"We've all heard of Murphy's Law, right?"

"If something can go wrong, it will go wrong."

Well, have you heard of Cole's law?"

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Newsletter Sponsor
A special HELLO to you from the Lakeville Women in Business Committee!
Are you working on your plan?
Did you submit your PPP application?
If you plan to apply for the PPP, and have not already submitted your application, you need to work with your bank to DO IT NOW. They opened it up yesterday and the funds will go very fast.
Information from DEED...
Provide your input on Minnesota’s
new social distancing norms

The Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) – is in the process of thinking through what our new “social distancing norms” should be once the Stay at Home order is eventually lifted.

For example:
  • Should everyone keep wearing masks?
  • How do we stay 6 feet away from each other in naturally smaller spaces, like an elevator?

This survey is designed to identify trends across organizational categories rather than focusing on the views of one organization.

Please take a moment to share your thoughts on the questions in this survey. Your feedback will valuable as we plan for what comes next.
NOW AVAILABLE: Applying for unemployment if you are self-employed or an independent contractor
Normally, self-employed people and independent contractors would not be eligible for unemployment benefits in Minnesota. But the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act created a new program to provide benefits specifically for these people.

This program, called Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) , provides weekly benefit payments to people who would not be eligible for regular unemployment benefits, including :
  • Self-employed people
  • Independent contractors
  • Workers in non-covered employment
  • People lacking sufficient work history to get regular UI
  • People living in a household where the head of household has died as a direct result of COVID-19

PUA did not exist before the CARES Act became law . It includes a complex system of new eligibility considerations and factors that our regular UI system never considered. As of Friday, April 24, DEED has begun the process of making payments to people who are eligible for PUA .

Here are a few things you should know
  • If you have already applied for regular unemployment benefits, you do not need to do anything extra to qualify for PUA. DEED will automatically establish a PUA benefit account if you are eligible.
  • If you have not applied for unemployment benefits yet, special instructions for self-employed and 1099 workers are available here. These instructions include steps you can take to make your account easily identifiable as potentially eligible for PUA.
  • If you applied for unemployment benefits without following those instructions, don’t worry – you don’t need to change anything. Your account will still be reviewed for PUA eligibility.
  • If you have not heard from DEED yet, don’t worry. We expect to be in touch with most people who are eligible for benefits under PUA by the end of April. There is no need to call or follow-up; you will hear from us proactively if we need additional information to determine eligibility.
  • You will receive information about PUA benefits in your online account, by email, and by mail.
  • Applicants who receive PUA benefits will also receive the $600/week additional payment.
  • PUA benefits will be backdated to whenever you first became eligible due to COVID-19.
Part 2, TODAY at 11:00 AM
Once you register, Brenda will email you the meeting link.
A short video from one of Karen's colleagues here...
FRIDAY at 8:00 AM
Click below to HELP, or ask for HELP.
The City of Lakeville and Hosanna Church, in cooperation with the Chamber, launched the LakevilleCares program. Very simply, this is intended to be an easy way to connect people in need with people who can help . Whether you are in need of materials, services, etc. or you can help with services, materials, etc. you can contact LakevilleCares below.  
Catch someone in the act!
Great information for a staff meeting!
I am including the link to last week's April luncheon video. Kit Welchlin did an amazing job of giving us some stress reduction, time management and procrastination avoidance techniques . This would be a great video to add to one of your weekly staff meetings!
Thank you to our April Spotlight Luncheon Sponsors:

From the Top:

It's thinly sliced cabbage.

Newsletter Sponsor
Chamber Resources
Community Resources
[952-469-2020]  [ info@LakevilleChamberCVB.org]