at the bottom of this email) that you can easily share from.
- Share what supporting 4-H means to you. You can do this when you share the post on social media or email or send a DM through social media to the county 4-H pages for inclusion with county posts.
- Donate! Any donation counts and all amounts are appreciated.
- Directly ask family, friends, businesses, and others to donate.
- Participate in 4-H Council meetings to share your voice. 4-H Council is providing guidance on how clubs will be able to access and use these funds after the campaign.
You can find more information about the campaign and donate or share the campaign at:
"Donating to the CrowdPower campaign means kids are given an opportunity to do more for less because it will cover the cost of supplies for programs. Many families can't afford to send multiple (or even one) kids to different programs for full price, so it'll help more kids get involved this way! 4-H is a life changing program that builds leaders, I wouldn't be who I am today without 4-H and I'm so thankful for it. Donate today and invest in the future!" ~Chyanne, Eaton County 4-H Council adult President
The support of our community, friends, and families are needed and appreciated as we continue to be #4hstrong. Thank you!
Youth Enrollment Instructions
Each year, youth who wish to join 4-H must enroll or re-enroll in our 4HOnline database. As previously communicated, we have now shifted to 4HOnline2.0 and the 4-H participation fee has been waived for the 2020-2021 program year.
Please communicate with your club administrative leader to ask about any club specifics, including projects, prior to enrolling.
A few important tips with 4HOnline2.0:
- If you were registered in 4-H last year, you have a profile in 4HOnline2.0. DO NOT create a new account.
- You may have to reset your password if your previous password does not meet the new requirements. Please follow the reset password instructions in the system.
- Please make sure to select all clubs and projects you plan to participate in before you submit your profile. New to 4HOnline2.0: If you need to change or add to your clubs or projects after you've submitted your enrollment, you must contact the Extension office to do so.
- Please remember to sign all consents/signature spots with the first and last name of the person required in that spot (member = youth first and last name, parent/guardian = parent/guardian first and last name).
NOTE: Until November 15, county-wide email digests are sent to all participants from the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 program years.
Re-enrollment information for Volunteers
Volunteers this year will have two steps to their re-enrollment, as outlined below:
4HOnline2.0 profile re-enrollment - due by November 15. A step-by-step tutorial video for 4HOnline2.0 and the link for the new system can be found at:
Volunteer Central background check and code of conduct - due by November 1*. Last year, all volunteers were required to submit a background check request through This year, this process will be facilitated by Volunteer Central.
Part One: Log into your Volunteer Central account to check your access and edit profile information (verify information for accuracy and update as needed, add emergency contact information, and social security number (SSNs are necessary for the background check and are encrypted). Your log in is your email address from 4HOnline and you will need to follow the reset password steps to set up your password. This step can be done at any time but the necessary profile edits are required prior to submitting your background check in part two.
Part Two: Volunteers will receive an email from the system 30 days before their background check is due (date varies depending on when the volunteer submitted the background check last year). Example: You submitted your check on 11/1/2019; you will receive an email on 10/2/2020 with instructions and will have until 11/1/2020 to submit your new background check. The email will include instructions on logging into your profile, submitting the check, and re-signing the code of conduct. Reminder emails to those who haven't done the check will also be sent from the system up until 1 day before the check is due. Volunteers who do not complete this step by their due date will be required to re-complete the entire Volunteer Selection Process in order to remain a volunteer, regardless of 4HOnline enrollment status at that time. Please contact Kristy if you have any problems with the system.
*Note: The majority of volunteers have had their due date updated to November 1 in the system, with the exception of those who have applied in Volunteer Central after January 1, 2020. If you applied in Volunteer Central after January 1, 2020, you will follow the Volunteer Central steps when you receive the email from the system.
We are aware of a system issue that is resulting in a small number of volunteers being unable to click through to submit their background check. The system's engineers are working to solve this issue. If this has affected you, you will see a "Loading survey. Please wait..." message appear when you try to go through the background check screens and be unable to go further. If this has affected you, please contact Kristy at as we are problem solving through this issue.
