Thursday Afternoon, June 17, 2021
By: Ted Furlow, MRFF Advisory Board Member

Jesuit educated from high school, a Master’s Degree
in theology, decades of parish level and diocesan level ministry,
and 16 years as the Pastoral Planner for a Diocese

Thursday, June 17, 2021
One of the reasons I support the Military Religious Freedom Foundation is the belief that I stand at a junction to protect democracy from those who would sanctify government with their own brand of faith. It is not always easy, there are faith-based issues that resound within me and draw me to the bright line that must separate those thoughts from political realities. Sometimes it is hard for me to stay in my own lane.

So, it was with great interest that I followed the impacts of the recent Southern Baptist Convention meeting. By a minuscule margin, the progressives turned back the conservatives for control of the faith. Hard-core and well-funded, the conservative faction came whisper close to formally turning the Southern Baptist into a political voting bloc, whose aim is to create a Christian government based on their interpretation of the New Testament.

Lest you snicker, let me remind you that this conservative and opportunistic group, closely courted by Trump, was instrumental in delivering key states that swung the electoral vote in his direction in 2016, and almost did it again in 2020. 

The political dynamic indicates a broader agenda than simply filling the pews on Sunday. There is something in this conservative Christian camp for everyone, from the extraordinarily rich to the bib coverall country bumpkin. Something to hate, something to ridicule, something to be superior about, and a tribe of faith to do it with. It is overwhelmingly white and overwhelmingly male. It is anti LBGTQ, anti-Semitic, anti- virtually everything, and deeply misogynistic. It is Confederate Christianity, worshipping a fair-skinned, blonde-haired, and blue-eyed white plantation Jesus. These are the letter writers with anonymous e-mail addresses, who pour their venom on MRFF.

 God save us from the righteous religious.

I have said this before, when faced with discussions of race and bigotry, I am a recovering racist. My roots are from the South, and my family of origin burned racial values into me at a young age. I found my way out of it as I grew and matured, and I have no tolerance for those who indulge themselves in bigoted and racist ignorance. I am willing to stand with Mikey to protect the Constitution, but my values, which echo the words of Dr. King, make me stand with him against injustice. To acquiesce to injustice, to give tacit approval by my silence, is in itself an injustice, and my indifference to the oppression of bigotry and racism will just perpetuate the oppression.

My challenge as a participating Christian is to live with the question: Can I see the God I love in those who are being oppressed? Am I willing to seek out and to serve the true Jesus, a Jew, and a person of color?
Ted Furlow
Advisory Board Member
Military Religious Freedom Foundation
Asinine Wannabe YouTube Star
Moronically Attacks Mikey and MRFF

Wednesday, June 16, 2021
Asinine wannabe YouTube star Max Bloom, on his “Scuttlebutt Show,” goes after MRFF for demanding the removal of Christian Bibles from POW/MIA tables — ironically opening his show with an image of a POW/MIA table that DOESN’T have a Bible on it!

Bloom, who claims in one of his videos to have served in the Navy for 14 years before being “separated” while an E-7 select (saying his untimely separation is a "long story"), attacks Mikey Weinstein for raising money for MRFF’s mission, showing a lengthy clip from Mikey’s mid-year fundraising video, mocking MRFF’s fundraising — right before telling his viewers to go DONATE MONEY TO HIMSELF on Patreon or one of the other links he provides pushing his merchandise and donation appeals!

MRFF’s message to Mr. Bloom? Don’t give up your day job. Most people would rather watch videos of cats than your “Scuttlebutt Show,” based on your pitiful viewership numbers.
Background on MRFF's Demand for Bible Removal on POW/MIA display at NAF Atsugi
MRFF is a 501C3 Nonprofit

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