November 2020 --- Volume 58, Issue 11
A little Fall Beauty ---- Photo Porsche

From The Editor
Mike Willis

This month's issue includes 2021/22 SVR Board election information and the SVR Board Candidate Statements of those who are running for the SVR 2021/22 Board of Directors. (New by-laws reflect two year term for SVR Board.)

Late breaking news, we will be looking for a webmaster starting for 2021.

When sending me a video it needs to be on a webpage and not as a stand alone as there is a size limit for this of 5MB.

This issue contains the following as you scroll through.
Also remember that all advertisers are linked to their web page.

Editor Comments
President's Column
SVR Calendar
2020 SVR Autox Wrap Up
SVR Autocross Schedule
SVR 2021 Election is Coming
Candidate Statements for 2021 SVR Board Positions
More SVR Board Election Information
SVR Logo Contest
Charity Auction 2021
Auto Union
2020 Mendocino Tour
In The Zone
SVR Membership
SVR Board Minutes
SVR Classifieds
SVR Store
SVR Board Members (link)
Gregg Plourde, Flyers
Rik Larson, Proof Reader/Tickler
Dick Murphy, Advertising
Ed Parra, Reporter
Skip Quain, Contributor
We are working on a Covid safe Chips for Kids toy drop off at a couple of the CHP offices in the Sacramento and Roseville ares.

Watch this space and our email blasts for more information.

President's Message
November 2020
Steve Barker
Photo Steve Barker

Greetings to all members of SVR and a welcome to all of our new members recently joining!

I trust you will find this month’s edition of The Drifter informative and interesting.

This is Election Month! Not only for our nation but also our SVR Club. If you have not had a chance to review the candidate statements waiting for our polls to open please visit where the statements are posted. The polls will close on November 20th.
If you have any questions regarding the voting process contact myself or our Past President, Webmaster and Nominating Chair, Gregg Plourde!
Your candidates include:
·        For President – Steve Barker and Eduardo Ortega, Jr.
·        For Vice President – Open
·        For Secretary – Open
·        For Treasurer – Bob Peake
·        For Membership Director – Sue Sanders
·        For Social Director – Mardi Quain

Yes, you read that correct, this is the first time in a long time we have an actual run-off for President! Eduardo served as President in 2017 and has decided to run this year. Your votes are very important as this election will determine who serves as your President for the next 2 years.

FLASH UPDATE: Candidates Rob and Julie have notified the Board that for personal reasons they will not be able to serve as VP and Secretary next year and wish to finish out their term. As we are now within the voting period anyone interested should contact any member of the Board to let them know they are interested. Rob and Julie have graciously agreed to cover a transition period. Per the by-laws, this falls under Vacancies and any member interested will be voted on by the Board with a simple majority wins. Those members interested can read about the duties of the Vice President and Secretary in the column, Duties of the VP and Secretary in this month’s edition of The Drifter.

Bob Peake and Mardi Quain are running unopposed. Our Membership Director, Rebecca Plourde will be terming out with Sue Sanders stepping up to fill Rebecca’s position. Sue has been serving as the club’s New Member Group Chair and this should be a natural progression moving into the Membership Director position. With your votes, I look forward to serving again as President and working with the 2021 Board to continue building on our events and implementing our new by-laws.

On Oct 14th the monthly BoD meeting was held via Zoom and all the candidates were given the opportunity to present themselves to the Board in lieu of a monthly dinner. It was an exciting event that gave each candidate a chance to present themselves and their views. The meeting was attended by a number of guests that included Christy Baden, Rita Barker, John Lanting, Bruce Severance, Alma and Gary Thompson.

We have a great group of candidates and I look forward to the results but this is where we need you to support our clubs election process and Cast Your Vote in November!

With the latest update on Oct 9th from the State of California regarding the Dept. of Health’s advisory on the Covid-19 pandemic I called an Emergency Board Meeting to deep dive the latest rules as to how they affected club events for the remainder of the year.

There will be an impact to our tours since at the state level there is a limit to a gathering of no more than 3 households. In car talk that’s like 3 cars. Rik Larson had the Mendocino Tour set to go with about 60 folks signed up on Eventbrite and Collin Fat planning the Off-Road Tour. With the Mendocino County releasing its guidance that overrode the State in that no gatherings are being allowed and has even mandated residents of Mendocino County to shelter at home. The result was the Board has decided to cancel both events.

In reviewing the Xmas Celebration, the drive through at CAM to make a toy donation has been changed and Mardi will be sending out an update once Plan B is ready.   The intent was to also hold a charity event that would go to the fire victims as part of the drop off. Richard MacFarlane will be revamping that plan and an announcement will be made to let everyone know how the charity will be run.

Each monthly Board Meeting our Secretary, Julie Lee does a great job writing up the minutes of the meeting. This is an important task as it documents the topics covered in the meetings and the results of any voting that takes place. An important part of the process is that she then sends out a copy to the Board members for review and what you see published is a final version that has been gone over with a fine tooth comb to make sure all the information is correct. So this month I tip my mirrors to Julie Lee for her role as Secretary and keeping us all informed on the Board activities.

 If you have any comments or would like to tell us your story of what it’s been like to be a member of SVR please drop me a line! If you have had an occasion to have your vehicle worked on by any of our sponsors we’d like to hear about your experience!

We’re all here to make our club a fun place to be a part of, meet others and enjoy our cars, and SUV’s!

Keep Driving!
Rob Lee
Vice President
Please contact me for recent calendar changes.
Also verify that event is happening with the event chair.

State has basically shut us down for the remainder of the year with the release off the Department of Health Gathering Rules.
However we should look to 2021 and do some event planning and submit our ideas for the year. Ideas suggestions can be sent via email for 2021 events (ones which they will plan, host or lead if the health gathering restrictions are lifted in the future). That way I can start populating the 2021 events calendar now and have something to work with whenever we are allowed to conduct a planning meeting.

