May 6, 2020
We can't wait to see you soon!
Call us today to get on our schedule!
We hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. Our staff and horses miss everyone but we are all keeping busy planning for our reopening!

While RHR is temporarily closed, we are looking forward to our reopening by making a comprehensive plan to keep everyone at RHR as safe as possible! In the meantime, therapists are available for teletherapy services which is covered by insurance if you have out of network coverage. Contact us for more information.

Our horses have been enjoying their time off and they continue a regular exercise program to keep fit and happy so they are ready to return to work upon our reopening.

What have you been up to? Share some photos or videos of activities you are enjoying while you stay at home! We will share your photos on our social media platforms for everyone to enjoy!

Rocking Horse Rehab is excited to announce we are planning for our reopening! According to the US Department of Homeland Security, speech, physical, occupational therapists, and mental health providers are considered essential workers.

While it was necessary to temporarily close RHR for the safety of our families, staff, and volunteers, we are looking forward to reopening with a well thought out and comprehensive reopening plan to enable our children to receive their necessary therapies.

Our plans will follow CDC, local, regional, state, and federal guidelines to mitigate risks and to ensure we can provide essential services as safely as possible.

Recently, Governor Murphy announced the closure of schools through June 30th and we anticipate that extended school year/summer programs may also be cancelled. This could mean our RHR kids may not receive their in-school therapies for nearly 6 months.

As a private practice, we feel obligated to provide prescribed therapies to help our kids achieve their therapy goals like learning to walk, talk, regulate sensory systems, improve their mental health, and to avoid significant regression in skills from a lack of therapy. We look forward to reopening so that we can help our RHR kids to thrive!

In the meantime, please reach out to schedule your teletherapy services so we can help your child work towards therapeutic goals during our temporary closure.

Lastly, we are excited to announce as part of our RHR reopening plan, Rocking Horse Rehab will be undergoing a total makeover! Stay tuned for more information!
Many RHR services are covered by
health insurance or DDD funding.

Call today to learn more!

RHR Horses are enjoying their vacation!
Check out Tetley enjoying his vacation Click HERE and HERE to see Tet running through beautiful, lush green pastures at the farm.
Our girls, Amber and Bubbles, have been enjoying lots of time outside in the sunshine!
Bubbles and Tetley are keeping fit on the lunge line. The lunge line allows us to exercise our horses without riding them so they can stay fit and healthy!
A Free Mindfulness Program for Parents
Stressed out homeschooling?
Our partner organization, Autism Healthcare Collaborative is offering a FREE mindfulness program for parents of children with special needs. Check out Optimal Life for parents and use this video series on your own time!