Reminder: Virtual until further notice
4-H programs are virtual until further notice. All 4-H programs, including clubs meetings, project meetings, workshops, and activities, are to be virtual until further notice. This includes cohorts that typically meet in the name of 4-H and are attempting to meet outside the 4-H name. Virtual meetings and activities are supported and encouraged. If your club needs help with ideas, brainstorming, or tips, please email!
Upcoming County 4-H Events and Activities
4-H Council Meeting
Monday, November 2, 7 PM
Passcode: council
Each club should send a volunteer and youth representative to this meeting! Agenda items: officer elections for open positions, Crowdpower campaign, #4hstrong campaign, county t-shirts, awards committee
Small Animal Association Meeting
Thursday, November 5, 7 PM
Passcode: saa
Any youth involved in rabbits/cavies, goats, and poultry projects are encouraged to attend this meeting! Agenda items: officer elections, events
Virtual Open Office Hours
Wednesday, November 11, 6:30 PM
Passcode: office
Do you have questions about 4-H? Problems completing your enrollment? Need help with virtual meetings or completing club paperwork? Want to bounce around ideas or solutions? Based on feedback from the volunteer virtual fireside chats, this open time is to chat with 4-H staff and ask your questions! This space will be held once/month.
Do you enjoy tinkering? Do you enjoy building things? Do you enjoy learning how things work? Then our 4-H Virtual Junk Drawer Robotics fall program, Tuesdays and Thursdays November 10-19 , is for you! Youth who register for this program will receive a kit full of supplies in the mail. We will meet via zoom from 4-5 pm, discovering a new engineering skill each day. Youth will then use items in their kit, as well as items they may have at home, to complete a daily challenge (building a catapult, a moving arm, and more). Fee of $20 is due when registering; space is limited to 30 participants and registration ends October 26. Register today at:
Eaton County 4-H is #4hstrong - t-shirts and sweatshirts coming soon!
Another way to show your #4hstrong pride will be available soon for pre-order! 4-H Council will be doing county t-shirts and sweatshirts featuring #4hstrong. These will be great gifts for the upcoming holidays! Stay tuned to future emails for how to place your order!
County 4-H Awards - due November 15
YOU deserve to be recognized for your hard work during the 2019-2020 program year! Consider filling out and submitting a county award application or nominating someone! The following are all the awards available:
- Young Achievers (recognition of work in a project area, ages 8-11)
- County Medal (recognition of work in a project area, ages 12-19)
- Achievement, Citizenship, and Leadership (recognition of work in each of those areas (3 separate awards), ages 15-19)
- "I Dare You" Leadership award (recognition of work in leadership, youth in 9th, 10th, or 11th grade)
- 4-H Key Club Award (overall 4-H career, age 15-19)
- Outstanding Teen Leader
- Outstanding Leader
- Club Community Service and Club Recreation
- Friend of 4-H
The deadline for county 4-H awards is November 15, 2020 and awards can be submitted online via Google Forms. If you have trouble with the website or Google Forms, please email for a PDF of the application you need. The 4-H Participation Celebration awards banquet will be held in late February/early March (may be virtual depending on program guidelines at that time).
NEW! Virtual Learning Tools Website
This is also a great one-stop-shopping resource for volunteers looking for ideas and activities for club meetings!
Pippin's Pantry
Every other Monday October 26 - January 4, 4:30pm
Do you love holiday baking? Do you have a dog or just love dogs in general? Have you ever thought about what you’re feeding them from the holiday table might not be safe for them to eat? Don’t worry! Pippin is here to help! Join Pippin and his momma, Benzie County 4-H PC Ali Olson, as they open Pippin’s Pantry to share their knowledge (verified by trusted, licensed DVMs) about what holiday treats are safe and what should be avoided. Then they will share a dog safe, tasty, holiday themed treat for the week and walk you through the making and baking of the treat!
While the program is designed for ages 5 to 12, older youth are MORE than welcome to join as well.