PDK (Pretty Darn Kwik)
Rik Larson, SVR Member

Three Elections Going On? 
Yes, we have:
1. the SVR election of officers (for a 2-year term)
2. the PCA National election of officers (by snail-mail ballot)
3. the Presidential election on November 3rd
Another PCA car raffle 
This time it is for a 2021 Porsche 911 Targa 4S. $50 gets you a ticket.
Another SVR Video Released 
Eduardo Ortega, Jr. has released another video that features the SVR AX held at Thunderhill Raceway on October 10, 2020. Check it out at
Taycan Forum 
Yes there is one out there. Check out
Check out the fact that some folks are making various accessories using 3D printing techniques for their needs (like a cell phone holder). Almost 11,000 Taycans were delivered (worldwide) in the first three quarters of 2020.
Goodwood Speedweek 
This event has been going on for years in England. This year a friend sent me a link to a YouTube Channel that showed the live racing (remembering the 8-hour time difference). Races that caught my eye included the Jaguar E (left and right hand drive) against COBRAs (like the "Hairy Canary"). The videos are still up (more than 35 hours worth). There are some great 'in car' shots. And you know the cars are from stock vintage when you see the key fob and key in the ignition slot on the dash. Just search the YouTube website. And as SVR member Stephen Childs says: "this is no Monterey mind my car" type of racing.
2021 Porsche Parade
French Lick, Indiana 

The website is up ( but no details yet. It is scheduled for July 11-17, 2021. It will be headquartered at the same hotel location as was the case in 2015. I expect that online registration will open in January/February 2021. Phil Lawrence (from West Virginia) has already said he will be attending in his new Macan.

SVR Autocross Schedule
Watch this space for 2021 Schedule

2020 Autocross Season write up
By John Leet
Photos by Collin Fat

This has been a very uncertain year for all of us, and the autocross program was no exception. In the end, we were able to conduct a very successful season that wrapped up the weekend of October 10th and 11th. It is a significant effort to plan and execute each event, and I cannot thank enough the entire autocross team that makes this all possible.

Our original plan was to kick the season off at the end of March with our signature autocross school. As the pandemic hit, we considered the viability of conducting the classroom session through a Zoom meeting, but decided against this as we were not sure if/when we would be able to get out on the course to drive. In the end, we had to cancel the school, and look forward to the possibility of resuming this in 2021. If you are interested in learning about autocross, this is a phenomenal opportunity. When my daughter got her license, I had her take the class to help her be a better and safer driver. She ended up driving in the Zone series and received the rookie of the year award. We are not alone in this. I continue to see more and more teen/young drivers join the sport! The class is very popular and sells out quickly, so stay tuned for further communication as we establish our schedule for next season.
At the time, we also made the decision to move any remaining 2020 events to Thunderhill Raceway Park, rather than splitting and having some at our prior location in Stockton. Thunderhill offers a fabulous driving surface for autocross. Located in Glenn County, they were able to open up to outdoor driving events earlier than other counties, and we were able to host our first event in June, which was also part of the Zone 7 Series, bringing together all of the regions within our Zone. A set of guidelines were drafted for covid related protocols to ensure safety of all drivers.

The resulting SVR season had a total of 5 events, with outstanding competition and comradery. Event participation was well in excess of what we had planned, and what we have typically seen in past years, hitting a peak of 73 drivers participating in our last event. For the season, top 5 in PAX (which are performance adjusted corrections to allow different cars to compete) were Drew Powers, Grady Carter, Brant Ballantyne, Alan Booth and Monte Pack. Congratulations to all! Full event, class and PAX results can be found HERE.

Autocross programs are becoming more and more challenged across the state, as many venues are deciding to no longer support motorsport activities. We are fortunate to have Thunderhill available to us, within a reasonable driving distance from Sacramento. As we look forward to 2021, we expect to continue with Thunderhill as our event location, and remain confident that we will be able to resume our annual autocross school to kick off the next season. Regardless, we welcome new drivers at any of our events! If you are interested, or have any questions regarding the SVR autocross program, please reach out to me at

Fun and Feast at
Fats Asia Bistro Dinner
By Ed Parra, Drifter Reporter
Photos by Collin Fat

The venue, wine and beer brought cheer to those attending Fats Asia Bistro Dinner on September 28, in Roseville. Club members were very happy to get together at an SVR event to visit and dine with their friends after a dreary 2020 lock down that has imposed social restrictions and limited events. The restaurant provided fantastic dishes and the service was outstanding. Everyone was enjoying this SVR dinner hosted by the Fats and coordinated by Alma and Gary Thompson.

We were greeted at the door by a well-organized and prepared check-in staff. About 45 folks started off with a pre dinner hour of social mingling in the center dining area of the restaurant. This dinner was private, as the restaurant is closed on Monday to the public so we had run of the restaurant to socialize. Although masks and social distancing was observed, it didn’t stop the elbow and fist bumps as many of us wanted to express our joy of seeing our friends after a long drought of limited socializing. The restaurant did an excellent job planning and serving the multitude of dishes promptly.  A shout out to the chefs for their excellent dishes, but I have to admit the Mongolian Beef was my personal favorite since it had just the right spicy kick! Last but not least, Fat’s famous banana cream pie was delicioso!

Gregg Plourde, Chair for Nomination Committee, announced the candidates that are running for SVR directors’ positions with the election slated in November (See the club’s website for more information).   In addition, Gregg recognized Liz Houser with a beautiful quilt for all the work she has done for the club, especially many of the tours. If it wasn’t for the COVID lock down and the N. Cal fires, more of her events would have occurred. Liz, once again thank you on behalf of all the SVR members.

The service and meals were a hit but now we need to move on to the gift raffle. Nancy Olson and Tom Perry Smith did a nice job running the show. She sold a ton of tickets during the pre-dinner socializing and he called out the winning numbers after the dinner. They make a great team! There were several gift donations, mostly nice bottles of wine, so there were plenty of winners. Everyone had a great time and thanks again to Alma and Garry for arranging another successful and fun event for our Club!

SVR 2020 Elections are HERE

SVR Elections Are Here!!

It is that time of year when you get to exercise your right to vote for the 2021/22 SVR Board of Directors.
This year, along with the National Election that gets far more attention than our humble one for SVR, you get to choose the next board officers for the next two years. That is different than before as the bylaws have changed to a two-year term with the option to run for a second term. That reduces the times the club must new seek candidates and go through the election process for the entire board. The new year also reduces the members of the Board to six elected and one appointed position, to streamline the functioning of the club.

Also, this year there are two positions that are vacant for the 2021 as the candidates have decided to move on to other endeavors. This has happened a few times in the past, and we are currently seeking candidates to fill their positions for 2021. That is why you see only four board officers on this year’s ballot. On that note, if you know of or are interested in serving as Vice President or Secretary, we would love to hear from you. If interested, contact the President to ask questions.

