House of Prayer 
is a gathering of God's people who value:
Compassionate Community, 
and Relationships

Here is an update of what is happening at
House of Prayer this week!
Worship This Sunday
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often have I desired to gather your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing! Luke 13:34

Jesus' deepest desire was for all people to be in relationship with God. In our gospel text for Sunday, Jesus laments over the people of Jerusalem. Jesus would like nothing more than to gather all the people of the world under his loving care and provide for our every need. The truth is, we need to choose God in our life. With our choice we can defy and reject God, which of course is heart-breaking for God. But great is the joy when one turns to the Lord in faith! Join us Sunday as we explore the relationship between faith and rebellion.
Happy St. Patricks Day from House of Prayer Preschool! 
Save the Date! 
All are invited for the ordination and installation of Kelly Sandin at House of Prayer on Saturday, April 13, 2019, at 5:00 pm. Hope you can join in the celebration!
Collaboration Churches Fund Clean Water 
Throughout Lent (March 6 - April 21) the Collaboration Churches in Richfield will be raising money for ELCA World Hunger's clean water initiatives. Our goal is for our three churches to raise $5,000 before Easter - enough to support construction of two "spring boxes." These long-lasting and low-maintenance wells protect a natural spring from contaminants and turn it into a reliable source of clean water for families. We will have special offering envelopes available March 10th during worship but you can donate anytime during Lent. Simply make checks out to House of Prayer with "ELCA World Hunger" in the memo line. We'll keep a display outside the sanctuary showing our progress toward the goal. Thanks in advance for your generosity! If you'd like to learn more, please visit
How Welcoming Are We? Listening Forum Sunday, March 24, 10:30am, Fellowship Hall 
In January 2018, the LMT was asked if we'd be open to an intern that was part of the LGBTQ community. As leadership, we couldn't agree on an answer to that. So, we decided to try to figure out what our welcoming statement at House of Prayer meant. We've never really asked that question in depth. Is our perception correct (that we are welcoming), or can we do a better job? What's the difference between being welcoming or being inclusive?
A task force was set up to do some one-on-one listening to our members. A couple of questions we asked: What drew you to House of Prayer? What keeps you here? Why is this a special place?
Grab your coffee and a donut and come downstairs to find out more information. Ashlei Buhrow from Reconciling Works will join the task force to help us discern what we've learned. See you there! Welcoming Task Force members: Brent King, Scott Wright, Abby Whalen, Angela King, Paula Kiehl, Wayne Swenson, Terri Behrends-Singer.

