Grace Notes Weekly is a newsletter of Grace Episcopal Church in Chattanooga, TN,
and is used to communicate the upcoming activities of this community.
The Season of Lent
MARCH 15 , 2019
Mite Boxes
If you wanted a mite box but didn’t get one last Sunday, don’t despair – more will be in the Narthex this Sunday. Traditionally, children and/or other of God’s people put coins and small bills in the box throughout Lent and then bring the boxes to church on the Sunday after Easter (April 28, this year). The collected money goes to Episcopal Relief and Development to help victims of hurricanes and other horrors; thus, the combined wee bits from all over the communion become a force to be reckoned with when they join together (a graphic lesson for us all!)
Mite Boxes
Adult Ed on Sunday
Garden and Grounds
Food Pantry Needs
Joseph Campbell RoundTable
Musical and Liturgical Opportunities
St. Mary's Sewanee Programs/Retreats
Episcopal Church Women's Annual Mtg.
Meetings This Week
Serving on Sunday
Adult Education
Inquirers’ Class (or Episcopal Church 101) continues its exploration of the Episcopal Church’s history, tenets and traditions under the guidance of Sean McEwen, beginning at 9:30 a.m. in the Undercroft. If you’re new to the church, come! If you’re a veteran but want to brush up your knowledge and understanding, come! All welcome!
The Weeks Adult Forum , facilitated by David Stanislawski, continues its discussion of Living into God’s Dream: Dismantling Racism in America at 9:30 a.m. in the Barth Room.
Garden and Grounds
Thanks to all the community garden members, both in and out of church, who turned out move many wheelbarrows of dirt into the raised beds last Thursday. A big job, it was done in an amazingly short time. Special thanks go to Mike Shillinger, who took over the ordering, delivering, and work party bossing. We expect to get more Black Gold for the Free Garden, so we will need more help!
Due to the departure of our Courtyard gardener stalwarts, we could use focused attention along the Courtyard's north wall. If anyone is interested in helping groom one of our primary and most heavily used spaces, we need you.
GENERAL GROUNDS WORK DAY is still planned for Saturday, March 30, beginning at 9:00 am . Lunch by Terry Burnett. Bring sipping beverages to share in the inevitable Pavilion After-Party. Please come for any part of the day you can spare. Wear: gloves, hat, probably rain-gear. Bring shovels, pruners, hand digging tools. WORK DAY GOES RAIN OR SHINE, short of tornado warnings.
Food Pantry Needs
Thanks to all who have donated to the pantry in recent weeks; stocks are rebuilding nicely, and we should be in decent shape when the food vouchers run out (today or early next week). There are still some areas that need bolstering:

* canned c orn, carrots, mixed vegetables, and green beans
* saltine crackers
* fruit cups
* breakfast/protein bars
* Vienna sausages
* packets of mashed potatoes
* Jif "to go" (single-serving peanut butter cups -- these are very useful for our homeless clients)

All donations, small and large, are welcome -- like the contents of the mite boxes, the droplets that are tiny by themselves become lively streams when they converge!
Joseph Campbell RoundTable
On Monday, March 18 th , the RoundTable will discuss Romance of the Grail: The Magic and Mystery of Arthurian Myth. In this book, Campbell explores the tales of King Arthur, not merely as entertaining stories, but as the foundation for modern Western spirituality. Presenters will be Wilson Harpe and Andy Foskey; the session will begin at 7:00 p.m. in the Merritt Room.  
At the last book presentation, I was impressed with the well-used copies of books. While reading the book is not required to attend, we do want to encourage reading it. The Q&A time will be nudged back a little to allow more sharing of the readings. It's impossible to cover the entire book, but sharing some of Campbell's nuggets that personally affected you would be appreciated. Campbell has a way of integrating and articulating the world's wisdom in concise and usable forms. As an encouragement to others to read these books as well, please share something that engages you.  

