August 2021
Crossroads Gazette
Enjoy the Outdoors in Revolutionary New Jersey
Summer’s long days and warm evenings make it a wonderful time to explore the Crossroads of the American Revolution with family and friends. Many of Crossroads’ partner sites offer unique ways to enjoy the temperate weather while socializing outdoors. Here are just a few:
Liberty Hall invites you to a Sunset Stroll through its beautiful gardens every Tuesday evening in August. Make reservations for one of these guided tours by visiting the Liberty Hall website.
Morven Museum & Garden offers artists four special evenings to set their easels in the scenic gardens to paint en plein air. Capture the changing light as dusk falls over this most historic home, capturing architectural detail and nuances of the gardens. Spaces are limited, so visit their website to book your spot today.
Is hiking your thing? Explore the extensive network of wooded trails in Morristown National Historical Park’s Jockey Hollow and New Jersey Brigade areas. Hikers can discover a scenic vista at the Starks Brigade monument, the Old Camp Road and the early 20th century Cross Estate gardens along their route. Start your exploration on the Morristown NHP website by selecting “Plan Your Visit” then Directions & Transportation, then Maps.
As always, before you leave home, check with your destination for any COVID-related rules and guidelines.
Events to Mark Washington-Rochambeau Anniversary on August 28

Help mark the 240th anniversary of American and French troops marching through New Jersey on their way to Yorktown, VA as the Trent House, Millstone Valley Preservation Coalition and Franklin Township host commemorative events on August 28.
In Franklin Township, visit with the First Rhode Island Regiment in the morning in Griggstown, Walk and Roll along Canal Road and more while enjoying scenery along the troop route. At the Trent House, meet Le Regiment Bourbonnais and Le Regiment Saintonge, both representing French infantry and artillery, along with the First Rhode Island and Lamb’s Artillery.
For more information, visit the Crossroads events calendar. 
Brearley Rev Neighbor Mug
Crossroads Membership has its Rewards!

Show your love for Revolutionary New Jersey… and support Crossroads’ work at the same time! Become a member of Crossroads and receive a gift that will help you show the world you’re helping to promote our state’s deep Revolutionary-era heritage. Choose from one of several membership levels and you’ll be eligible to receive corresponding premiums including Crossroads license plate holders, Revolutionary Neighbor mugs, books and more!

Visit our membership webpage for more information, and thank you for all you do to support New Jersey’s Revolutionary heritage!
Revolution NJ Info Session Features Brand Communications Insights
The importance of a strong brand strategy was reinforced at the most recent Revolution NJ quarterly information session, available online.
Guest speaker Tom Sullivan, CEO of Princeton Partners, shared insights on the factors that go into establishing and supporting a brand, and the steps yet to be completed before history groups can apply to use the Revolution NJ brand. Princeton Partners is a strategic branding and marketing communications agency that works with businesses, governmental agencies and not-for-profits. 
Other topics covered at the session include updates on the five working groups addressing aspects of the commemoration, professional development and the ongoing development campaign feasibility study.
The next Revolution NJ update is scheduled for October 20. Watch your email for more details as the date approaches. 
Heritage Partners Program Offers Valuable Benefits

Heritage Area Partners are at the core of the Crossroads of the American Revolution National Heritage Area. While each location and organization tells its own story, together they form a tapestry of experiences that make an indelible mark on our communities and neighbors.
Historic sites and organizations across New Jersey are enlisting in the cause of heritage tourism as they become Crossroads Heritage Partners. While they tell their part of the story of the American Revolution here in the Garden State, each Partner enjoys programming and marketing support that helps them reach even more visitors. Partner representatives also get advance notice on Crossroads-sponsored workshops and professional development seminars to help make the most of their organizations' historical offerings.
This month, we’re happy to announce that the Historical Society of Haddonfield
and the Hunterdon County Cultural & Heritage Commission have renewed their partnerships with us.

Could your organization benefit from affiliating with Crossroads? Contact our Program Manager, Amy Osterhout by e-mail for more information, or visit our Heritage Partner membership webpage to join us today!
Stay Updated with Crossroads All Month Long
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for site news, interesting facts and more throughout the season. 
Board of Trustees
Thomas H. Kean, Honorary Chair ● Sally Lane, Chair ● Edward Allison ● Steve Ayscue ● 
Laura Crowley, CPA ● Iris Delgado ● Dale Florio ● Jennifer Godoski ● 
Seth Hahn ● Joshua Henne ● Jeff Kaszerman ● Patrick Murray ● Andrew Musick  
Michael Murphy, Esq. ● Tony Perry ● Rocky Peterson, Esq. ● Henry Rinder, CPA ● Laura Szwak

Crossroads Staff
Janice Selinger, Executive Director ● Sue Kaufmann, Communications Director ●
Amy Osterhout, Program Manager ● Roseann Butterfield, Office Administrator