To vote, simply go to the SVR website and click on the Ready to Vote link. Once there, fill in your name and PCA Membership number. If you don’t remember your number contact Rebecca Plourde, the Membership Director by emailing Select the membership type, both Primary and Affiliate can and should vote for the candidates. To vote for a candidate select the drop-down arrow on the right side to fill in the official candidate. If you wish you may select a write in candidate in the box immediately below the candidates. Keep in mind that person must be willing to serve on the board, so be sure they want to be considered for the position.

Finally, there is a small survey we take at this time of year regarding your specific interests in the club activities. Click the “I’m not a robot” box. Don’t forget to click the Submit button at the very bottom!

The voting will last for 20 days, starting November 1, 2020 and will end November 20, 2020, so there is plenty of time to get your membership number and exercise your right to vote!
After the 25 of November the President will be notified of the results and announce the winners. That information will also be on the website.
Thank you for voting!

Gregg Plourde,
Past President and Nomination Committee Chair

Below are the current Candidate Statements.

Candidate Statement
SVR President
Steve Barker

Please consider this as my submission for your consideration to serve as President of Sacramento Valley Region for 2021.

Having served multiple times as President 2020, 2013, 2014, Vice President and Past President, it has been a pleasure seeing the club grow in membership while offering a wide variety of activities for all to make this a place of fun and friendship.

As we have dealt with Covid 19 making 2020 one of the strangest years I look forward to serving again as your President and making 2021 a banner year and getting back to many activities.

During 2020 there have been a number of changes to how the club operates such as going to a digital version of The Drifter, a completely revised set of by-laws that will take effect Jan 2021, changes to the number of Board of Directors, as well as creating a new committee to manage the evolution of our logo, not to mention a change to the Webmaster. Managing thru these changes was challenging but the club can be assured the members of the Board worked thru each challenge together even as some have done double duty.

Let’s keep the momentum going as we look ahead to CRAB in 2021 and the clubs 60th Anniversary in 2022!
Thank you for your vote!
Steve Barker,President, SVR

Candidate Statement
Eduardo Ortega Jr.
SVR President 

Having served as your President in 2017 was an honor and a privilege. It fulfilled a long term goal after a five-year journey of service in the Board of Directors as your two-times Social Director, two-times Secretary and one-time Vice President. This journey started during my New Members Tour in 2011, when I responded to the call of duty for Board service. In 2016, during Collin Fat’s second term as President and my second time as Vice-President, we won the 2016 Region of the Year Award from the National Porsche Club Of America. My contribution to that effort (as 2016 Vice President) was to keep the master calendar of events of SVR and to provide the insurance from national PCA for the events to proceed (this included the CRAB 36 multiple layered master release of liability for this complex event). During my two years as Vice President and one year as President I developed close relationships with other Zone 7 Region Presidents and Boards for the implementation of the Multi-Day Zone 7 Tour across vast geographical portions of Northern Zone 7, with Zone 7 Representative Sandy Provasi and National PCA. In National PCA I became close to Charlotte Chirinos, Executive Director Vu Nguyen and now PCA Past President Caren Cooper.

In 2017 I started my Presidency in top of the world. My biggest goal was to properly shepherd our club to a yet-to-be determined CRAB 37 in 2018 (to continue a club goal to revive CRAB events in a two-year repeating cycle) since CRAB 36 in 2016 had managed the return to our club of our most complex and prestigious event after a five-year hiatus following CRAB 35. But after careful consideration and consultation with my wife Margarita, I decided to take a break from Board service mainly due to work and family obligations. Please click on this hyperlink to see a brief slide show video with images of my SVR club, professional and personal life captured over the 10 years I have belonged to SVR.

I am also honored to have received the following endorsements from SVR Past Presidents for my 2021 Candidacy for President: 
  • Jim Karver (President 1973)
  • Rik Larson (President 1980, 1996 and 1997)
  • Mike Willis (President 1991, 1992, 2007 and 2008)
  • Bob Peake (President 1998 and 1999)
  • Yvonne “Cookie” Anderson (President 2009 and 2010)
  • Collin Fat (President 2015 and 2016)
What few people know is that my six-year-service in the Board came at a certain personal price. Nothing is free in life. There are no perpetual motion machines. There are no successes in the world of business without years of hard and prolonged work to make it happen. Likewise, in my case, I managed six years of continuous Board service (service in which I missed a monthly board meeting only twice) juggling a highly demanding professional career as a Structural Bridge Engineer managing multi-million dollar transportation projects for the State of California and as a father and husband of a small family.

My daughter Desiree was 14 years old when I started my Board service, and 20 years old when I finished (for all the fathers and mothers in our membership reading this, you know very well that raising a child takes a huge amount of effort, and while I loved every minute of my service to SVR and the Board, I cannot deny those years of service did cost some quality time I was not able to provide to raising my daughter and tending to my wife). That is the nature of our finite lives on this earth. There are only a set amount of hours in the day that cannot be stretched out no matter how hard one tries, and sooner or later “we all have to pay the pied piper” as the saying goes.

There are no free lunches in life. As you read this statement, you might be asking in your minds why did I give some of my personal life to serve in our SVR Board of Directors? Because my family education and Latin-American roots taught me that honor, service, integrity and hard work is what makes a man or a woman succeed in life and to make a difference in this world. I learned to love this club in my years of Board service and I wanted to make a difference in SVR, its members and the life of the club. And I did make a difference in those six years of Board service (just ask any member that witnessed my board service and they will attest to this fact) even though it came at a certain personal price that I was glad to pay. At the end of my Presidency in 2017 I decided to step back and take a break from my continuous Board service.
Fast-forward three years later, and now living in this dreaded apocalyptic 2020 year, I am not the same person I was in 2017. None of us are, if we care about improving our lives and better ourselves as we move forward by the impulse and momentum carried by the forward motion of the sands of time. This year marked my 10th Anniversary as a member of the Sacramento Valley Region of our PCA. During my own history in SVR, knowing legendary members like Past President Larry Wilson (RIP) and personally learning lessons from him have blessed me to learn and grow by expanding the horizons of my mind.

