Staying Connected
Please join us this weekend for worship in person (church)
Saturday at 5:30 pm or Sunday at 9:00 am.
Rector's Corner
June 4, 2021

Dear Family in Christ,

It has been said many times, “Everyone’s a critic.” And usually, we all are in one way or another. People also speak of “Monday morning quarterbacks.” These folks dissect the big Sunday game on Monday morning, around the water cooler, rendering opinions on why the team lost. Folks play quarterback in other areas of life as well, especially when it comes to our faith.
Critics surround us, seeking to tell us how to witness, how to do Jesus’ work. Sometimes it is important to listen to such critics. But how can we move on with our work?

Jesus faced critics all the time … many, many Monday morning quarterbacks. By focusing on what God wanted him to do, Jesus did not let the critics crush him or his vision. Instead, he recognized that in seeing all the world as God’s field, he had to continue on with what God wanted him to do. So must we. Monday morning quarterbacks cannot be permitted to bring the work of the Kingdom to a grinding halt.

All too often we fall victim to personal preferences, leaving the Kingdom behind, and we sit on the sidelines embodying the critic but Jesus reminds us in our Gospel this weekend that God's work is work. It may not always be familiar or popular, it may be a bit messy, even inflame some traditionalists and Pharisees, or it may move some from their comfortable places, but it challenges us to be involved, active, and committed to building the kingdom of God, following God's will with divine purpose.

Never let anyone get you down, keep moving forward for the Kingdom of God.

See you at service :-)


Mo. Allison+


If you would like a pastoral visit or a visit from one of our
Eucharistic Ministers, please contact Mo. Allison.
It's good to be open again!

Coffee Hour has returned!

Come and enjoy coffee and fellowship on Sunday mornings after the 9 am service.

A sign-up sheet is posted on the kitchen door.

Alanon has resumed their meetings in the parish hall on Friday mornings at 10 AM.

Vestry will meet on Sunday, June 13th following the 9 am service. (For this month it will be in Mo. Allison's office)

SUNDAY PARKING: Sturdy Bank lot and Fred's Tavern lot may be used.
Please remove your car from Fred's before 12 noon.

SATURDAY PARKING: Sturdy Bank lot is available.


Lochlainne Charloette and her mother, Elizabeth, will be baptized on the beach on the 101st St. Pavilion on Sunday, June 20th at 11 am.


A memorial service for Roy Richardson and the Committal of Roy and Dolores Richardson in St. Mary's Columbarium will take place this Sunday, June 6th at 1 pm. Roy and Dolores were active members of St. Mary's
until their move to Florida.

A memorial service for Lisa Simmons Minakowski will take place on Saturday, June 19th at 11 am. Lisa was a member of St. Mary's when she resided in Avalon.

The memorial service for Barbara Eckhardt will take place on Monday,
June 21st at 11 AM. Barbara was a long-time member of St. Mary's
and will be missed.

For a list of all upcoming events and meetings, please see the calendar on our website at

Mo. Allison's
Official Installation as our Rector will take place on
July 25th at 12:00 pm.
More details of the installation and the Bishop's visitation will soon follow.
Important Communication Reminders

Mother Allison may be reached on her mobile phone at 551-697-6133.

Morning Prayer is Tuesday-Friday via Zoom. Mother is available immediately following morning prayer to those who join to answer any questions, hear your concerns, or for pastoral care.

If you are in need of a home visit or wish to receive the Eucharist, please call Mother directly.

The Vestry is once again meeting in person in the Hall. All vestry meetings are posted to the calendar on our website. Anyone may attend vestry meetings.

With the building now open all vestry meeting minutes will once again be posted on the bulletin board as they are available.

Our newsletter is distributed via email every Friday morning. If you would like to add to the newsletter, please email the office with your entry.

CHECK OUT OUR CALENDAR on our website for all activities taking place throughout the week.
A Church that Prays Together Stays Together!
God the King of Glory, in whose hands are the living and the dead: We give you thanks for all those who have laid down their lives in the service of our country. Grant them your mercy and the light of your presence; give us a sense of your will and purpose, that we may understand that the work you have begun in them will be perfected through Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, in whom all strife is resolved. Amen. 

In addition to our regular prayer list, we are introducing a new, easy accessible way to add you or a loved one to our daily prayers. You may access this link at any time for prayers or additions.

We're Looking Forward to ...
Worship at the Beach, our "Come as you are" service on the 101st St. Beach Pavilion returns July 10th!
We're moving the Saturday service from the church to the beach for the summer months. Plan to join us for a relaxed worship service in a glorious setting!

Our Thursdays on the Lawn concerts are set for Summer 2021 with a terrific line up! We'll get off to a great start with the super popular group Three and One on July 8th. One of our favorites, The Snake Brothers, continues our summer concert series on July 15th, followed by The Quietmen on July 22nd,
Marnie and Nate on July 29th, and C. Lynne Smith on August 5th. We'll wrap up on August 12th with Three and One. Bring some friends and
plan to join us on the front lawn this summer!
Coming to St. Mary's this summer...
Summertime will be exploding with fun, fun fun!
July 6 - July 30th
Download the flyer here!
Altar Flowers
Altar flowers are a great way to celebrate a birthday, anniversary or special event, and they are a wonderful memorial in honor of a loved one. The flowers may be removed from the altar and taken home with you after the service. If you would like to remember someone, please sign up on the chart in the narthex, and send a note with details and a donation to the church office. Many spots are open in the upcoming months.
Forward Day by Day
Day by Day daily devotion booklets for May, June & July are available in the church narthex. Please help yourself.
If you would a copy mailed to you, please let the church office know. 609-368-5922.
Happy Birthday to
Creggie Henderson on June 6th,
Leslie Haines on June 8th and
 Jack Cleffi on June 11th!
Happy Anniversary to
Joseph & Karin Hampel on June 10th!
Hilton & Kathryn Rodriguez, Sr. on June 10th!
Lectionary Text for the Second Sunday after Pentecost: Proper 5
Worship Services
Saturday 5:30 pm in person (church)

Sunday 9:00 AM in person (church) and

Service will be posted by 11:00 AM on St. Mary's website
Services, studies, and service bulletins may be accessed on our website:

Daily Office and Study Links
Tuesday - Friday