Haunted Hangouts
October 26 - 30, 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Are you a huge fan of the spooky things that go bump in the night? Do you want to celebrate one of the most anticipated holidays around – Halloween? Come join the Haunted Hangouts Virtual 4-H SPIN Club! This club will start on October 26, 2020, and meet virtually every weekday from 3:30-4:30 PM EDT. During the meetings, we will be doing hands-on projects, activities, and games that are Halloween themed. To receive club access, please make sure all youth interested are registered on 4-H Online. Have any questions, please email Lance Fowler (
Wild Spartans
Monthly series on 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7pm. First session on October 26
Join 4-H staff as we take a look into life working with fisheries and wildlife! Follow along as we climb through bogs, peer into bear dens, mist net songbirds, snorkle for fish, or perhaps even tag deer. Meet researchers, learn about their field work, and the education and career path they've followed to get there. Monthly Sessions will be held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7pm EST through May. (October session falls on a different Tuesday from the rest of the series.) Each 30 minute session will feature 1-2 guest researchers. Youth will be encouraged to ask questions to learn more through a live Q&A with scientists. This free series is open to 4-H and non-4-H youth ages 12-19 years.
November 8 - 11
Competing as household teams, youth ages 5-19 complete fun, fall-themed missions and share progress with other participants using a smartphone or tablet. Covering topics from hunting and ORV safety to invasive species and scat identification, Fall-A-Thon promises six fun-filled days of connecting to nature, wherever you are. Hosted by: MSU Extension, Michigan 4-H, Michigan Department of Natural Resources, and Huron Pines AmeriCorps
Youth Armory Virtual Babysitters Training
November 9 - 12, 3:30-5pm
Just in time for the holidays, this virtual babysitter training over the course of 4 days teaches 4-H curriculum that creates responsible, caring, trustworthy, competent, capable, and safe babysitters. There is no cost for this program and it is open to youth Grades 6 through 12.
Home Alone Safely
November 2 - 5, 4:30pm
Youth are home alone or with an older sibling/friend more often than normal. Maybe it’s because of a work schedule, maybe it’s because of a virtual or hybrid school schedule. Maybe it’s just because of a snow day or a vacation day from school. Help your child learn to be safe when they’re home alone, by registering them to attend an online course offered by MSU Extension: Home Alone Safely. The program teaches crucial topics such as food safety and nutrition, fire safety, 911, first aid, boredom busters, emotional wellbeing, and more. Over 300 youth across Michigan and 17 other states and Canada have already participated in this award winning program. You won’t want to miss it!
Budding Bookworms 4-H SPIN Club
Tuesdays, Nov 3 - Dec 8, 11am-noon
If your youth loves reading then this is the club for you! Join in on this six-week series beginning Friday Nov 3-Dec 8 that will encourage young readers through chapter book reading, discussion, and fun activities. We will read Samantha Hatches the Chicken Egg by Daisy Griffin (geared toward readers ages 7 to 11). We will ask questions and have discussions sharing our thoughts about the book. We will review what we have learned using Kahoot! and participate in other engaging activities that will enhance this reading experience!
4-H Sooper Yooper Scavenger Hunt
November 25 - 29
Are YOU a Sooper Yooper? Do you think you know everything there is to know about the UP? Challenge your family through a scavenger hunt to test your Yooper knowledge! Whether you live here, have a cabin here, vacation here, or have never visited-- you are sure to learn some fun facts about the UP while completing missions on the GooseChase app. From November 25-29th, participate in the UP Scavenger Hunt from your backyard, home, cabin, or wherever your family will be during this time! All you need is a smart phone or tablet with a camera for this FREE family program. Any youth 13-19 can download the GooseChase app to their phone or tablet; younger youth or youth without a phone or tablet can partner with an older sibling or parent/guardian to play as a family team. Prizes will be awarded!
MSU is an affirmative-action, equal opportunity employer. MSU Extension programs and material are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, religion, age, height, weight, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, or veteran status.
Kristy Oosterhouse | 4-H Program Coordinator | Eaton County MSU Extension
517-543-2310 |