June 2021
With the approach of summer and relaxed Covid-related guidelines, many of us are hopeful about seeing our bridge friends at the tables very soon -- for some in the District, it has already happened! Be sure to stay in touch with your local clubs to see updated opening plans.
District 4 Officers  
Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Contact your District 4 board members.

Jeanne Gehret

Betsy Cutler

Bill Bauer

Pat Civale 

Joann Glasson 
President's Message
Face to Face Bridge Strikes Back!

The return of in-person bridge, which seemed an impossibility at the beginning of the year, is suddenly possible!  Here in District 4, a few clubs have already held their first in-person games. It’s generated a lot of excitement about reconnecting with friends and catching up over that old familiar game of bridge…. with a handful of real cards! Look for information from your local club about the restart of games near you, along with any requirements to participate, which may vary from club to club. Please support your local club… clubs are the heart and soul and future of Bridge!

Grand National Teams games were held online over 2 weekends in May. District 4 GNT/NAP Committee Chair, John Dickenson, did a terrific job of preparing for, promoting and running the event. Thank you, John! 53 teams participated, which was a 50% increase from the previous GNT event in 2019. Joann Glasson’s column below does a good job of mentioning many of those whose contributions made for a successful contest. In addition, I’d like to thank the District 4 experts (you know who you are) who assembled and presented instruction for Flight C players on winning team game strategies. Congratulations to all who participated, and good luck to the winners who will represent District 4 at this summer’s National GNT event.
The game schedule isn’t quite ready, and we haven’t signed a final contract yet, BUT we’re SO VERY CLOSE. That means NOW is the perfect time to book your room at The Warehouse Hotel. To get the Bridge Rate, use booking code 10177 when you call the hotel at (855) 618-6181. Tell your friends from out of the area… it’s going to be great to be back at Spooky Nook where there’s plenty of terrific Lancaster hospitality and a cavernous room to spread out the tables! I hope you make plans to join me there.

Last, but not least, District 4 is looking for a Web Master. We’re in the process of developing a new website to replace our current, outdated site (it’s infrastructure time for District 4). I want to give a HUGE shout out and thanks to the web developer, Unit 168’s Todd Thorsen, who will ready our new site and transfer content in to get us started. Primary responsibilities of the Web Master are to post and maintain content for District 4. If you would like to volunteer but might not have experience with web pages, don’t let that stop you! Training can be provided. To express your interest, please email me at the address below. Trust me, we LOVE our volunteers!

Please be safe, and I’ll look for you SOON around the table (may the bridge force be with you!),

I welcome your comments or suggestions (
From the District Director 
Next month management will be presenting its plan for the return to face-to-face bridge to the ACBL Board of Directors. The details are not yet available, but I suspect they will discontinue some of the games on BBO that were held during the pandemic in an effort to support the reopening of face-to-face clubs and the resumption of face-to-face tournament play. I will bring you the complete details of the plan next month.

With the lifting of mask requirements, the return to face-to-face play will be attractive to more of our players. Bridge clubs in the area are beginning to open up.

Bridge clubs are the lifeblood of the ACBL. Bridge Clubs are where many of us first got hooked on the game and where teachers introduce the game to new players. Although the ACBL is offering an introductory class for beginners online, it is limited in the number of players they are able to accommodate and without the personal connection we are not attracting new players into the game.

A special thanks to our GNT Coordinator, John Dickenson, for the Herculean effort he put into the 2021 District 4 Grand National Teams. District 4 had 53 teams participating including 17 teams in Flight C, a new record for participation at that level.

Also, a huge shoutout to our District 4 Tournament Directors, Rob Maier and Rui Marques, for their flawless running of this event. It was quite a challenge since it was the first time District 4 ran the GNTs online.

And, of course, a special thank you to District 4's friend, Jay Whipple, for contributing the time and effort to set up the event for us and to provide the required software. Whenever District 4 has a technological need - Jay has been there to provide the solution for us.

Stay well and please contact me any time with any questions or concerns:
District 4 Schedule
Because of COVID-19 related uncertainties about when tournaments can safely resume, please check the ACBL calendar listings. Phased reopening of tournaments is expected as the year (and herd immunity) progresses.

