The Leak Before Christmas
T’was the week before Christmas and all through the state
Clean water was flowing and testing went great!
Ph was just above neutral and lead and copper was swell
Lift stations were pumping and the bugs were working well.

When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a leak on Main Street filling me with fear.
The water was gushing and causing a mess
Where it was coming from, I could only guess!

The water keeps coming! Oh what can I do!
I know, I’ll call the Florida Rural Water Crew!
I dialed the number, my fingers were shaking!
What if they are all out merry making!

A voice came across the line so loud and so clear
That I knew in a moment, I had nothing to fear.
The crews appeared quickly, locating equipment in truck
Unloaded in a flash and wading through the muck!

Eureka they found it! I knew they could do it!
Now we can fix it, so we got right to it!
We wrapped it up quickly and then listened to be sure
That the repair that we made was safe and secure.

Circuit Riders wrapped it up and drove into the night
Satisfied that our system was safe for the night!
But I heard them exclaim as they drove out of sight
Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good Night!
The Board and Staff of the Florida Rural Water Association