Simple Crock Pot Meals for Lent
Come at 5:30pm for simple crockpot meals provided by YOU! DuAnn will add tater tot casserole, cauliflower bacon salad, corn spoon bread, and cookies! Join us in Fellowship Hall at 5:30!  Please email DuAnn Thompson at [email protected] if you can bring a crock pot meal. Include the date and what you will bring. Many thanks!
Children & Youth This Week
The Sunday School children continue learning about the Woman at the Well, this week focusing on how Jesus knows all about us. Next week the Youth Group will learn about & do the discipleship practices of reading scripture, nurturing spiritual friendships, and giving faithfully.
First Communion Instruction
Pastor Ben will soon be teaching children who'd like to receive their first communion! Any parent who thinks their child is ready can sign up (no specific age requirement). The lessons will happen on Wednesday evenings from 6:00-6:30pm on March 27th, April 3rd, and April 10th. First communion will be celebrated at the Maundy Thursday service at 7pm on April 18th. Please contact Ben Whalen ( [email protected] or 612-500-9523) with any questions or to sign up!
Invest in Our Youth
Many thanks to those who purchased shares for our high school mission trip to Chicago & for summer camp at Luther Park. So far we've raised over $1,600 toward our goal of $3,000. Today we continue talking to folks before and after worship. If you'd like to buy a share after today contact Ben Whalen ([email protected] or 612-500-9523). Shareholders will get updates, stories, and photos from the mission trip and summer camp and be invited to a dinner at the end of summer. Thank you in advance for your support.
Lenten Bible Study Continues
The "Psalms as Tools for Prayer" Bible study continues with Professor Kathryn Schifferdecker from Luther Seminary. Join us Wednesday, March 20th and March 27th from 6:30-7:30pm in Fellowship Hall. Come study the Psalms through poetry, music, and art. There is no cost for this study, however a Bible and a notebook are suggested. All are welcome!
Take the Discipleship Challenge
You can still participate in The Discipleship Challenge during Lent. The book is available in the Church Office for $10; proceeds will fund our Lenten mission project through ELCA World Hunger.
Book of Job Study-Last Session
Pastoral Intern Deanna Basset will finish the Book of Job Bible Study on Wednesday, April 3, at 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall as the last session was cancelled due to weather.
Overdue Library Books
Many books are overdue from the church library.  Please check your bookshelves and return any you may still have so others may read them too. 
Thank you from the Library Team 
Pick Up Your Directory
Our new HOP Photo Directories from LifeTouch are here! Please pick up your copy in the Church Office. Directories are free to those who had a photo taken. If you didn't have a photo taken but would like to purchase a directory, they are available for $10 (cash or check payable to HOP). Contact Cara Wright at 612-866-8471 or [email protected] with questions.
Luther Park Spaghetti Dinner Celebrates 60 Years
Join Luther Park friends to celebrate 60 years of camping ministry at a candlelight spaghetti dinner served tableside by our Spaghetti Scout campers and support Luther Park. In partnership with Richfield Lutheran Church youth ministries, enjoy good food, music from the 60's, a raffle and trivia for fun and prizes. Come dressed to win "best 60's costume." There will be raffle games, a trivia contest, a few camp songs, a Luther Park update, and heartwarming stories of how Luther Park Bible Camp has changed people's lives. Please come on Saturday, April 6, 5:00-7:30pm to Richfield Lutheran Church, 8 W 60th St, Minneapolis. Tickets: $20/adults, $5.00/students. Call 612-861-2265 x3 for reservations. See you there!
Collaboration Men's Softball
Enjoy softball and looking for a "joy of the game" experience rather than competitive success? Consider playing with the Woodgrove Saints, a composite team made up of members of Richfield churches and their friends. Games are on Thursday evenings at Dred Scott fields in SW Bloomington starting in April. Contact team manager Scott Dahlquist for further information at [email protected] or at (612) 919-9232. Men (18+) of any ability are welcome.
Senior Felloship at Woodlake
March Senior Fellowship Event at Woodlake: The Bloomingtones; Thursday, March 21: Lunch at 12pm, program at 1pm.  The Bloomingtones are a mixed choral group from the Bloomington Creekside Seniors' Center.  They sing a wide variety of music from all eras for pleasure and entertainment, and perform in the greater metropolitan area.   Cost: $13 includes lunch and program. Please contact Woodlake's church office to sign up: 612-866-8449 or [email protected].
Racial Justice Conversation
Five people met January 31st at Oak Grove Lutheran Church for the first Racial Justice Conversation. We decided to read the book Real American by Julie Lythcott-Hains for our next conversation in March.

A second meeting will be meeting held February 26th at 6:30pm at Oak Grove in the church Fellowship Hall to watch the documentary Thirteenth.
"Selma" director Ava DuVernay's Netflix documentary "13th" homogenizes a lot of discussion and history into a profound resource on the black experience in America with an emphasis on the post-Civil Rights era. To use the most relevant terms, it explains why, in fact, black lives matter." (Description on the Internet)

We welcome others to join our group as we grapple with what we are called to do to work towards racial justice in our communities. Questions can be directed to Jan Philibert, 612-401-7492.
Get To Know Your Latino Neighbor
The community of Richfield is rich in diversity! Join MIRA (Modulo de Informacion Recursos y Apoyo and Richfield Community Education on Thursday, March 21 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Richfield Central Education Center (7145 S. Harriet Ave., Room 106) to hear a panel of Latino guests tell the stories of their family's journey from countries in Central and Southern America. They will share a little of their culture and what they would like you to know about their successes and struggles of adjusting to their new home. You will also have the opportunity to get your questions answered and connect with neighbors! Cost for the event is $15 but let us know if cost is a concern and we can help. You can register yourself online through the Richfield Community Education website or talk with Ben Whalen to sign up ( [email protected] or 612-500-9523).
VEAP Donation March
We have been asked by VEAP to bring canned fruit for March. Please bring your canned fruit donations and place them in the collection bin in the Narthex. Thanks in advance for your continued generosity and support to VEAP!
Luther College Concert Band Tour
Let's Visit!
Would you like a visitor from one of our pastoral staff members? While we often hear of needs within the congregation, sometimes we are unaware of the needs within our family of faith. Pastor Ben or Minister Kelly would be happy to visit any of our members or friends who would like a pastoral visit. These visits could be health related but could be for any reason. Contact the church office via telephone 612-866-8471 or Pastor Ben via email [email protected].
House of Prayer Lutheran Church of Richfield, MN
 ELCA | (61 2) 866-8471