I have learned incredible wisdom from past Drifter Editors Bob Jacobson and Steve McCrory. I also have learned in person priceless wisdom from Past Presidents Rik Larson, Kim Nelson, Cookie Anderson and Frederick Rauch. And I cannot leave this prestigious company without mentioning the lessons I have learned and keep learning from my 2015 and 2016 President and now Zone 7 Representative Collin Fat. It is this legacy of wisdom and integrity from these gentlemen what propels me and our club to move forward and to revitalize the roots of this club, to help with the welcoming of new incoming members and fulfilling the roots and vision of the future for this club. I also must formally recognize the lessons and wisdom I have learned from the women which I was fortunate enough to have served alongside the Board of Directors, e.g. Linda Bradford, Joy Nieslony, Janet Conner, Alma Thompson and Liz Houser, just to mention a few of them.
I am ready and willing to serve a two-year term under the new approved by-laws. Even though for the foreseeable nine to twelve months we will still be dealing closely with the Covid-19 enhanced club-safety guidelines from National PCA to put events together, the following are my main goals I want to achieve as your President (once the pandemic subsides and is not the main focus in our lives):
  • The resurrection of the printed “The Drifter” as a “Classical Edition” published twice per year. This will not be our newsletter and it will not compete with our new electronic version “The Drifter”. It has been proven that the electronic publication is the most cost effective and efficient way of publishing our newsletter. But a historical printed Drifter will bring back value to our advertisers and promote new membership as our paper-printed publication has always done.
  • I will study how to bring “Dual Club Membership” back. There are very long-term SVR members around the USA that have maintained their dual membership for decades and they deserve to have it returned.
  • I will help (as the Administrator and content creator of our SVR High Definition Video Archive in our own Vimeo channel) with the effort of the new SVR logo redesign.
  • I will actively pursue Generation X, Generation Y and Millennials to get involved in the Club and bring with them their advanced information technology and social media skills for the betterment of our club. To accomplish this, I will create and shepherd a “Young Members Group”.
  • I will aspire to serve as the President of our entire membership, promote a culture of openness and welcoming of all members, and use my logical engineering thinking skills to be a bridge of communication among all the sectors of our club.
I will greatly appreciate your vote for President in 2021 and I conclude with the following excerpt of the social corner column I wrote for the celebration of SVR’s 50th Anniversary back in August 2012 edition of “The Drifter”:
Our original chapter members and earlier generations have built the foundations for SVR. Now it is the duty of the “younger” and new members
like me to preserve the SVR legacy built upon 50 years of hard work, to ensure that when we receive the baton from the earlier generations, we keep the identity of this chapter intact and keep it moving confidently towards the future”.

May God bless the United States of America and also the members of the National Porsche Club of America, all its Zones and Regions, and our beloved Sacramento Valley Region. Thank you for your consideration for me to serve as President in 2021, from the bottom of my heart.
Eduardo Ortega Jr.
2017 President
Past President

SVR Candidate Statement

Vice President

Rob lee has withdrawn from being a candidate for this position. Thank you for work in 2020 with the constant impact of Covid.

SVR Candidate Statement


Julie lee has withdrawn from being a candidate for this position. Thank you for work in 2020 with the constant impact of Covid.

SVR Candidate Statement   
Bob Peake

I bought my first Porsche, a '67 912 in 1976. In 1979 I moved to Sacramento and joined SVR. It was a great group of about 400 people who enjoyed Porsche's ,and lots of fun activities. In 1981 I got the award for Most Active Member; I think I attended 46 events that year. I have been more and less active over the years depending on what else was going on in my life. But PCA has always been something special to me and I've made many great friends in the club over the years.

I've been on the Board over a dozen times over the years in various positions, everything except Secretary I think. I was President in '98 and '99 and brought the National Parade to Sacramento 2000, as a Zone 7 event.
Our club runs on voluntarism. I would like to volunteer to be your Treasurer again for 2021-2023. I have the time, energy, experience, and desire to be your Treasurer again. I would appreciate your support, and look forward to seeing you at many events in the next 2 years. Hopefully we will be able to provide you with many more events as COVID-19,hopefully, has less impact on our lives in the coming years.

Thank You,
Bob Peake

SVR Candidate Statement   
Sue Sanders
Membership Director

I have been a member of the PCA/SVR since 2011. During that time I have served as “Social Director” for 2 years and I have been the “New Member Chair” ever since. I have put on many New Member Dinners and New Member Tours during this time. I have also put on some monthly dinners and have help host the “Cambria Tour” 3 times.

I am running for Membership Director this year. I feel I am qualified having prior experience working with the New Members and having worked in administrative positions for many years.

