SAT Testing for VPA Juniors: March 27

Veritas juniors have been preparing and practicing for their upcoming SAT test on Wednesday, March 27. Students have also been given an informational handout with what to bring and other practical information on testing day (including a pre-administration the day before, on March 26). They should have this handout, but if needed, you can find it linked here as well .

  • Students should read the SAT School Day Student Guide they received in class this week.
  • Students should review the flyer linked above
  • Please note: SAT testing will take place in the gym: before being admitted to the testing area (starting about 7:15 AM), students should line up outside the glass doors to the gym entry, toward the lunch room

Let us know if you have questions, after reviewing these materials.
We hope you have a restful and reinvigorating spring break!