ACBL has cancelled all STaCs through the end of July. Therefore, the D4 STaCs scheduled for July 26-Aug 1 are cancelled

For a full year D4 calendar, click here.
For the D4 virtual club calendar, click here
For a 2021online event schedule, click here
Our Monthly Feature
The 4Spot features fantastic contributors, on a regular rotation:
Larry's Learning Center by Larry Cohen:
January, April, July, October
For Novices Only by Marti Ronemus:
February, May, August, November
The ABC of Bridge by Dave Wachsman:
March, June, September, December
How you evaluate your hand when you first open it may differ markedly from its value once the bidding is under way. This month, Dave Wachsman cites a terrific example that will help you elevate your game. Enjoy!
Master Solvers Club
Stupid preempt. Surely our side has the balance of power but how high should we go? And in what suit? As usual, our experts weigh in with diverse opinions and solid rationale. Do you (and your favorite partners) agree with the majority opinion?
Then visit the MSC website to read next month's problem and submit your answers online:
GNT Team Results
The lingering pandemic forced a new first this year: Grand National Teams District 4 finals were held online. But the venue change proved no deterrent. We had 8 teams in Open, 8 in Flight A, 17 in Flight B, and 14 in Flight C for a total of 47 teams - a 38 percent increase over 2019. We also saw better geographic representation, with more teams from Upstate NY and Central and NE PA. Since we had more than 8 teams in both Flight B and Flight C, D4 will be able to send two teams from those flights to the North American Online Bridge Championships, which begin July 14.

Director-in-Charge Rob Maier did a fabulous job directing the event, despite all the challenges associated with running an event for the very first time online and getting some not-very-tech-savvy players onto Zoom, which was required by the ACBL for the Sunday KO phase of play.

For a list of winners, visit our District website at

Complete details are available on ACBL LIVE at and
News from Around the Units 
Unit 112: Central New York
Betty Youmans
Unit 112 Congratulates Its Advancing Players!

Sectional Masters
Sheila Bamberger, Utica
Lawrence Ray, Rochester
Tonia Thirtle, Rochester
Donna Westin, Fairport
NABC Master
Marcy Rosenkrantz, Ithaca

Life Master
Dave Valvo, Henrietta

Silver Life Master
Holli Mast, Corning
Unit 120: Northeastern Pennsylvania 
Doreese Torrey
Hello Unit 120!! Happy June to all! Did you know that June ends of the same day of the week as March every year? The birth flower for June is the rose or honeysuckle. The birthstones for June are the pearl, moonstone or Alexandrite which all symbolize health and longevity. That noted, June is the beginning of cautiously optimistic openings of clubs in our Unit. HOW EXCITING!!

George Mansour will be opening the game in Taylor. Here are the details:
TIME: 12:15 start, but please arrive 10 minutes early
LOCATION: Acadia Lodge 617 Union Street, Taylor, PA
COST: $10.00/player
MASKS: Not required, but please be fully vaccinated!!
FOOD AND BEVERAGE: Keep away from playing area
CONTACT: George Mansour (570) 335-8579
More exciting news is our May recognition. Lets all give a resounding applause for:
New Silver Life Master    Ellen S. Preece    Dallas, Pa
New NABC Master          Mary J Tragis       Waymart, Pa
And I saved the best and most exciting good news for last!!! Did I mention June is bridal month? Well...Congratulations and Best Wishes to

                            Ray Depew and Peggy Yeager
The blissful couple will be wed on June 2, 2021 at 2:00 pm EST!!!
You can view the wedding by clicking on this link.
Just scroll down to the bottom of the page, under "Chapel", "View a Ceremony," then scroll down until you see their names.
You can either virtually attend as it happens, or you can view at a later time within the same day.
                     We wish them both the utmost happiness!!
Hope to see you all either at the virtual or face to face bridge tables!!!!
Unit 121: Berks Montgomery 
Brian C Snyder
Check back next month for unit news. In the meantime, stay well!
Unit 133: Lehigh Valley 
Lois Fuini
Happy Memorial Day 
Remembering and Honoring Our Heroes!
Unit 133 is celebrating all our heroes, past and present, who have served and those who continue to serve during these unprecedented times. We look forward to seeing all of you in person at our face-to-games starting in June and July. Please support these games as we reopen our clubs.

New Rank Advancement

New Sectional Master
Gretchen W. Reed

Live Game Schedule 
Opening Dates
June 9 Lehigh Country Club - 10am Open/Invitational - 2nd and 4th Wednesdays- Game and Lunch - $22
June 10 Saucon Valley Country Club - 10am Open/Invitational - 2nd and 4th Thursdays - Game and Lunch - $22
June 15 Brookside Country Club - 10am Open/Invitational - 1st, 3rd, and 5th Tuesdays - Game and Lunch - $22
June 16 Brookside Country Club - 10am 0-99’er - every Wednesday 
Game and Lunch - $22
June 28 Lehigh Valley Active Life - 1pm 0-100 and 0-750 - every Monday, 18 boards - $7
July 1 Lehigh Valley Active Life - 1pm 0-750 1st, 3rd, and 5th Thursdays 18 boards -$7
July 2 Lehigh Valley Active Life - 1pm 0-500 and Open every Friday 18 boards -$7
July 7 Bethlehem Bridge Club 10am Open - every Wednesday - $7
July12 Bethlehem Bridge Club - 10am Open - every Monday - $7

