Volume 11, Issue 16 | Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Throughout this publication, you will see the following color-coded dots accompanying each article. They represent which strategic goal the article addresses.

• Focusing on Learning • Connecting the Community • Securing the Future

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Visit our COVID-19 resource center
District 58 thanks the community for its support during these unprecedented times. Please visit the District's COVID-19 resource page to access information on:

  • E-learning
  • Free lunch service
  • Social distancing guidance
  • Links to all recent District 58 COVID-19 emails
  • Health Department, CDC, IDPH resources

We hope you each remain healthy and safe during these uncertain times. As this situation evolves, we will continue to communicate updates.
District 58 serves free weekday lunches
District 58 realizes the stress that the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent school closures are having on our community. One of the many ways we are continuing to support students and families is through food service.

All children  who reside within District 58’s boundaries have the option to receive a free bag lunch for the duration of our closure. This includes any child, ages 0-18, who resides within District 58 boundaries.

On Tuesday, March 18, District 58 served about 90 meals out of O’Neill and 50 meals at Herrick . We’re scheduled to make 66 direct home lunch deliveries and serve 134 students today , in addition to any families who will participate in lunch pickup at our middle schools.

Learn more about the free weekday lunch options we are offering during this closure.

Pictured: Photo 1: Lunches being prepared this morning; Photo 2: First Student vehicles and District 58 staff are on the road ready to deliver meals!
Board approves launch of facility planning community engagement
District 58’s Citizen Task Force met Monday, March 2 to continue discussing District 58 facility opportunities. After their discussions, they made several recommendations to the School Board regarding next steps.

Guided by the Citizen Task Force's feedback, the Board discussed and approved the launch of a facility community engagement effort and a survey designed to measure the community's support regarding the following District 58 needs, which total approximately $179 million :

  • Enhanced security and secured school vestibules
  • Grade level reconfiguration — moving to a grade 6-8 middle school concept
  • Eight years of maintenance, as defined in the draft Master Facility Plan
  • School bathroom remodeling
  • Adding air conditioning and overhauling the current HVAC systems

After the community engagement process concludes, the Task Force will meet to review all data and make a final recommendation. The Board will decide this summer whether a referendum should be placed on the ballot. Visit the  Facility Planning page  to learn more.
View District's Strategic Plan dashboard
Did you know that District 58 makes quarterly reports on its progress toward meeting its strategic goals? The District's Strategic Plan dashboard was updated to reflect this quarter's progress! The District's Strategic Plan, approved in 2018, focuses on three goals: Focusing on Learning, Connecting the Community, and Securing the Future. View the Strategic Plan dashboard for progress updates in all three areas.
Many Kinder Roundups rescheduled
District 58 looks forward to welcoming incoming kindergarten families to our schools. Due to the need to maintain social distancing, all Kindergarten Roundup events scheduled for before spring break have been postponed. All Kindergarten Roundup events scheduled for after spring break are currently still on the calendar; however, this could change depending on how the COVID-19 pandemic evolves. We will communicate a revised Kindergarten Roundup schedule after spring break.
Nicasio appointed Indian Trail principal
The Board appointed Mariana Nicasio to the Indian Trail position, beginning this summer. She will replace current Principal Robin Bruebach, who retires this June after 16 years of dedicated service.

Thank you, Mrs. Bruebach, for your service, and welcome, Ms. Nicasio, to the District 58 team!

Board approves revised
2020-21 calendar

The District 58 School Board unanimously approved a revised   2020-21 school calendar , which includes the addition of a weekly 2 p.m. Monday dismissal to continue the District’s Professional Learning Program.

Illinois Assessment of Readiness guidance

District 58 emailed grade 3-8 parents guidance about the upcoming Illinois Assessment of Readiness, which takes place in April. This assessment is still expected to take place. Read the letter to learn more.
District 58 opens summer school and ESY registration

District 58 invites children to participate in Summer School and Extended School Year programs this summer! Registration will be open through Friday. April 17. Learn more.

Highlights from recent Board meetings
The District 58 School Board held a special meeting March 5 to review the Citizen Task Force's facility planning recommendations. As shared in the facility planning update above, the Board recommended launching a facility planning community engagement effort after spring break.

The Board held a regular meeting March 9 . Topics included a Herrick presentation, a social-emotional learning assessment spotlight, the approval of the revised 2020-21 school calendar, the approval of facility planning community engagement next steps, and more!  Read the Board Briefs.
Looking ahead at the April meeting
The School Board will hold a regular business meeting on Monday, April 13 at 7 p.m. at Downers Grove Village Hall.

The Board agenda will be published on BoardDocs by Friday, April 10.

If the above schedule changes due to the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, we will communicate this change.
  • March 16 – No student attendance. All staff will work in-district to develop an e-learning plan.

  • March 17 – 19 – E-learning days

  • March 20 – No student or staff attendance
  • March 23 – No student attendance. Staff will meet virtually to create a weekly e-learning plan. 
  • March 24 – 25 – E-learning days

  • March 26 – 27 – No student or staff attendance 

  • March 30 – April 3 – Spring Break

  • Monday, April 6 – School resumes with regular schedule, unless health officials recommend a continuation of social distancing.
Downers Grove Grade School District 58, 1860 63rd St., Downers Grove, IL 60516
Community Relations Office: 630-719-5805 I |