Thank you for your consideration,

SVR Candidate Statement   
Mardi Quain
Social Director

In 2014 Skip and I joined SVR with the intent of enjoying activities
around our Porsche, meeting new friends and contributing to the SVR club experience.
Since that time I have served as Social Director for two years, one
year as Secretary, and now again in 2020 as Social Director.
Some of the activities initiated or participated in, are:
Social Director:  
Initiated:    the Hosting Seminar 2018 and offered again 2020 Concept of forward event bookings into New Year and before January Planning Party
Secretary: Chaired the Bylaws Committee 2019, resulting in updated Bylaws approved by membership and effective 1.1.2021
Hosted with Skip, beginning 2015: Valentines Dinner, Blackhawk Museum Tour, annual Detail Maniac Seminars, Rivercats Baseball games
Have participated in organization and efforts for events:
         CRAB Nos. 36, 37, and the to be 38
         Christmas Party 2019
         Covid Christmas 2020
Plus, have enjoyed the many dinners and tours offered by other members.
SVR has added fun and purpose for both Skip and I. So I will welcome
the opportunity to continue to be Social Director for the new term and
hope you will vote for me. 
Thank you."
Oct 31, 2020
SVR Elections Underway!
Greetings SVR Members!
As we have now entered the SVR Board Election window I wanted to send out a message to all members that your vote is very important as this year's election actually has two candidates running to serve as your President.
  • The term will be for 2 years as the new By-Laws will take effect on Jan 1st.  
  • The limit of 2 terms back-to-back stays the same.  
  • Voting begins on Nov. 1st and runs through Nov. 20th. 
Please go to the website and have your member number ready when entering the voting booth.
ATTENTION: The Board was notified this past week that our VP, Rob Lee and Secretary, Julie Lee will be taking a leave after their term ends at the end of this year. Since we are past the nomination period, anyone interested in serving on the Board in either of these positions should contact Gregg Plourde, the Nominating Chair. His email is:  
All candidates will be considered regardless of how long they have been a member of SVR, or the kind of Porsche they drive!  
Having served as President, now completing my 3rd term, and being a member of the Board of Directors, is an excellent experience in any role.
Your service on the Board provides an opportunity to meet many of the members as well as providing exposure to the other regions in our Zone and PCA.
You'll be part of a team that helps plan out the events that makes SVR such a great club to be part of and bring them to life.
For a description of the VP and Secretary Duties see my article in the November Drifter that details what is involved.  
In closing, I hope you'll take a few minutes to cast your vote and volunteer to serve your club as a Board member.  It's very important for the club to begin the year with all Board positions filled so we can kick-off the New Year fully engaged with all cylinders firing! If you're interested or know someone that might be interested, notify Gregg and he will be in touch.
As I look ahead to next year I know we all look forward to a cure for this Covid virus so we can once again return to what this club is based on; fun events, getting together and making great memories. 2020 had a record number of events planned at the beginning of the year. Most had to be cancelled or postponed. The SVR Board continued to meet each month, although virtually, to determine how the California State and PCA guidelines impacted each event. Event Chairpersons attended the reviews and worked with the Board to develop a plan how they would implement the mandates. The number one priority was to ensure members were kept safe.  
As we are ending the year and wrapping up the few events left I hope you consider me as you are ticking off the candidate boxes in the voting booth as your choice to serve as President! 
Best regards,
Steve Barker
President, SVR 

Be a part of SVR History
Dick MacFarlane

After nearly 60 years of loyal service to our SVR members we are retiring our logo and grill badge.

The entire SVR membership has the opportunity to redesign our logo and grill badge for the next 60 years.

Watch the Drifter for details in the coming months
Start working on your creative ideas.
Thank you
Your Redesign logo/badge committee
Dick MacFarlane……………. Chair
Melinda Roles…………………Secretary
Rachel and Kim Nelson
Mary and David Borden
Charity Auction 2021
Charity Auction Committee
Dick MacFarlane ...Chair
Lois Roberts
We are 12 months away for our Charity Auction, but if your have any cool auctions items you would like to donate, I can get them now and store them until the event.
You may be moving, organizing, downsizing or just have an auction items you want to find a new home for.
1.      Books
2.      Posters
3.      Models
4.      Time share
5.      Car parts
6.      Apparel
7.      Wine
8.      Memorabilia
9.      Artwork
10.  You get the idea

Also, if you would like to join Lois and me on this not many meetings fun committee let me know.
Thank you,

Auto Union
by Skip Quain
Photos by Skip Quain

 The February 2020 issue of the Drifter carried my article “Dr. Porsche and the Connections that Furthered His Career”. In the article I noted that the crash of the Type C Streamliner that killed Bernd Rosemyer was very intriguing, and, after continued research, I would present my findings in a future edition of the Drifter. That research has finished and here is “the rest of the story”.

The January 28 1938 World Speed Record held on the Frankfurt – Darmstadt Autobahn resulted in the death of Auto Union Lead Driver, Bernd Rosemeyer. Could Rosemeyer’s death have been caused by a failed attempt to utilize Ground Effect Technology on the Type C Streamliner? In several photos of the Auto Union Type C Streamliner prior to Rosemeyer World Speed Record run, I noticed specific design features of the Type C Streamliner that could have been an early use of “Ground Effect Technology”.
The first documented use of Ground Effect Technology in the development of a race car was in 1977 with the design of Colin Chapman’s Formulae 1Lotus 78, and a year later the F1 championship winning Lotus 79, both driven by Mario Andretti. Within several years the use of Ground Effect Technology” was essential in the design of an F1 car. Ground Effect technology was also being used in Indy cars of that era.

Jim Hall famed for his Chaparral series of Sports Car’s introduced fixed and then moveable front and rear wings in the mid-1960s winning a number of races in the USRRC series). In the INDY car world Hall’s Chaparral K2, “the yellow Submarine” driven by Al Unser utilized Ground Effect Technology in winning the 1978 Indy 500. In 1979 Indy 500 the Chaparral K2 driven by Johnny Rutherford won the Indy 500 utilized Ground Effect Technology.
There are several features of the 1938 Auto Union TYPE C Streamliner in both the Lotus 78 and 79 F1 designs and the Lola T600 IMSA GTP car. Those similarities tweaked my interest to research if the 1938 Type C Streamliner did, in fact, utilize “Ground Effect Technology” 40 years prior to Lotus 78/79 in 1977, Jim Hall in 1978 and 1979, along with the Lola T600 in 1981.
As I started my search, I soon realized that this would be no small task. I first contacted Audi as they had located three Auto Union Gran Prix cars which have been restored and are now residing in Audi’s museum.

I contacted the “Audi Experience” and was given a Promotional Code Case # 4268976 and requested their assistance in my search. After several weeks Audi responded they had no history that could be used to either confirm or deny the use of “Ground Effect Technology” in the Design of the 1938 Type C Streamliner.

My next inquiry was to a racing friend Chris Locke who raced a Lotus 23 with me in Vintage Racing several years ago. Chris had sold his Lotus 23 several years ago and purchased an Historic 1977 Lotus 78 F1 car that Mario Andretti drove in 1977, collecting four wins. In 1978 Andretti drove the Lotus 79, a design improving the performance of the Model 79, by maximizing its utilization of Ground Effects. In 1978 Andretti won six races and the F1 Championship. The Lotus 78 and 79 introduced Ground Effects technology to F1, and soon, to the entire racing world.

When I talked with Chris about my research my quest to investigate the use “Ground Effect Technology” in the 1938 Audi Type C streamliner. He directed me to Nick Adams who is involved with maintaining the Vintage Lotus register. Previously I had also worked with Nick the establish the Provenance of my Lotus 23.