June Virtual Club Games
Revised Schedule 
May 31 – no game
June 1 – 10:30am– 0-300 limited game
June 2 – 10:30am – 0-50 and 0-300 limited games
​   12:30pm – Open NAP qualifier
June 3 – 10:30am – 0-750 limited game
​   7:15pm – Open NAP qualifier
June 4 – 12:30pm – 0-2000 Mentor Mentee game
June 7 – 12:30pm - Open NAP qualifier
June 8 – 10:30am– 0-300 limited game
June 10 – 7:15pm – Open NAP qualifier
June 11 – 12:30pm – 0-500 and Open NAP qualifier
June 14 – 12:30pm– Open NAP qualifier
June 16 – 12:30pm – 0-500 and Open NAP qualifier
June 17 – 10:30am– 0-750 limited game
​    7:15pm - Open
June 18 – 12:30pm - 0-500 and Open NAP qualifier
June 19 – 11:15am – Longest Day – Swiss teams – 0-750 and Open
June 20 – 12:30pm – Longest Day – 0-500 and Open pairs
June 24 – 7:15pm - Open
June 30 – 10:30am – 0-50 and 0-300 limited games

The Longest Day Virtual Games 2021
When: Saturday, June 19, 2021 - 0-750 and Open Swiss
             Sunday, June 20, 2021 - 0-500NLM Open Pairs
Where: Unit 133 Virtual Club Games
Time: Saturday - 11:15am
           Sunday - 12:30pm
Fee: $7

This year marks the 9th year of partnership between bridge clubs and the Alzheimer’s Association. So far, bridge players have raised millions of dollars for the cause. ACBL will donate all sanction fees and Unit 133 will donate all proceeds, after expenses, to the Alzheimer’s Association. If you wish to make an additional donation, please mail your check, payable to the Alzheimer’s Association, to Betsy Cutler, 1383 Deerfield Drive, Allentown PA 18104. Thank you for playing and donating to this very worthwhile cause that touches so many of our lives in so many ways.

May 29 Silver Linings Swiss Teams
Thanks to everyone who played in our virtual Swiss Teams Game. The players earned double silver points while enjoying the team experience. 
Paul and Peg Irvine and their teammates Stephen Cooper and Yacob Rubinstien

Unit 141: Philadelphia 
Howard Kahlenberg
As some of you may be aware, BBO was down for several hours this Tuesday, March 25th (I guess it will not be this Tuesday when you read this). I was giving an online lesson to some friends of mine at the time, and it was like New Year’s Eve. There are five of us still on BBO. 4. 3. 2. I was the last one of our group, and was somehow one of the last 1000 people total. Eventually things got back to normal on Wednesday.
Let’s hope this is a harbinger to even more things returning to normal!

For the first time in a long while, there are no new Life Masters to report. As we get closer to face-to-face bridge, let’s hope that it’s also the last time in a long while. Other Masterpoint achievements:

New Diamond Life Masters (5,000 points) – Patricia “I can’t stop my leg” Civale
New Ruby Life Master (1,500 points) – June Kantor
New Silver Life Master (1,000 point) - Virginia Tinner
New Bronze Life Masters (750 points) – Richard Patterson and Robbee Perlman
New Sectional Master (50 points) – Rhoda McFadden
New Club Masters (20 points) – Richard Abell, Maryann Degnan, Susan Heron, Franklin Lucard, Eileen Maginnis, Leslie Marshall, Rena Milligan, Denise Schauer, Joan Schwerin, and James Walker
New Junior Masters (5 points) – Michele Digirolamo. Anthony Foderaro, Janet Foderaro, Marie Power, Liz Price, and Natalie Reed
Unit 168: Central Pennsylvania 
Jeanne Gehret
Check back next month for Unit 168 news. In the meantime, stay well!
Unit 190: Delaware 
Ala Hamilton-Day
Tom Ciconte, Nancy Robbins, Marcia Abbott and Melissa Jessup ( r.)
Joan Flanagan
JUNIOR MASTER: Michele Uthgenannt
CLUB MASTER: James S. Angus, Joseph E. Pecht and Wendy A. Tilles
NABC MASTER: Mary M. Scharf
Players at the May 24 game
May Beer Card Winner Mooch Taylor being photo-bombed by Rick Rowland
We're delighted to announce the return of in-person bridge in Delaware! The Bridge Studio of Delaware has reopened with a limited schedule of games. Pre-registration is required and no walk-ins will be allowed. Please visit the Bridge Studio Web site for up-to-date information and registration instructions. For information on the continuing BBO games, pictures of players, the Shuffles games on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:30, the May Dummy and other happenings, check out the Unit 190 website and click on the links below:

Unit 217: Susquehanna 
Jim McKeown
Since our earlier sectional was canceled, we hope to hold our next tournament in Boalsburg in October.
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4Spot | June 2021 | Editor: Janet Johnson |