USF System Government Relations Newsletter
January 2018
USF System Students Stampede the Capitol
Over 300 students from across the USF System, along with alumni and administrators, traveled to Tallahassee on November 14th to meet with legislators and advocate for the USF System, making this our largest USF Day at the Capitol ever.
Photos from USF Day at the Capitol 
      USF System students gather in the Florida House Chamber with USF Alumni State Reps. Shawn Harrison and Danny Burgess and USF System President Judy Genshaft.
Senate President Joe Negron (center) meets with USF System President Judy Genshaft (left) and student leaders.
 USF Alumni State Reps. Danny Burgess (left) and Shawn Harrison (right) with Rocky the Bull.
USF Alumnus and State Rep. Joe Gruters (center) meets with USF System students.
Florida's Lieutenant Governor Carlos Lopez-Cantera (center) meets with USF System students.
State Rep. Scott Plakon (left) with his daughter, USF Health student Jeanne Zamith (right).
Rep. Jim Boyd (center) meets with USF System students.
Speaker of the House Richard Corcoran (center) meets with USF System Student Veterans, ROTC cadets and Student Government leadership.
USF Named the Best Public University in the Nation for Veterans
For the third year in a row the University of South Florida has been named the top-four year public university in the country for student veterans, according to Military Times magazine .

USF received the top designation due to our expansion of veteran-centered programs, including a course designed to help student veterans find a job after graduation.
Rep. Chris Latvala Returns to the Classroom
On November 29th, State Representative Chris Latvala (R - District 67) visited University of South Florida St. Petersburg to speak to students in an American National Government class.

Rep. Latvala spoke about his background and journey to becoming a State Representative. He also gave advice to students wanting to pursue a career in government affairs, telling them to get involved and pursue internships for experience.
Rep. Latvala (right) visits USFSP to speak to Dr. Judithanne Scourfield McLauchlan's (left) American National Government class.
Construction officially begins on New Facility for Morsani College of Medicine and Heart Institute
USF celebrated the launch of construction for the USF Health Morsani College of Medicine and Heart Institute in downtown Tampa.

Speakers at the event included USF leadership, elected officials and champions of the new downtown initiative including USF System President Judy Genshaft, co-investor Jeff Vinik, State Senator Dana Young (R -District 18), Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn, U.S. Representative Kathy Castor (D-District 14) and Dean of the Morsani College of Medicine, Dr. Charles Lockwood.
Watch highlights from the event.
 2018 State Legislative Session begins on January 9th, 2018 
The 2018 Legislative Session will convene on Tuesday, January 9th in Tallahassee and we hope we can count on our Bulls Advocates to help advance the USF System’s top priorities.

This year's top priorities include receiving the final $21.3 million from the state that is necessary to complete construction on the new Morsani College of Medicine and Heart Institute in downtown Tampa. 

We will also be advocating to ensure that USF's achievement of the required number of metrics to be designated as the state's third Preeminent State Research University is not impeded. USF now meets the thresholds set in law and once those achievements are certified by the state, this prestigious designation can be awarded to USF after five years of hard work improving out student success, research & development and faculty metrics. Any changes to the Preeminence Program standards that are enacted this year should allow for a transition period for institutions like USF that achieved the existing standards that have been in place since the program's creation. The current versions of major higher education legislation, Senate Bill 4 (sponsored by Sen. Bill Galvano - Bradenton) and House Bill 423 (sponsored by Rep. Ray Rodrigues - Fort Myers) both provide this transition period, which USF strongly supports.

Please be sure to thank these bill sponsors and the rest of the Tampa Bay Legislative Delegation (click here for contact information) and ask them to ensure that USF's achievement of the existing Preeminence metrics remains protected in any changes that are passed by the Legislature in 2018. Since the Preeminence Program's creation in 2013, the Legislature and Gov. Scott have invested over $100 million in increased funding in institutions that have achieved the Preeminent designation.

The USF System is also requesting funding for USF St. Petersburg and USF Sarasota-Manatee to hire faculty and boost degree production in Programs of Strategic Emphasis for the state, specifically the STEM disciplines. These two regional institutions have both set goals to greatly increase degree production and class offerings in the STEM disciplines and each needs financial assistance from the state in order to help do so. STEM degrees are in high-demand in the workforce and pay graduates high-wages, but that also makes the STEM disciplines more expensive to start-up and maintain that other types of degree programs. However, the return on investment to the state and to our students makes the additional expense worth the upfront cost.

We thank you for your continued support of our advocacy program, and encourage you to promote Bulls Advocates among your professional and personal networks.
New interior renderings released for Morsani College of Medicine and Heart Institute