Nick then directed me to Crosthwaite and Gardiner in England, a well-known and respected restorer of historic race cars. Crosthwaite and Gardiner had restored three Auto Union Gran Prix cars and a Mercedes W125 Gran Prix car from the 1930ies.I contacted Crosthwaite and Gardiner and after a second E-mail I concluded their busy schedule precluded them from responding to my inquiry.
Nick also had an interest in the 1930ies Auto Union Gran Prix cars. He stated that during his research he learned a great deal about the design of the Type C Streamliner and the that events that could have caused the crash of the Type C Streamliner and Bernd Rosemeyer’s death.
late in 1937 Auto Union announced that they would be entering a Type C Streamliner to run in the World Speed Championship using the Frankfurt to Darmstadt Autobahn as the location of the speed trials. The event was scheduled for January 28th 1938. Mercedes had also planned to enter their updated Type W125 Streamliner in their own World Speed Championship event.

When Auto Union discovered the cost to rent the Frankfurt to Darmstadt Autobahn they offered to share course and cost of renting the Frankfurt to Darmstadt Autobahn. With Mercedes entering the World Speed Championship with a new designed W125 Streamliner Auto Union was forced to develop a new Streamliner design to compete with the Mercedes W125 with their much larger budget and engineering process.
Auto Union had not planned on developing a new Streamliner design for the Speed Championship Trials, they began the project but with Mercedes new W125 design. Auto Union was underfunded in comparison to Mercedes. Auto Union would also be without Dr. Porsche’s advice in transferring his ideas onto new design for the Speed trails Streamliner. At the end of 1937 Dr. Porsche Dr. left Auto Union to work full time on the Peoples car (VW) project.
Dr. Porsche’s advice was to design a stronger heavier body and focus on the body’s Aerodynamics, plus to include an enclosed cockpit. The new design caused a time crunch in the development and fabrication of the Type C Streamliner. In addition, the Christmas Holiday vacation added to reduce the time available to do more detailed wind tunnel testing.
Lack of time for the final assembly caused errors such as the over tightening of the screws holding the thin aluminum panels to the Type C’s chassis, causing the side panels to warp during the Type C Streamliner’s first run. This warping may have caused the air flow to be disturbed leading to the Type C’s instability.

Another factor was the cross winds running perpendicular to the Autobahn roadway. When Rosemeyer passed an opening in the hedges lining the course, the crosswinds could have subjected the Type C to side pressures causing the Type C stability problems. In the Type C’s design there are two Venture exiting the rear of the Streamliner, which was another feature to attempt to smooth the flow of air running through the underside of Streamliner from front to rear and exiting through the rear Venture.
Although the two Venture may suggest that the Type C design was attempting to utilize an early utilization of Ground Effect technology. The Venture were part of Auto Union’s design to control the air flow under the Type C, not to create down force. Side Skirts attached to the sides of the body were in place to control the air flow under the Type C’s body.
The side Skirts and rear Venture may have caused the air flow from the front to rear of the Streamliner to have contributed to lift rather than down force. This factor may have led to instability during the Speed Trials causing the Type C to crash killing Rosemeyer.
Finally, the rushed final assembly
 (A photo for the Dr. Porsche article shows the Type C streamliner being pushed to the starting line, showed a poor final finishing of the body compared to the earlier Type C Streamliner run at the banked Avus track in Berlin) I’m trying to locate the photo showing this)
Many factors entered into the crash of the Auto Union Type C Streamliner. The Type C’s crash destroyed the body and damaged the chassis to a point were damage to the body and chassis caused by the accident could not be distinguished from the failure of individual components.
Conclusion: My research, based upon a number of sources conclude that the crash of the Auto Union Type C Streamliner killing Auto Unions lead driver Bernd Rosemeyer was not caused by the early use of Ground Effect Technology.

Although several researchers tried to make a case for the use of Ground Effect Technology in the design Auto Union Type C Streamliner their claims cannot be verified.

The Experience of Driving a modern Formulae 1car Designed with Ground effect Technology:
Chris Locke races his Lotus 78 in the North American - European Historic Formulae I series. Through his driving experience driving his Lotus 78. The Chapman family entrusted Chris to drive the Ronny Peterson Lotus 79 in their museum. Chris told me the down force of the Lotus 79 is owsome compared to his Lotus 78 although the designs are only one year apart. At an Historic F1 event at Spa Francochamps, Chris driving the Lotus 79 going up the hill through Eau Rouge he was on the power at 120 mph in 3rd gear in the Lotus 79 where in the Lotus 78 he would be limited by the 78’s grip. Again, at Spa Francochamps going through Blanchimont, an uphill run into a right-hand curve Chris was at 170 mph in the Lotus 79. Where he would be braking in the Lotus 78

Additional copy
Dr. Aldo Zana wrote a detailed technical review of the Auto Union Type C streamliner accident killing Bernd Rosemeyer in The AutoSport Nostalgia forum. Dr. Zana’s article is extremely detailed, and will give the reader a better understanding of the forces behind Auto Union to set the world speed record.
2020 Mendocino Tour
by Rik Larson, Event Chair

Mendocino has been cancelled as of the result of recent State Regulations for "Gatherings.
Contact Rik Larson at with any questions.

In The Zone
November 2020
By: Collin Fat, Zone 7 Representative
Sacramento Valley Region

Photos Collin Fat
PCA Makes Glovebox Available to All Regions:
PCA Glovebox is now available to all regions to store or archive all of their important documents such as copies of their bylaws, articles of incorporation, signed waivers, policy and procedures documents, tax returns, and other important information that many times gets displaced or lost when board members transition from the old board to the newly elected one. In addition, PCA Glovebox is a great place to store items related to the history of your club such as its original PCA club charter, old newsletters (digital copies), photos, or records of the members of the club that have served as club presidents. It is also a great place to store original purchase documents for the club laptop, autocross trailer and registration, insurance documents, and other documents related to the business of running each club.

PCA Glovebox was asked for by region presidents looking for a National repository for important documents. Glovebox is a highly secure, cloud-based storage repository. It is available now to all region leadership, Zone Reps, and National Committee chairs. Region leadership that can have access includes all the board members, club historian, safety chair, concours, DE and AX chairs. In addition, the information is constantly backed up and it automatically tracks all the edits of documents and who made the change. It provides continuity of important information and only requires a quick flip of the switch when your board positions transition from one board to the next. No longer will documents and the history of the club become lost.
Glovebox works similarly to Drop Box as a depository for large amounts of data that would generally be stored by club leadership on several computers owned by past and present board members or event chairs. The issues with this manner of storage are several. If the members computer was lost in a fire, hurricane, or by theft, in most cases the information would be lost as most members don’t customarily backup their information. It also helps ensure that all future board members have access to all the information needed to do their jobs and have the information needed at hand. Too many times, information is lost during the transition of boards for one reason or the other. Glovebox will aide in protecting this valuable information and make the transition much more seamless.

