BUSINESS RECAP Significant action items and reports
· Attendance: 68 --- 64 voting members; 4 non-voting participants.
· Cathy Ulrich, delivered the sermon, “Caring Relationships” (VC Mark 6).
· Welcomed into membership, Rev. Chris McCurdy- United Presbyterian Church in Cuyahoga Falls.
· Participants were invited to breakout rooms for reflection and discussion around the inner work that needs to be done around racism.
· Motion prevailed brought by Committee on Nominations and Representation (CNR) to nominate RE David Pucak (Firestone Park) to serve on COM to fill a vacancy for Class of 2023. Details and applications will soon be available presbytery representation at the 225th GA in June 2022.
· Resource committee to sponsor upcoming events: a.) VC Zoom gathering; b.) VC presbytery-wide in person retreat late summer. Details will be forthcoming in E-News and on website.
· Synod of the Covenant report included upcoming leadership workshops, subsidized by the Synod and member presbyteries, available throughout 2021. During the General Presbyter report, Cathy also reported that presbytery will pay any additional costs for Synod workshops, there will be no out of pocket costs to attend these workshops.
· Motion prevailed brought by Council to nominate RE Susan Scenna (Petersburg) to serve on CNR to fill a vacancy for Class of 2023. Resource links to be added to the COVID 19 page on the website. Council will meet for in person retreat to begin process of evaluating the current model of operation.
· Celebration on the ministry of closed churches Christ and South Side followed by prayer.
· The designated offering will be directed to PCUSA’s Special Offering, Pentecost Offering e made through the Presbytery Payment Portal (donations are still being accepted). The offering from the March 2021 meeting totaled $476 to presbytery’s scholarship fund for candidates and inquirers.
· TE Annie Parker (Heritage) presided over the celebration of the Lord’s Supper.
· Rev. Rebecca Kahnt (First-Youngstown) pronounced the Benediction and adjourned the meeting at 5:00 pm.