March 12th 10pm Newsletter

Our newsletter is a listing of all our blog posts. The newsletter is sent 2 or 3 times a day. Our email schedule is  HERE . If you cannot wait for the email, you can read our posts directly on our   BLOG PAGE   throughout the day and night, or follow us on  TWITTER  and get our blog posts tweeted to you between 10am and midnight (ET). 

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The Dinar Recaps Team

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For the past 7 - 10 days we have had many email subscribers with Comcast telling us they are not getting our emails from our secondary list (that only gets the newsletter link). 

And then today we see a abnormal amount of Yahoo subscribers being unsubscribed from our list.

Some tips for all our Newsletter subscribers ​
  • When you receive our emails, as a heads up, sometimes our emails end up in peoples email spam/junk folders, so if you do not receive an issue, it is best to check there in your email program.
  • Don't forget to add to your email address book (or contacts) so we'll be sure to land in your inbox!
  • If you were on our Secondary list, and stop getting them (and you checked your spam folder) - Recaps has our main email list we email the full Newsletter.  CLICK HERE to join that list. (Reminder, when joining, you will get a email back to OPT-IN by pushing the link in a email you get back.)  CLICK HERE to enter your email address on that list.
  • If you were on our Main email list, and stop getting them (and you checked your spam folder) - Recaps has our secondary email list we email the link or url to get each email Newsletter.  CLICK HERE to join that list. (Reminder, when joining, you will get a email back to OPT-IN by pushing the link in a email you get back.)  CLICK HERE to enter your email address on that list.
It is not Dinar Recaps that sends our emails to your spam folder, or not delivering them, but YOU email provider.

Thank you.

The Dinar Recaps Team

IQDCalls Chat Tuesday Evening  3-12-19
Post From IQDCalls Chat Room
Chat Room News Excerpts & Highlights Tuesday Evening 3-12-19  

Andredinero   blackgold in few days no more need to talk about iraq they done finish faneto fini 99.9% complete -- they did every thing they say they was going to do at last they kept their promises and words to everybody -- now the only thing we going to here talk about now I'm pretty sure it would be about CBI alot until they have a consistent stable rate for that 1% to be complete and make Iraq 100% fulfil
future  for chattels the IMF can only advise a country on what to do they have NO say on what the country actually goes forward with
larrykn  future your right but lets see how far that country will get without the approval of the IMF. No one will recognize them

​Sam I Am Responds To Kaperoni's Post Over "The Float" At Iqdcalls 3/11/19

Read Previous Post  Question To Kaperoni With Reply   LINK

Sam I AM: Just for context here's what Kap said that I responded to.
"Many think the dinar could never free float and must be some sort of manage float. They may be right! I am do not really care what type of float it is other than that is how monetary policy works, floats are a tool that the CBI uses to counter pressure.

Random acts like RV's RI's etc are not tools the CBI uses so we can rule such an event out. As well there are other reasons like money supply, economic shock that prevent such an event from ever happening.


MilitiaMan: I am seriously looking at this with my eyes wide open.

The final accounts at a specified time to activate collections, electronic payments and the adoption of a new accounting system with new standards in regard to the 2019 Budget Law.
Now it seems interesting they use the wording budget law to reduce.. Well are they not going to reduce three zeros form the exchange rate? Surely hope so.

They decided to adjourn until Thursday. Dind't we see more muddying of the waters with the Interior and Defense ministers?

Sure looks like they ave a specified time in mind for to finalize the accounts . Again, all eyes in the boat! ~ ~MM 
The House of Representatives ends the discussion of the draft law on financial management and raise its meeting Thursday (expanded)

Editorial date:: 2019/3/12 16:27 • 341 times read