COVID Update from Bishop Kym
Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Dear Siblings in Christ,

The current pandemic is far from over. Recently, there has been an alarming increase in infections and hospitalizations due to the Delta Variant of the coronavirus, especially among the unvaccinated. While we strongly encourage that everyone eligible to receive a vaccine get vaccinated, we cannot presume to know the vaccination status of everyone who enters our doors. We do know, however, that children under the age of 12 cannot receive any of the available vaccines, and there are others who for various reasons cannot receive the vaccine.

While this is not the news any of us wanted, it is in these moments that we are called to live out our faith and the great commandment to love God, yourself, and love our neighbor. I would like to update our May 24th recommendations considering recent events.

  • Gathering: Outdoors strongly preferred. Indoor gatherings should be distanced and masked.

  • Social distancing: Maintain reasonable distance before, during, and after worship, especially indoors; Six feet distancing is preferred. No physical contact.

  • Masks: Everyone is asked to be masked indoors, regardless of vaccination status. Preachers and readers may unmask during worship. Congregations with inter-generational gatherings are strongly urged to gather outdoors, if possible. 

  • Eucharist: Communion in one kind is encouraged; other manners of doing Eucharist in both kinds have been successful, but we will continue to forego the common cup of any kind; Distribution with gloves or tongs.

  • Hand sanitizer: This should be applied multiple times throughout the service.

  • Singing: Choir, with members vaccinated, at 10′ distance can sing without masks. Congregational singing should be limited to a minimum and always masked.

  • Fellowship: Minimal food, coffee, with appropriate COVID handling of food. Individually wrapped or gloves for those distributing food is preferred.

  • Children: Any person, volunteer, or employee working with children must have been vaccinated. If children are present, masks should always be worn (regardless of vaccination status). All protocols followed: hand sanitizer, distancing, outdoors as possible.

  • Hospital & Pastoral Visits: Everyone is asked to be masked indoors, and limit visits to less than 30 minutes when possible.

My goal is to care for those who are vulnerable and for us to do our part to end hospitalizations and deaths. As we learn more about research, vaccination, and variants, I will work with Canon Carl Andrews to monitor our state. Any recommendations will maintain a measured approach until this pandemic is behind us. At a minimum, we will continue to follow any CDC directives/guidance to combat this pandemic.

Please encourage all those eligible in your community to get vaccinated. In the meantime, I am grateful for the efforts of many who continue to safely adapt to our ever-changing environment. I appreciate how each congregation is finding new and creative ways to be inclusive while tending to the various needs of our people, whether gathered in-person and online.


Bishop Kym Lucas