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Family Empowerment Day (FED) 2020
is quickly approaching! Have you signed up yet?

Join us: March 10th from 11 am- 2 pm
Where: Albany Capital Center
Register Here: FED Registration
NYS Developmental Disabilities Planning Council 2022-2026 State Plan Survey

This is an opportunity for young people, family members, providers, and advocates to help inform what types of projects/programs the DDPC should focus on in the coming years. Amplifying the voices of our network has led to the creation of many wonderful projects, including over very own AMPLIFY-NY and NYISA! This survey is available in multiple languages by request and if anyone requires assistance in filling it out, they are able to provide support.
Register HERE for a NEW CTAC Webinar! Building Youth Engagement and Involvement: Learn How YOUTH POWER! Can Support You

Looking to build youth engagement and involvement? Thinking about bringing Youth Peer Advocates to your agency or expanding on your current Youth Peer Support program? YOUTH POWER! is here to help you with this and more!

This webinar will introduce you to the technical assistance available through YOUTH POWER! of Families Together in NYS. YOUTH POWER! has the expertise to support you and will share specific examples of the types of TA they provide and walk you through the TA process.

Audience: Providers interested in increasing youth involvement.
For Spanish Families who speak Spanish---Text4Caregivers

Did you know that Text4Caregivers has texts specifically for Spanish speaking families?

Con el apoyo del consejo de planeamiento de discapacidades en el desarrollo, Parent to Parent of NYS desea hacerles saber de nuestro nuevo programa, Text4Caregivers.

Text4Cargivers es un servicio de mensajeria gratuito que se le enviara a su telefono celular frecuentemente, con mensajes de como tener cuidado de su persona y como manejar el estres. Este servicio esta creado para recordarle que antes de cuidar a otros, usted debe cuidarse primero.

Le invitamos a ser parte de este nuevo programa. Por favor registrese online en el siguiente link

Preguntas? Comuníquese con nuestra Coordinadora de Familias Hispanas, Angela Picardo (646) 766-3462