Welcome to Imagine Well Being. We practice an unlimited welcome including interfaith and secular friends. All our classes are based in the clinical and evidence-based tradition. First timers, our ongoing friends, and experienced practitioners will all find benefit from the mindfulness component in all offerings.

There is no charge for these classes as it is a gift from the Crossroads Imagine community. The world is changed as we cultivate compassion, service, forgiveness and wisdom as we become more responsive and less reactive within our circle of influence. 

To register for these events, visit: https://liveimagining.com/eventbrite-events/

For questions, email Cathy Norman: cnorman@crossroadsnova.org
Living Mindfully with Life's Challenges Workshop
Sunday, February 16, 3:30-5:30 pm

Whether you have a stressful job and commute or are in a transition such a divorce, a health challenge, grief, change of jobs, caretaking for aging parents or caring for children with special needs...mindfulness meditation is a resource that can make a tremendous difference in your life. 
Monday, February 3 and 17, 6-7 pm

Together, we will sit in silent
meditation for approximately 20-25 minutes, followed by an opportunity
to share how the practice is unfolding in our lives. Our intention is
to inspire one another toward regular meditation practice, while
sharing the direct, rich experience of sitting in communal silence.
Mindfulness Meditation Community Gathering
Mondays, February 10 and 24, 6:15-7:30 pm

This experience will focus on mindfulness meditation and community conversation to inspire and equip first timers or experienced meditators in evidenced-based mindfulness meditation.
Integral Hatha Yoga
Every Tuesday, 7-8 pm

This gentle yoga class is designed to integrate mindfulness and Hatha Yoga in the evidenced-based tradition cultivating more calmness through mindful breathing and movement in daily life.
Chair Yoga
Wednesdays, February 5 and 19, 1-2 pm

Chair yoga is a great way to relax from head to toe without the
stress of getting out of your chair. Target areas will include the systems of the body, digestive, nervous andendocrine: most importantly, the Lymphatic system to boost
immunity and cleanse the entire body.
Restorative Yoga
Wednesdays, February 12 and 26
1-2 pm
This class is designed to introduce Mindful Restorative Yoga as a practice to boost your immune system and increase mindful stress reduction and relaxation.
Slow Vinyasa Flow Yoga
Thursday, February 6,
7:15-8:15 pm

This class will focus on moving through each asana (pose) with mindful awareness of breath, movement and sensation.
Vinyasa Flow Yoga: Refresh and Renew
Thursday, February 20, 7:30-8:30 pm

This Vinyasa Flow Yoga class will include a traditional Vinyasa Flow practice with a focus on renewal and relaxation. This class will incorporate breath, movement and mindfulness followed up with Savasana, the resting pose.
Qigong Moving Mediation
Saturdays, February 15 and 29, 10:30-11:30 am

A great way to bring more relaxation and calmness. Qigong uses very simple movements to improve physical, mental, and emotional health.
Mindful Relationships Workshop
Sunday, March 1, 2-4 pm

This workshop is designed to strengthen mindful self-awareness and communication skills in relationships with others in the evidenced-based tradition of MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction-(U Mass Medical Center).
 Weekly Spiritual Gathering: Wholeness in Community
Wednesdays, 7-8 pm

Each gathering will begin with a period of silent meditation. We will then explore different spiritual topics, share our thoughts and responses in a small group setting, discuss how we will work towards the integration of spiritual teachings and practices into our daily lives, and close each meeting with a period of guided meditation and reflection.
SA DC Metro - "The Self"
Monday, February 10, 7-9 pm
Thursday, February 20, 7-9 pm

Week 12 of the "Peeling the Cosmic Onion: A Journey of Spiritual Transformation" series! The topic will be "The Self".
PFLAG Community Group Meeting
Tuesday, February 25, 7-9 pm

LGTBQ+ adults, youth, parents, families and allies are invited to attend monthly meetings of the newly formed Loudoun chapter of PFLAG.
Break out groups (LGTBQ+ adults, LGTBQ+ youth, and parents/allies) available.
Beer, Conversation and Spirituality
Thursday, Febraury 20, 7-9 pm
( Third Thursday of each month- Leesburg)
We welcome persons young and old of all faiths (or none) and all nationalities to join us. That diversity makes for compelling conversations.
Open Hearts, Open Mic Night
Friday, February 21, 6:30-8:30 pm

A place where all are welcome to share or breathe in the artistic gifts of music, storytelling, poetry and more. Sign-in at 6:15pm.
Bluebirds Nest Monitoring Program Kickoff
Sunday, February 2, 2-4 pm

The overview of the program, discuss the current trails being monitored around Loudoun County, and take us through a slide show about Bluebirds, their nesting habits, habitat needs, and preferred foods.
Birding Bles Park
Sunday, February 16, 8-11 am

Join Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy on this new regular bird walk at Bles Park, located along the Potomac River in eastern Loudoun. More than 175 different species of birds have been observed at Bles Park in a great mix of habitat.
Landscape for Life : Bring Nature to Your Backyard
Sunday, February 16, 1:30-3 pm

This program that helps us be good stewards of nature by starting small, right where we live. There will be practical suggestions to create environments for native flora and fauna in your yard or condo planting boxes.
Amaze your Friends and Impress Your HOA with Native Plants
Wednesday, February 5, 7-9pm

At this Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy program we will discuss why we need to use more native plants at home to help troubled bird and insect populations and how to WOW your friends and neighbors.
Birding Banshee
Saturday, February 8, 8-11 am

  This birdwalk at the Banshee Reeks Nature Preserve is a diverse 695-acre treasure in the heart of Loudoun County with streams, trees, shrubs and fields that attract lots of species, making it a birding hotspot.
Nature and Soul Art Work Retreat
Saturday, February 8, 10 am-4 pm

The purpose of this full day retreat is to help people to unplug from their day to day life and spend time connecting to their spiritual center. When the chatter of our self-talk becomes too loud we find that we no longer believe that a part of us is artistic or creative .
Exploring Nature in Winter
Saturday, February 8, 1-4 pm

Join Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy naturalists Phil Daley and Paul Miller on this family walk at Blue Ridge Center for Environmental Stewardship (BRCES) to discover and discuss how animals and plants survive the coldest months of the year. This will be a relatively easy walk during which we will examine the trees, plants, animal sign, and insects we find along the trails.
Hike Mary's Rock and Pinnacles in Shenandoah NP
Saturday, February 15 , 10 am-3 pm

We will gather at the Bear's Den Hostel to celebrate and welcome the New Year with a journey inward, together and outward that promises renewal in mind, body and soul.
Birding the Blue Ridge  Center
Saturday, February 22 , 8-10 am

The Blue Ridge Center for Environmental Stewardship (BRCES) is a beautiful 900-acre preserve in northwestern Loudoun County. With its diverse wildlife habitats, including meadows, streams and heavily forested slopes, BRCES draws a wide variety of birds and other creatures.
The Life of Forests
Saturday, February 29, 4-6 pm

Forests are a vital part of life, both for wildlife and the world’s climate. At this Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy program, the Loudoun County Urban Forester will describe how forests develop over time and how they are managed within their development cycles.