March 2019
Crossroads Student Ministries
Weekly Newsletter

We had an awesome first Taco Tuesday gathering this week, where our Middle Schoolers got to make some new friends and share a ton of laughter! We played a March Madness-style bracket game, Top Pet, with famous dogs and cats going head to head. Air Bud was ultimately declared the champion! This week, we have been focusing on Serving Ourselves as part of our Lent for Students series. Sometimes, the best way to serve ourselves is laughing with friends- taking some time to forget about tomorrow's game or next week's test and just being in the joy-filled moment. Adding in tacos can't hurt either...

Our High School Girls' Small Group looked at how we can serve ourselves during seasons of tests and challenges, moments James 1:2-18 says we should consider "sheer joy." We discussed this deeper joy God inspires, one that isn't being perky or happy all the time. Rather, it is a sense of peace and confidence amidst constraining circumstances that can center us through the changes of the hours and days. Girls shared examples of practices they use to focus on joy and the bigger picture, practices like journaling, rest, prayer, sun lamps, or drawing that are all a service to ourselves.

You can text CUMCSTUDENTS to 41411 to get a daily challenge to serve yourself each day. One that resonated with me this week was "today, give up negative self talk, or flip bad thoughts positive. We get judgmental messages from the world. Try not to let those messages come from yourself."

Sending light,

(703) 229-3649 (call or text)
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Daily Text Challenges

Text  CUMCSTUDENTS to  41411

The daily texts will begin Monday, March 11, after our Intersect gathering on Sunday.

*These texts are push-out messages only, like the Crossroads Sacred Pause texts. There is no safety concern regarding students responding, communicating, or sharing information. They will only be receiving the message.
Volunteer with
Vacation Serve Camp!
VSC is June 17-21, 9:00a - 12:00p at CUMC

Middle and High schoolers are invited to serve as Student Leaders for Vacation SERVE Camp: Changing the World Through Jesus. Volunteer registration opens March 11th, and students can sign up to serve with music, games, stories, crafts, and more!

Register here
Taylor and some of the students at our first Taco Tuesday! Lots of laughter and fun throughout!
Taco Tuesdays for Middle Schoolers

Next Event is March 26th
2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the Month, 5:30-7:00p
CUMC, $5/student

Open to any students 6th-8th grade. Come for delicious tacos, outrageous games, and fun friendships!
This is similar to a traditional Youth Group gathering, and will include sharing a meal, playing large group games, and talking about relevant life topics with friends and mentors.

Register here
Save the Date!
Students SERVE Sunday
April 7th, 11:30-1:30p

Intersect Students will be discussing Serving our Community for our Lenten series and will have the opportunity to serve as greeters, ushers, in worship, or with DC Food and Fellowship!

Students and families are encouraged to go downtown to Franklin Park and serve as a group. Transportation available for students joining.

Register here
First Great Annual Egg Games
April 28th, 5:30-7:30p
All Middle and High Schoolers welcome

Students will recognize this egg as the egg that broke the record for the most liked post on Instagram, with over 53 million likes. World Records may be the only egg thing we won't be breaking at the First Annual Great Egg Games. Students will be divided into teams and compete for the Grand Prize, as eggs are balanced, tossed, rolled, smashed, juggled, dodged, and destroyed.

Register here

We will announced one event each week leading up to the Games. This week, Jimmy Fallon can help introduce Egg Roulette
Graduation Passage
Families with a graduating Senior (high school, college, or continuing education) are invite to mark and reflect on this momentous transition into a new stage of life...

Day Retreat: May 18th, 2:00-7:00p and
Community Recognition: June 2nd, 10:00a Sunday Service

The Day Retreat will offer a time for family blessing of independence, growth, and call, while celebrating the unique story and gifts that have led to this moment.

The Community Recognition service will allow the congregational family to further honor and support the individual and family.

*Day Retreat encouraged but not required to participate in the Community Recognition
Ongoing Opportunities- Join In Anytime!

  • High School Girls Small Group: Every Monday night, 7-8p at Peet's Coffee in Belmont Chase- HS girls are invited to join Erin and Jorden for a time to build new friendships and deeper community, centered around laughter and honest conversation. Come as you are able- there is no attendance tracking or ongoing commitment required. All girls 9th-12th grade are welcome!
  • Teen Yoga and Mindfulness: Every Tuesday night, 7:30-8:30p at CUMC. Free, no experience needed- Yoga and Mindfulness provide tools and resources teens can use to help cope with the stress in their daily lives. In this class, we will learn classic, gentle yoga poses and introduce breathing, relaxation, and mindfulness techniques to increase strength and flexibility of both the body and mind.

All events can be found on the Crossroads online Calendar here
This Sunday in Intersect...
Intersect Middle- 10 am in the Discipleship Room
Intersect High- 10 am in the Ryan Chapel

Both Intersect Classes will be exploring Serving our Friends.

Intersect Middle will be looking at a story of supportive friendship from the Bible, Luke 5:17-26, where the friends of a paralyzed man show faith and lower him through the roof to see Jesus. We will be asking how this story can inspire serving our own friends today.

Intersect High will be celebrating two students' confirmations in the service, then looking at John 14:3-17, the story of Jesus washing the disciples feet as an act of service toward his friends

Games, laughter and breakfast snacks always included! Contact Erin if you are interested in serving with Intersect one Sunday a month