An Update From State Representative Paul Schmid
Town of Westport Updates

The town of Westport has several updates from the past week that I would like to share with all of my fellow Westport residents.

Town Election: The Westport Board of Selectman have announced that they have officially moved the town election to June 23rd, 2020. Polling locations and accessibility to the polls will be operated as normal but if you have specific questions about the town election please call the Board of Selectman’s Office for further information.

Memorial Day Door Decorating: Along with last weeks information regarding Memorial Day observances, Veterans Service Officer Carol Freitas has made us aware that she would like people to decorate their doors in remembrance of those who served our country. Please consider hanging a flag or small tribute to our military as a show of thanks for all they do.
Westport Veteran Specific Food Pantry

In addition to the normal food pantry, Carol Freitas, Veterans Service Officer for Westport, in conjunction with the Massachusetts Military Support Foundation, will be holding a veterans specific food pantry on May 19th, from 9am to 3pm.

To be eligible for this food pantry service please provide DD-214 or VA Health Card and a Valid Photo ID

Pre Registration is required and can be done at VSO
Westport Food Pantry

Westport is holding a Food Pantry on Mondays at the Town Hall Annex Gym from 9 am to 12 pm , during the COVID-19 crisis and while supplies last.
The next food pantry will be held on May 18th
Must show proof of that you are a Westport resident.
This is a drive-thru food pantry with no face-to-face contact.

The Westport Food Pantry is also looking for donations as well. Gift cards to Staples, Lee's Market, other businesses or monetary donations are graciously accepted.

Donations can be sent to
Town of Westport
Recreation Department
856 Main Road
Westport MA 02790
Greater Fall River Food Pantry and Food Access Locations

United Way of Greater Fall River is working with agency partners to keep an updated chart of open and active food pantries and soup kitchens on our website ( ). 

The page does get updated at least once a week, as the pantries send us updated dates, times, and operating procedures. Our community is doing an amazing job of coming together to support our most in-need neighbors.
National Grid Assistance Program

Our partners at National Grid have set up resources for those who may be struggling with bills to get some aid through their Home Energy Assistance Program Grant.

This financial assistance is not a loan and customers do not have to pay it back. To qualify, customers must meet household income criteria based on their household size. A family of four with a four-week gross income of up to $5,526 could be eligible for Fuel Assistance. 
To learn more about this program, we encourage folks to call the Massachusetts HEAP hotline at 1-800-632-8175. 
You will be directed to your local Community Action Program Agency (CAP). You can also visit the website  for more information.

We encourage customers to apply for Fuel Assistance as soon as possible. The deadline for new applications is May 29th. You may start an application over the phone with your local CAP Agency as well!
USDA Aid to Farmers and Agricultural Sector

This past week, staff from my office attended a virtual seminar on how the USDA is supporting farmers and agricultural workers during the COVID-19 outbreak.

The USDA has various aid programs and initiatives to alleviate some of the burden on the farming sector and as a fellow farmer, I wanted to make sure that all the agricultural folks have access to these resources.

Attached is the link to the USDA’s website where you can find more information regarding what assistance is being offered and if you qualify for aid.

US Census in the 8th Bristol

While we are stuck at home and maintaining safe social practices, the US Census Bureau is making sure that we here in the 8th Bristol are being counted.

I wanted to give an update on where we stand in the district on our census respond rate because it is vitally important to step up and be counted because you determine exactly how much help our communities can receive for the next ten years!

As of this morning, Friday May15th, the following is a breakdown of the self-response rate of our communities.

Fall River: 50.3%
New Bedford: 52.5%
Westport: 63.5%
Freetown: 76.2%

We are happy that not a single one of our communities has less than a 50% response rate but we can do better! Please go online and fill out the brief census survey. This only happens once every ten years so stand up and be counted!

An Open Letter to Make the Case for Volunteers

Even during these most difficult of times, we must always remember the most vulnerable and downtrodden of our communities.

Once such population I feel needs to be looked at more is the local population of foster children who I am a strong advocate for.

Below is my Letter to the Editor of EastBay Paper and I want to make it clear that my advocacy and support of our local foster children will not falter even during these trying times so please give it a read and if you have any questions on how you can help please let me know!

While my team and I will likely be working remotely, we are always available via phone or email

     Please do not hesitate to reach out to my office, either at the State House (617)722-2017, or my District Office at (508) 567-5675, or by  email at .  


Paul Schmid
State Representative, 8th Bristol
Westport, Freetown, Fall River, New Bedford