Graduation - May 2021
This newsletter contains news and information of interest about
Montana Rural Teacher Project. Thanks for staying informed.
MRTP Graduates!
Montana State University has graduated the first cohort of Master of Arts in Teaching degree recipients who are part of the Montana Rural Teacher Project. They include: in elementary education,

  • Gabriel Furshong (pictured center in the above photo recognized as Outstanding MAT student)
  • Emmalee Bouldin
  • Ben Deremiah
  • Olivia Hintz
  • Jessica Myers
  • Rachel Neff
  • Meagan O'Leary
  • Laureen Sharp
  • Kimberly Weaver

In secondary education,
  • Nicholas Amsk (Social Studies)
  • Cary Chamberlain (Science)
  • Katrin Cottingham (Social Studies)
  • Rebecca Dellwo (Science)
  • Peregrine Frissell (Social Studies)
  • Ryan Hollinger (Social Studies)
  • Christopher Shoup (Science)

We congratulate our graduates on charting the course as MSU launched this new degree program.
Graduates on the Job Market
MRTP graduates are now on the job market, looking for a teaching position in Montana.

Does your school or district have an opening? Check here (and scroll to bottom of page) to see if your school is on the MRTP list.

Why Hire a MRTP Graduate?

MRTP graduates stand out because of the tremendous learning opportunities they have already engaged in while completing MSU's Department of Education Master of Arts in Teaching educator preparation program.

The degree program emphasizes the strengths of and opportunities in rural communities. This positions MRTP graduates to be ready on Day 1 to teach in Montana's rural schools.

Additionally, the Montana Rural Teacher Project provides two years of mentorship and support for graduates as they enter the teaching profession.

Moreover, our partnerships with education groups around the state provides ongoing professional learning and development to support MRTP graduates, the school leaders who supervise them, and the districts in which they teach.

The image below details the enormity of this grant project, worth $6.2 million, and one which will prepare nearly 80 teachers for Montana's schools. This puzzle has many pieces and our partners' contributions fit together perfectly.

We are grateful for their support.
As we graduate one cohort, we recruit for the next.
We can't do it without you.

If you know of prospective MAT applicants, please contact