PCA recently held a Region Focus event to explain in detail how Glovebox works, and you can view the details at this link:
Zone Autocross Series Update:
The Zone Autocross series held six Zone events in the month of October with Golden Gate and Loma Prieta regions hosting events at the Cow Palace on the weekends of October 3rd and 4th and again on October 24th and 25th. Sacramento Valley along with Redwood regions hosted a dual event at Thunderhill Raceway on October 10th and 11th. Due to restrictions imposed by Cow Palace management, all events at this location were restricted to 50 drivers. At the Thunderhill event, participation was only limited by each region with Sacramento and Redwood Regions capping registration at 75 drivers so that they could provide a quality experience for all participants. The current Zone standings are posted on the Zone 7 website.
Drivers need to compete in at least 50% of the scheduled events (4 out of 7) in order to qualify for year end awards. Due to restrictions imposed by various counties in Zone 7, our annual awards banquet will not be held until February of 2021 and in conjunction with the Zone 7 Annual Presidents meeting. It will likely be a virtual ceremony or perhaps a drive by event where winners drop by to receive their awards. Watch for details. For more information contact Zone 7 AX Chair Grady Carter at
PCA National Autocross Chair Visits Zone 7 AX Event:
At the SVR Thunderhill event, PCA National AX chair, Kathy Thorp attended along with her husband Bill. They drove all the way from San Diego to check out our event and walked away totally impressed with our organization, Covid 19 procedures, large attendance, and fun atmosphere. Pictured belowl/r Bill Thorp, Collin Fat, Kathy Thorp.
Zone Autocross Continues to See Growth Among Women and Young Adults:
Zone autocross participation has been impacted by restrictions related to Covid 19, yet regions continue to attract new members to the sport for those regions with an autocross program. Most significantly, I have seen a noticeable increase in the number of women who are participating over the course of the last 3-4 years and the change has been quite noticeable. When I first started autocrossing in 2007, I might have seen 1-2 ladies per event competing. Today, I am seeing 5-7 women competing. In addition, I have noticed that many members have been bringing out their adult or teenage children to also introduce them to the sport. These trends bode well for our sport as we continue to face issues finding autocross sites not only in Zone 7 but throughout the nation.
Region Elections:
Many regions in Zone 7 will be holding elections for club leadership in November. Please get involved and vote or even consider chairing a dinner or club driving tour. If that may seem too much to tackle, volunteer as a co-chair for an event. Your club is always looking for volunteers to help. Remember, PCA would not be able to provide all the events and programs it schedules yearly without the help of a dedicated membership of active volunteers.
Events of Interest:
1)     PCA Tech Tactics West, November 21-22, Southern California - CANCELLED
2)     Loma Prieta Region 50th (plus 1) Anniversary Gala, March 13, 2021
3)     PCA Spring Treffen at the Marriott Scottsdale, Arizona; May 5-9, 2021;
4)     Porsche Parade at French Lick, Indiana, July 11-17, 2021;
5)     PCA Werks Reunion, August 13, 2021, Monterey;
6)     PCA Fall Treffen at the American Club, Kohler, Wisconsin, October 13-17, 2021;
7)     PCA Spring Treffen at the BROADMOOR, Colorado Springs, Colorado, April 27-May 1, 2022
8)     Sacramento Valley Region 60th Anniversary Celebration, May 7, 2022
Note that past Treffens have sold out in as little as one hour due to their growing popularity.

Rebecca Plourde, Membership Director
SVR New Members October 2020
SVR Member Anniversary October 2020
Since we use e-mail for most of our communications, it is necessary to keep our e-mail address current with SVR and PCA. To update your information, go to and login. You can then make any updates (address, car, e-mail etc.). Also, even though we receive the information from PCA monthly, you can send the same updates to: New Member badges will now come with a removable colored sticker to encourage introductions at club events. They can be removed at any time. Welcome to the Sacramento Valley Region of the Porsche Club of America.
SVR - PCA Member Services
How do you join the Porsche Club? Go to: -This is an online system that will request a credit card for payment. If you would rather fill out a paper form, contact 2020 SVR Membership Director, Rebecca Plourde, at or 530.210.9686.

Not a Porsche owner but interested in the PCA? Try the PCA Test Drive program. For information, go to: Need to update your PCA information? Update your PCA record at
Do you have 2 e-mail addresses? Want Club info sent to a second email, work, home, spouse, friend...? It’s as easy as e-mailing your second e-mail address to the Membership Director at:

How can I contact the SVR-PCA by mail?
Sacramento Valley Region-PCA,
Post Office Box 254651,
Sacramento, CA 95865-4651

