Trinity Episcopal Church
Trinity Episcopal Church 
17 May 2020
    O God, you have prepared for those who love you such good things as surpass our understanding: Pour into our hearts such love towards you, that we, loving you in all things and above all things, may obtain your promises, which exceed all that we can desire; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

~~Collect for the Sixth Sunday of Easter

Worship With Us at Trinity Church

All are invited to join our services online while the church buildings are closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sunday, May 17:  The Sixth Sunday of Easter  Youth Sunday

Morning Prayer Via Zoom, Live at 10 AM: 
Elizabeth Rousseau, Suliman Foster, Zechariah Stevens, and Kim and Kendall Okeke, Officiating

Garvey Odokwu and Dinaka Ohoh, Graduating Seniors, Speaking 
Log-in and Call-in information will be sent out Sunday Morning. 
Thursday , May 21:  Ascension Day

Kate Byroade, Officiating 
Noon Prayer Via Zoom, Live at 12 PM: 
Log-in and Call-in information will be sent out Thursday Morning. 
Prayer Requests
Although we are not physically in the church, we can continue to take prayer requests and put them in our Sunday leaflet. Please contact Barbara Roos at [email protected] with any names you would like added.


The Warden's Corner
Although the world has become unusually quiet since we began "Staying Home to Stay Safe" in Connecticut, a lot has been happening within the community that is Trinity Church. This week, the Recruitment Committee received the names of candidates who have applied to become our next Rector. This is an exciting development indeed, and the committee is hard at work learning about the candidates. The Committee will recommend several candidates for the Vestry to interview, and we hope to be ready to call a new Rector in July.
At the same time, Father Norman MacLeod, who has been serving as our Interim Priest- in-Charge since last September, announced that he will be retiring at the end of June. It is, of course, an understatement to say that we will miss him. He has been a faithful and wise leader to our parish in some very difficult times, and we are grateful for his support and his calm and loving direction these past months. Saying goodbye will be especially challenging since our farewells must be done virtually! We will find a way to celebrate his time among us and wish him Godspeed as he and Elizabeth take up their new life in Rhode Island.
Also this week, The Bishops and Canons leading the Episcopal Church in Connecticut issued protocols for parishes to follow during the first phase of Connecticut's reopening. The protocols call for each parish to take a gradual approach, opening operations in phases. We are encouraged not to gather physically for worship until at least the end of June, and to follow numerous strict guidelines when we do gather, including requiring all people to wear masks and gloves, and maintaining a 6-foot distance between us. Meeting those guidelines will be a challenge. The Vestry will recruit a committee of staff and parishioners to study the protocols and make recommendations about how and when to begin gathering in person. 
Alan Rice and Martha Freimuth

Recruitment Team Receives Rector Candidate Names;
Interim Announces Retirement
Bishop Laura Ahrens and the Rev. Canon Lee Ann Toltzman presented the names of candidates for the position of Rector of Trinity at a Zoom meeting on Wednesday evening, May 13.  This kicks off the final stages of the process leading to the call of the parish's next clergy leader.  The Recruitment Team received the names.  This group will interview priests online and then do in-person interviews, turning over a list of finalists to the Vestry in June.
Yesterday, the Rev. Norman MacLeod, Interim Priest-in-Charge, announced that he will retire as of June 28.  He will be moving to Rhode Island with his spouse, Elizabeth C. Stevens.  Please see a message from Father Norman here on our church website.
Work proceeds on the Parish House front porch.
Deadline for The Voice of Trinity Article Submission     Friday - May 15
The deadline for the next issue of The Voice is Friday, May 15, at 5:00 p.m. This issue will cover the Annual Meeting (June 7). Please email your articles to [email protected]. When submitting an article, please be sure to include a title for it.

A Prayer for This Time of Pandemic

We pray guided by the words of the Psalm 46:
Compassionate, Comforting, Empowering God, you are our refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble. Amid the turmoil in the world, your love is steadfast and your strength never fails.
We pray for those infected by COVID-19. We remember especially healthcare workers, first responders, persons in isolation and those who grieve the loss of their loved ones.
Your love is steadfast and your strength never fails.
Merciful God, grant order to the chaos of our racing minds and our pounding hearts. We remember especially those who are overwhelmed by the uncertainty, in particular those most vulnerable because of preexisting health conditions, and those who have lost, or will lose, their jobs.
Your love is steadfast and your strength never fails.
Compassionate God, grant courage and hope in the wake of this unprecedented path as we navigate and re-navigate our lives in this global crisis. We remember especially elected government officials, educational administrators, religious leaders and all policy-makers who are expected to offer decisive leadership in this time of crisis. We remember the medical scientists and researchers who are working assiduously to develop a vaccine or treatment.
Your love is steadfast and your strength never fails.
Empower us to be open to your unfolding purposes even as the waters around us roar and foam. Reassure us of your divine presence and peace with us, now and always.
Prayer by Deonie Duncan, an ordained Baptist minister from Jamaica.
Essential Workers Thank You Sign

Thank you to Peter Green who had a sign created to thank all of our essential workers!
It is proudly displayed on the front of the church.

