Christ Episcopal Church
Weekly E-News for January 26, 2020  

Please note! If you don't see two columns, you are missing half of the news!
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Mission Statement
Christ Episcopal Church is a diverse, inclusive  community  that encounters God and serves others in the City of Poughkeepsie, the nation, and the world.

We believe that social justice requires work, people deserve to be celebrated,
and faith is a journey.

We are inspired to grow through the sacraments, scripture, the beauty and power of worship and the rich traditions of our Church.

Rector 's Message
Dear Friends,
 This weekend we will have our Annual Meeting. There are not many things required by the canons for the church to do but the Annual Meeting is one of those things. In fact, one of the ways that Christ Church managed to technically survive as a parish during the Revolutionary War without a rector, was that they managed to continue to elect a vestry each year, presumably through holding an annual meeting.      
 January 26, 2020
Epiphany 3

8:00 am - Spoken E ucharist  

9:00 am - Family Service with
Communion and Guitar

10:30 am - Choral Eucharist

Rector's Message Continued
The Annual Meeting, during normal times, is a relatively benign exercise. We elect officers for the next year, we recall highlights from the past year, and we look to the future year of the church. It is a chance to review the financial records of the church as well as attendance figures, numbers of baptisms, marriages, and funerals. These are the ways that the church reports both its successes and failures.
At Christ Church we have been blessed these last four years with much to be proud of. Despite a general decline in church attendance, we have seen our numbers continue to grow. We have named the ways in which we need to change the way we use money as an institution and we have made progress on making sure that the church will continue to protect its endowment for future generations. Most importantly, perhaps, we have done these things by putting our mission to serve the City of Poughkeepsie at our forefront.
Still, the work that we do as an institution must reflect the values of our parishioners. The leadership is entrusted by the parish to advocate for the values that we espouse. In order to remain true to that call, we must have parishioners who ask questions, demand better of its leadership, and notice when we stray from our mission.
We encourage you to participate in this year's annual meeting. We will share in a delicious pot luck meal after the 10:30 service, there will be time to reflect on all that we have done. By sharing this time with your vestry and officers, you encourage us all in our work throughout the year. We are called to serve together, after all.
I look forward to seeing you at this year's annual meeting. I thank you for your continued support.
In Faith,

The Christ Church Annual Meeting  will take place on January 26th, immediately after the 10:30 service.

Please come and join your fellow parishioners for a pot luck luncheon during the meeting!
St. Paul's Food Pantry
The cooler temperatures of autumn call for soups and stews. Perennially popular items include beef stew, chicken noodle soup, and vegetable soup. 

Also, as stores no longer provide plastic bags, there is now a need for donations of reusable shopping bags.

Thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity.
 Volunteers Needed
Greeters : We need you: frie n dly  faces to greet those who come into Christ Church on Sundays. Training provided, no experience needed! Contact: 

Coffee Hour: Volunteers are needed to assist with Coffee Hour. Please sign-up on the Fellowship poster just outside the NCR entrance.  Help is needed for both hosting and food providers.  Your help is greatly appreciated.
 Ride to Church Needed
Are you able to give a fellow parishioner a ride to church? Someone at the Manor at Woodside (168 Academy St.) needs a ride to Christ Church. 

If you can help, please call the parish office for details  (845) 452-8220, or email at [email protected]
We want to be with you in times of need.
Christ Church offers a Prayer Tree, and a variety of pastoral care ministries. If you are ill or unable to attend church, please call the church office at (845) 452-8220 so your information can be given to those who can best assist you. 

In an emergency, please call Rev. Susan Fortunato directly. 
 Save the Dates for Upcoming Musical Events at Christ Church
Sunday February 2, 2020 at 4pm

Christ Church Music Fundraiser and Concert
reception to follow

Tickets: $25 to support Christ Church Music Fund

Concert Con Brio at Christ Church
     Saturday, February 22nd at 1:00pm

Chamber Music for Flute, Violin, and Piano: 
"A Palindromic Program featuring works by Telemann, Gaubert, Cui, Ibert & JS Bach"

Carl Gutowski, flute; Adrienne Harmon, violin; Alexandra Beliakovich, piano

Suggested donation $20 at the door. Students free.
 From the Outreach Committee
Follow the link below for the Dutchess County Interfaith Council's calendar of outreach opportunities in our area:

If you would like to have an event listed here and/or in the bulletin, please contact:  


Contact Us

                  Website Home Page 

               Susan's Sermon Archive 

                Parish Google Calendar 

              Sponsored Music Event

er Camp 
Diocese of New York
               Episcopal Diocese of NY 

                   Episcopal Church
The CEC e-News offers up-to-date info and announcements about upcoming events.  Contact the office with announcements and news that might be incorporated into this publication.