April Book sharing: Thou That Art
Happy reading,
Musical and Liturgical Opportunities
Ben Van Winkle and the Figment Chamber Ensemble (with members of the Chattanooga Symphony Orchestra, faculty from Cleveland State, UTK and Lee University) – Saturday, March 16, 7:30 p.m. in the Circle Theater (400 River Street). Admission is $20. (Ben grew up at Grace, and his mother, Carol Doucette, sang in Grace’s choir for many years. Ben played cello at the 10:30 p.m. Christmas Eve service last December).
Compline at Good Shepherd -- You are invited to the Office of Compline at The Church of the Good Shepherd (211 Franklin Rd. at Scenic Highway, Lookout Mountain, Tennessee) on Sunday, March 24, 8:00 p.m. This is a meditative service for the close of the day. The entire service is sung in plainsong, the earliest music of the church, by the Chattanooga Compline Choir, In Spiritu .
Spring and Summer Programs at St. Mary’s (Sewanee)
St. Mary’s sent an e-mail this week highlighting rapidly approaching programs and retreats on Divino Lecto (a meditative consideration of/resting in/praying the scriptures and discussing them), Dream Work, and Aging with Courage and Grace. A trip to its website uncovered a treasure trove of other offerings later in the spring and summer on topics ranging from Centering Prayer and Mindfulness to Grace in the Garden. Cost varies in accordance with the length of the programs – some are single-day affairs and others run eight days. If you’ve got some time and a bit of disposable income, take a look at the possibilities at

They've also announced a Quiet Day led by Bonnie Thurston the weekend before Easter titled Lazarus, Come Out: Reflections on John 11. Details below:
When: April 13, 2019 from 9:30 am-3:30 pm
Where: The Community of St. Mary, Southern Province, 1100 St. Mary's Lane, Sewanee, TN 37375
Cost: $50 (A non-refundable deposit of $25 will need to be paid upon registering. The remaining $25 can be paid at the door ). Please send check or cash by mail to the address listed above.
Contact us at: 931-598-0046 or at
Episcopal Church Women’s Annual Retreat & Meeting
(Province IV)
Episcopal women, if you are interested in meeting with other Episcopal Women for spiritual exploration and congenial relaxation, consider taking part in the annual retreat and meeting of our particular province. It’s scheduled for June 3-5 in Pine Knoll Shores, NC, a small town on a barrier island on the Atlantic ocean not too far from Jacksonville, NC (the pictures are achingly gorgeous). Registrations must be submitted by May 8. See below for a few details; you can get a registration form from the office upon request (243-3257; ). There’s a contact listed at the end of this article for those who’d like more information.
·       Lodging & Meals beginning Monday, Double Occupancy $82.00 per night Lodging & Meals beginning Monday, Single Occupancy $102.00 per night Optional Networking Day (Sunday), Single $102.00 per night, Double per night
         Commuter $15.00 per day for lunch Registration Fee $50.00
         Overnight participants and day participants pay the $50.00
The Keynote Speaker will be Chris Butterworth, who will speak on
Godly Harmony, Transformation & Renewal In Today’s World.
Chris is a faithful creative soul practicing her gifts through Spiritual Direction, Retreat Facilitation and Fabric Artistry. Her heartfelt desire is to make connections and deepen relationships with all people and helping make a difference in their lives.
She is married to a retired Naval Officer, now a second-career Episcopal Priest, has two grown children and two elderly cats.
Information about workshops and other programming has been promised for the near future.
For questions or concerns, please contact Becky Taylor Scott: 903-571-0652 or
Centering Prayer (Barth Room) -- Friday, 1:00 p.m.
Serving This Sunday
At the 8:00 a.m. service : Lectors, George Reed, III; Jim Dorris; Intercessor, Nan Fortiner; Chalice, Lisa Revenig; Acolyte, Andy Lane; Usher, Mike Revenig; Greeters, Peter and Jane Duvoisin
At the 10:45 a.m. service : Lectors, Edith Snider, Diana Peterson; Intercessor, Breezie Finley; Chalice, Becki Jordan, Cathy Stone; Oblations, Tom and Skeeter Makepeace; Acolytes, Ouisi Hamilton, Ali Stahlwood; Lead Usher, Frank Watkins; Greeters, Catherine Durham, Erica Kelley; Web Broadcast (camera and sound), Tom Makepeace, Bill Boren

Lectionary Readings
Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18; Psalm 27; Philippians 3:17-4:1; Luke 13:31-35             
(texts can be found at )

The God of Abraham praise (Hymnal 401); O Love of God, how strong and true (Hymnal 455); Day by day (Hymnal 654);
O Jesus, joy of loving hearts (Hymnal 649); How firm a foundation (Hymnal 637)
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