
With all the news, social media and entertainment that surrounds us in a constant barrage of information and both subtle and overt influence, we must constantly check in with ourselves to know what rings true in any area of our lives. Because if you're not careful, all that external noise will pollute the internal environment of your mind and emotions, and you can lose track of who you are and what is right for you.

In other words, learn to connect with and understand what you need or want from a deeper level - whether it concerns your health, appearance, what kind of relationship, job or home you should have to feel healthy, loved, successful etc. We are all unique individuals on our own unique journeys, which means we have to be the ultimate authority of ourselves, and that starts with owning our truth at any particular moment as we move through life.

Today's essay touches on this theme; the PGG Video of the Week might inspire you to think about the truth of who you are, or watch this one about how your heart will help you get to the truth of a matter. This week's Instagram post is about a client I helped become more of his authentic self, or this one about how trees are the truth.

If you haven't already, be sure to follow me on Instagram or subscribe to my YouTube channel for inspirational, motivational and sometimes silly content (like this or this) in between PGGs. Also, I've recently joined Clubhouse, so if any of you are on it, be sure to follow me there @clearlykristina and maybe we can start a room to talk about some of these things - let me know what you think!

Lastly, if you look forward to and benefit from these weekly missives and PGG essays and want to show your gratitude, any donations for my efforts are welcome and appreciated here: And as always, please feel free to contact me with any comments about anything.

Big hug <3

P.S. Want to get unstuck and on track in your career and life in 2021 and beyond? Check out the website for my individual coaching services.
Follow me on social media for article links, motivational videos & inspirational posts!
"I love your PGG newsletters - one of the only ones I actually read in its entirety. They are excellently written, and spot on. Thanks for being so inspirational and reflective!" ~ Tom D.
To Tell the Truth
Originally published May 18, 2010

Actors, when interviewed about their craft, often talk about finding out what the “truth” of the situation is for their part; Shakespeare tells us, “All the world’s a stage, all the men and women merely players.”

We are all characters in our own play or movie acting out daily scenes, but it’s easy to forget that we’re also the producers, writers and directors, especially when it comes to our relationships. We can, to a certain extent, cast who is in our life, assign them certain roles and create all the drama, comedy and tragedy we want. We can even rewrite the script when we have the courage to do so.

The best way to do this is to be honest with yourself so that you can communicate from the heart exactly what it is that you want and need. Since most people don’t walk around with ESP, it’s really up to you to say what you mean and mean what you say (in an appropriate way, of course!) and let the chips fall where they may, knowing that you honored what is real and true for you.

If it’s not a common practice, speaking your truth can feel uncomfortable, even messy, and can make you or the other person feel like a deer in headlights — but at least you’ll get to the bottom of things and set the stage to make the next scene better.

You can run but you can’t hide from the truth, and telling it to yourself is the first step. If you’re too scared or unable to see it, give me a buzz — I can be the spotlight that illuminates what’s really going on and help you create the starring role with a happy ending you so deserve!

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If you like what I write, you'll love what I have to say in person!

If you look forward to and benefit from these weekly essays and want to show your gratitude, any donations for my efforts are welcomed and appreciated here:

Looking for some quality content while social distancing?
Be sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook and subscribe to my YouTube channel :)

Remember, you can always see PGGs from any month or year going back to 2010 on my website at and visit my social media pages for more inspiration throughout the week! Want to share my PGG? Use my Medium page for friendliest posting version.

If you're looking for some compassionate candor and a dose of tough love, Kristina is the coach for you.... I came into this really lacking clarity and walked away with a sense of relief. Can't recommend her enough. ~ Kevin R.

Now is a great time to take stock of and get on track with your career and life with clarity, balance and direction.

Kristina’s coaching expertise is phenomenal — all-encompassing, inclusive of the mind, body & spirit, nonjudgmental, insightful and deeply involved in providing solutions and tools to be a better version of yourself. ~ Audrey N.


"Kristina patiently helped me to discover and embrace my true north. I was stuck in a past identity that blocked me from the person I wanted to become."


Heart & Soul: The Key to Success in 2021 and Beyond

Watch Past Talks Here:
Navigating times of transition for healing and personal growth

Using the Great Pause for Personal & Professional Development

Staying Motivated Throughout the Job Search Process

Authentic Branding: Letting the Real You Shine in Any Situation

Who Are You & What Are You Supposed to Be Doing with Your Life?

Stepping Stones for Success

Kristina's Books:

Read Kristina's Career & Personal Growth Articles:

"Since I last spoke with you, I've had some pretty dramatic changes - New Job, a Big Move, Healthy Dating Relationship. It's been pretty awesome. Emotionally, I've done a 180, and my life is certainly a reflection of that. My last session with you spurred a lot of wonderful life changes."  ~ Palanda B.
"I can honestly say that speaking to you was one of the most important events in my life. It is almost unbelievable how a 2-hour conversation can have that effect." ~ Bozhanka V.

Thank you again for opening my eyes to a new future! ~ K. Handa
Click on the link for this week's video for some thoughts about

Looking for more PGG inspiration and tips?

Click here for a link to full-length clips of Kristina in action or visit and/or subscribe to her YouTube Channel
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Looking for more good reads? Check out and follow me on Medium, where you can easily like and share the PGG's that really click. Share the love <3

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