Kansas City Kansas Women's Chamber of Commerce Newsletter
A Word from the President
I couldn't yell that enough while my family and I texted photos and videos of our experiences during the AFC Championship game - most notably one of my 26-yr-old nephew living in Minneapolis, who at the end of the game ran into his yard with nothing on but red shorts, threw himself into the snow, and made snow angels (well, he was yelling at the top of his lungs, too). You all probably had similar experiences.
The Chief's victory is one thing. Victory for women working to become leaders in business - both for-profit and non-profit - is another.  We can all learn from Patrick Mahomes, who said "Definitely, as a competitor, you want to get out there and play." So, let's get out there and play - and level the playing field along the way. I welcome 2020 as a new decade where all things are possible. We have the skills and knowledge. Let's play.

-Cathy Harding


February is National Heart Month. As the No. 1 killer of women, cardiovascular diseases forces us to consider that a woman we know and love may be affected at any age. Fortunately, we can change that because 80 percent of cardiac and stroke events may be prevented with education and action. Join us for lunch on February 19th to hear from Dr. Katrapati on how women can help prevent, be aware of symptoms and treat heart disease.

We will meet in Auditoriums B & C at Providence Medical Center. Cost: $20 for members, $25 for non-members



Member Spotlight:  Kelsy E. Allison, Attorney at MVP Law and KCKWCC Board Member

Congratulations to KCK Women's Chamber Board Member Kelsy Allison.  On January 18th, 2020, Kelsy E. Allison, an associate at MVP Law was sworn in as President of the Wyandotte County Bar Association.

Kelsy joins the company of many distinguished Past Presidents including MVP founders E.S. McAnany, Thomas Van Cleave, and Willard Phillips. The Wyandotte County Bar Association (WyCo Bar) is a group of legal professionals in the Kansas City Metro who represent all areas of law. Kelsy's active involvement in the WyCo Bar for the past five years includes serving on the Board of Governors for two years and as Secretary for one year.