EOMT Love For Our Neighbors Grant
The generous giving of the members of the ELCA throughout the country has given the SWCA Office of the Bishop the opportunity to offer grants to help us share our love with our neighbors. We applied for and received two grants: $10,000 from ELCA COVID-19 Appeal, and $35,0000 from Lutheran Disaster Response COVID-19, for a total of $45,000. The Evangelical Outreach and Mission Team (EOMT) is working with the Synod Council and executive staff to award these funds for the sake of the world.

Congregations with active ministries that show love for their neighbors are invited to apply. Funds must be used to increase a congregation’s capacity to help their neighbors - for example, through the purchase of additional food, equipment, or gasoline. Funds could also be used for the purchase or repair of equipment, and/or a small stipend to pay for additional help. Awards will range from $1,000 to $5,000. Please justify the amount of funding you request by including the price of larger items as you respond to the questions of the application 

Applications are due via email no later than Friday, June 5.  The committee will meet to decide on the allocation of grants on June 8, 2020.  Checks will be distributed by June 20.  Grantees are expected to share stories and photos of the grant-supported ministry by October 15, 2020. 

To apply, cut and paste the questions below and their answers into the body of an email and send to Pastor Marj at
EOMT Grant Application Questions
1- Tell us how COVID-19 has impacted your ministry with your neighbors. For instance, has it changed who is coming, how many are coming, and/or how the ministry is accomplished? 

2 - How will this grant help you build on what you are doing so that you can help more people?      
3 - What other methods are you using to raise funds for your ministry?     

4 - How much does your congregation normally spend on ministry with your neighbors per month? How many neighbors normally participate?    

5 - How much do you anticipate you will need to spend from June to September to build up this ministry? 

Amount of funding requested (up to $5,000): 

Congregation name: 
Congregation address: 
Contact name: 
Contact email:
Southwest California Synod of the ELCA| (818) 507-9591||