Virtual Cystic Fibrosis Walk and Challenge: May 16th -June 5th
It's time again for our annual Cystic Fibrosis walk! 
Kate and Drew Smith's granddaughter, Sarah, was born with Cystic Fibrosis; she is now 10 years old and doing well. She and her family are sheltering at home in Illinois, as Sarah is a high risk person.

Team Strolling for Sarah does an annual walk (about 3 miles or one hour) to support the Great Strides program which raises research dollars for this genetic lung disease. The exciting news is a new drug, Trikafta, which Sarah will be able to take when she is 12. It will treat some of the causes for her illness and not just the symptoms. Research is important!

This year, instead of our walk in Wickham Park, Team Strolling for Sarah will be doing a "virtual walk", each on our own, anytime between Saturday May 16th and June 5th. We thought it would be fun to see how far we could walk over a 3 week period, so we're going to walk or run more than once. Join in our efforts to see how many miles we all can cover. Send us your information and let us know how far you walked and maybe send us an electronic photo. Together can we reach 650 miles?

The great thing about a virtual walk, is that you can do it any time you like and your walk can also be as short or long as you want! We'll keep you posted on our website below. This is meant to be a fun, free event.
Why through June 5th (6/5) ? Way back in 1965, a little girl overheard her parents talking about the disease. She thought they said "65 roses" instead of cystic fibrosis, which is a mouthful. So the rose has been a symbol of our cause and 6/5 is always the day that the national Cystic Fibrosis Foundation holds its annual celebration. The bake and plant sale has been canceled.

Visit our website : for more information. Any questions? My email is: [email protected] or call 860-519-1591.

Thanks so much, Kate and Drew Smith
Please Wear Your Mask at Trinity Church
General Israel Putnam dons his mask at Bushnell Park
Shouldn't you do the same?
All visitors, friends, members, guests, and workers on the Trinity Campus or in any of our buildings are reminded to please cover their faces while at Trinity.  While worship services are taking place viritually for the time being, the church office and buildings are staffed and work is proceeding on several fronts, indoors and out.  For the health and safety of all, and in keeping with the guidance of our bishops and the state of Connecticut, we ask you to keep your mouth and nose covered while you are with us.  While a simple cloth mask, scarf, bandana or what-have-you may not protect YOU from virus, it will definitely protect OTHERS from any contagion that you may unknowingly be carrying.  Let's continue to love one another from a safe distance.
Restoration of the Parish House front porch continues.

Our Graduates!
Do you have a graduate in your family either from High School or College who you would like to recognize? Please send their name, school from which they are graduating and degree, if you'd like, to Barbara Roos at [email protected] . by Thursday, May 21. She will make sure that their name appears in the E-Voice, the Voice and the bulletin.

Heads Up! Hartford Goes Virtual
Heads Up! Hartford has announced that camp, scheduled for June 19-26, will shift to a virtual structure, as the in-person, overnight format isn't possible due to COVID-19 restrictions. The HUH team is working hard to create virtual activities that will keep the HUH spirit, love, and energy alive. Youth who are graduating from 8th-12th grades are eligible to attend, and there will be no camp fees. Stay tuned for more information! In the meanwhile, please get in touch with Camp Director Julie McGarry with any questions you may have; she can be reached at [email protected] or 860-212-5859.
Linda MacGougan, Trinity's liaison, receives emails from Heads Up! Hartford about activities. If you would like her to forward those emails to you, please let her know at [email protected]. (Or ask Julie M. to put you on the mailing list.)
HUH is dedicated to creating a summer of memories, service, and love for the HUH family!

Weekly Calendar
Sunday, May 17th  - Sixth Sunday after Easter (Youth Sunday)
10:00 A.M. Morning Prayer with hymns- via Zoom
Sunday Forum - College Students check in with Trinity - following the service
Monday, May 18th
Tuesday, May 19th
       7:00 P.M. Vestry Meeting - via Zoom
       8:00 P.M. RSCM Course - via Zoom
Wednesday, May 20th
     Articles for Annual Report Due
Thursday, May 21st
       12:00 Noon Noonday Prayer - via Zoom
Friday, May 22nd
Saturday, May 23rd
Sunday, May 24th - Seventh Sunday after Easter
       10:00 A.M. Morning Prayer with hymns - via Zoom

Call us at

Phone: 860.527.8133
Fax: 860.527.2863
Visit us at 
View Sunday and Special Liturgies at