Our HMIS User Meeting is April 6th
March 18, 2020
COVID-19 Response in HMIS
Data collection is critical to our community's immediate response and future public health evaluations. The better we understand where the disease is, the better connections our agencies and communities can make for client to medical services.

We are consulting widely with local and national partners to determine the most effective questions to include. Guidance will be released later today and reviewed at our HMIS Users Meeting.

Go to for a round-up of program and client resources.
Updates for making the most of HMIS
Ongoing HMIS Support
Join Data Center staff tomorrow to learn about new tools to support COVID-19 response, community coordination, and case management for now and beyond the outbreak. We will also reserve some time at the end for your troubleshooting questions - have examples ready!

System Updates - COVID-19 Data Collection, CE Data Elements, Verify & Save Data button added
How Can We Help - PIT/HIC submission progress, Equal Access in HMIS, Client Goals,
What's Next - Deadlines and Horizons

Monday, April 6th
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
RSVP for webinar information

If you are unable to attend, the recording will be posted on the News Archive by the end of Thursday.
Missed the PIT/HIC plan? Check the News Archive!
Timelines for corrections have changed: Reports for PIT/HIC are being released one at a time. ES and TH projects, your first deadline was Friday, March 20th! Full details in last week's email. Please let us know what your status is given the COVID-19 outbreak.

Find guidance to correct reports from the February HMIS Users Meeting presentation on the Data Center's News Archive! You'll find last month's slides as well as other presentations going back a couple years. This is a resource to review with new staff to get them up to speed.

We also referenced several trainings to remind all of us about what Homeless History questions refer to and how to update info for a client when it changes in Interims.
Many of our staff are working from home but we can still reply to your voicemails and emails! Please give us a call (919) 410-6997 or send us an email with your questions and concerns. We appreciate that everyone's job just got ten times harder! Let us know what we can do to support you.
NCCEH Data Center | 919.410.6997 |