October 14, 2020

Board Members: Steve Barker, President, Rob Lee, Vice President, Julie Lee, Secretary, Bob Peake, Treasurer, Gregg Plourde, Past President, Rebecca Plourde Membership Director, Mardi Quain, Social Director, Mike Willis, Drifter Editor & Acting Treasurer
Guests: Christy Barden, Rita Barker, Collin Fat, John Lanting, Rik Larson, Richard MacFarlane, Eduardo Ortega, Jr, Sue Sanders, Bruce Severance, Alma Thompson, Gary Thompson
Excused Absence: Greg Zajic, Competition and Safety Director
Call to order 7:02 p.m. 
Old Business:
Minutes from the September 9, 2020 meeting. Approved via email vote on September 15, 2020, final Minutes distributed on September 15, 2020.
New Business:
a)     President’s Report: 
-Steve Barker discussed the current situation regarding Covid-19 in CA and the new mandates issued by the state on October 9, 2020. Due to new mandates, discussion ensued regarding the Club’s remaining events for the year (Detail Maniac, Off Road Tour, Mendocino Tour and Holiday Toy Drive/Charity Event). Further discussion is required; however, Detail Maniac was canceled. Rik Larson discussed the Mendocino Tour and Motion to approve the budget for the Mendocino Tour, made by Mardi Quain; seconded by Gregg Plourde. Motion Approved. 
-Discussion of Club Recognition will take place at a later date.
b)    Vice President’s Report: 
-the SVR Events Calendar (#29, dated October 3, 2020) has been updated and reflects the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on club activities.  
Other events could be canceled depending on local circumstances regarding Covid-19.
c)     Treasurer’s Report:
-No Report
d)    Social Director’s Report: 
-Mardi Quain reported that the monthly breakfast at Brookfield’s took place after a 6+ month hiatus. Brookfield’s accommodated the group on a different day due to Covid. While attendance was small, the event was considered a success.
-The dinner at FATs was a huge success with approximately 50 in attendance. Everyone wore masks and adhered to social distancing mandates as required. 
-Mardi Quain presented a proposal for a Christmas Toy Drive to be held as a drive-up event at CAM. The proposal included collecting toys, collecting charitable contributions, and funding a BoD gift for the first 100 members who attend. Much discussion ensued regarding the cost of the BoD gift. Several individuals expressed concern at spending money for a girt for members at a Charity event. Motion to approve the budget for Christmas Toy Drive, made by Mardi Quain. Motion Died. Further discussion is required.
-Mardi Quain discussed options for the charity to support during the Toy Drive event. Additionally, proceeds from Share the Wealth and the money from PCA for charity purposes was discussed. After much discussion, Motion to adopt the Oroville City Elementary School District as the club’s charity recipient, made by Mardi Quain; seconded by Steve Barker. 5 Yays, 2 Nays, 1 Abstained. Motion Approved. More discussion is required on this topic.
e)     Membership Director’s Report:
Rebecca Plourde reported the following membership numbers:
Membership Report for September:
Primary Members – 852
Affiliate Members – 527
Total Members – 1379 (includes 6 New Members, 0 Transfer In, and 0 Transfer Out)
f)      Safety and Competition Director’s Report
-No Report
g)     Web Master Report
-No Report
h)    Drifter Editor Report
-Deadline for the submissions to the Drifter is October 20, 2020.
i)       Past President’s Report/Comments
-Gregg Plourde discussed the process for nominating and electing the Board of Directors for 2021/2022. He stated that there were 2 candidates for President (Steve Barker and Eduardo Ortega, Jr) and 1 candidate for each of the remaining positions (VP – Rob Lee, Treasurer – Bob Peake, Social Director – Mardi Quain, Membership Director – Sue Sanders, Secretary – Julie Lee). Each candidate, with the exception of Treasurer gave a brief candidate statement. Voting for candidates will be from November 1 through November 20, 2020. 
j)       Other Topics
Meeting Adjourned at 9:17 
Next Board Meeting: TO BE DETERMINED 
Respectfully Submitted – Julie Lee, Secretary
October 19, 2020
Board Members: Steve Barker, President, Rob Lee, Vice President, Julie Lee, Secretary, Bob Peake, Treasurer, Gregg Plourde, Past President, Rebecca Plourde Membership Director, Mardi Quain, Social Director, Mike Willis, Drifter Editor & Acting Treasurer
Guests:  Collin Fat, Liz Houser, Rik Larson, Richard MacFarlane
Excused Absence: Greg Zajic, Competition and Safety Director
Call to order 7:02 p.m. 
President- Steve Barker
-Meeting called to discuss scheduled and planned events for the remainder of the year because of new mandates issued by the state regarding Covid. There is concern regarding the safety of club members/Covid and the state requiring that gatherings of more than 3 households are prohibited. While there are many interpretations of the mandate, the overall consensus was for the Club to air on the side of safety. The following events were discussed: Off-Road Trip – Collin Fat, Tour Guide; Mendocino Tour – Rik Larson, Tour Guide; Holiday Toy Drive/Charity Event. 
Motion to withdraw SVR sponsorship for the Mendocino Tour, cancel PCA insurance, inform Rik Larson immediately, made by Bob Peake; seconded by Mike Willis. Motion Approved. 
Motion to withdraw SVR sponsorship for the Off-Road Tour, cancel PCA insurance, inform Collin Fat immediately, made by Bob Peake; seconded by Mike Willis. 7 Yays, 1 Nay. Motion Approved. 
The CAM Christmas Event scheduled for 12-12-2020 is canceled. 
Further discussion/information is required regarding the Holiday Toy Drive/Charity Event. Mike Willis will contact the CHP to arrange for members to donate toys directly to various CHP locations. Additionally, there will be additional charitable monetary giving opportunities for members through Eventbrite. Final information regarding this event will be provided via an email blast and the Drifter.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:33
Respectfully Submitted – Julie Lee, Secretary
TrackMasters Racing is a leader in the High-Performance Driver Education events in Northern California and invites SVR-PCA drivers to participate in these events. For the complete schedule click the link below.

PCA Members may place non-commercial classified ads for no charge. Photos will be published on this web page at no charge. Non-PCA members may place ads on our webpage, on a space available basis, as follows: Ads without photos $20.00; Ads with photos $35.00. All ads run for two months unless canceled. There will be no refunds for paid ads.

Ads must be submitted electronically with attachment to PCA members must include your PCA membership number on all submissions as proof of membership.

Paid ads will not be published until payment has been received. Checks must be made payable to PCA-SVR, and mailed to: Porsche Club of America; Sacramento Valley Region; PO Box 254651; Sacramento, CA 95865-4651
Sacramento Valley Region Web Store
Sacramento Valley - Red House® - Mini-Check Non-Iron Button-Down Shirt
Price: $72.99
Sacramento Valley - Eddie Bauer® Ladies Hooded Soft Shell Parka
Price: $104.99
Sacramento Valley - Element 095

Price: $33.99

SVR Event Calendar

Submitting Material to the Drifter
The Drifter is Produced online monthly for its members. Written contributions are welcome and should be e-mailed to the editor. The deadline for submissions is the 15th of the month prior to the month of publication. Submissions in WORD or TEXT are preferred.
Photos are always welcome. Photos should be sent separately from the text. (You may also use a downloadable link to the photos.)
Please NO embedded photos in the submission.

To change your email address or street address, please email our membership director to insure uninterrupted delivery.
Rebecca Plourde at
or call her at 530.210.9686

All material in this newsletter is protected by copyright.

However, newsletter editors of other Porsche Club of America regions may reprint any article provided that credit is given to the author and Sacramento Valley Region and that The Drifter is cited as the source.
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