AHN News | May 2021
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Contact Us:
For Senior Medical Patrol (SMP)
and Medicare Assistance Program (MAP)
CALL: 1-844-826-2085 or to learn more click HERE
For Nevada Care Connection (NVCC)
CALL: 1-877-861-1893 or to learn more click HERE
If You Are Uninsured Call Us,
We Can Help!
Access Medical Program

If you are uninsured and can’t afford to obtain healthcare for yourself or your family, we can help. We treat each of our members like they are our own family and we will be there every step of the way to make sure you get what you need. It’s what we’ve always done and will continue to do. We are here to serve you.

Did you know, you can start your
Access Medical application online?
Click HERE
CALL 1-877-385-2345
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Jamie Rodriguez,
WHC Assistant Director

" The reason getting the COVID-19 vaccine was essential to me was to protect my loved ones. I did it to honor our loved ones, the ones who made it and the ones who didn’t. It is a little bit of hope for a better tomorrow. "
Kara Hochreiter MS, RDN, LD,
Health Educator Manager

"Like countless others, I’ve spent the past months watching helplessly as COVID-19 tore through our community. I’ve watched in awe as frontline workers put their own lives on the line to save those of strangers. Getting the vaccine is not just a means of protecting myself and my community from spreading this virus, it’s also showing my support to those who have fought so hard against this pandemic and honoring those who lost a loved one along the way."
Mary Hernandez,
Member Billing Specialist

" I got vaccinated because the safety of my family and the public meant a lot to me. I was also diagnosed with COVID during Christmas of 2020; I developed complications from it and had Pneumonia and respiratory failure. These complications led to my hospitalization in January. Spending the New Year in the hospital alone, seeing patients go through this horrible disease, and witnessing just how much all the healthcare professionals worked to keep us healthy and alive, is the other reason why I chose to get vaccinated. Being able to breathe is precious and being in good health is of the utmost importance. Please do it for your health, your family, and the public. "

Access to Healthcare has gathered all
COVID-19 resources on a PDF page for you!
Now LIVE on our website.

We require all visitors to wear mask and use hand sanitizer before entering the office.
The safety of our staff and visitors is our number one priority.

We are open Mon-Fri from 8am-5pm.

You can visit for a list of all our services and assistance.

Our community needs Access to Healthcare now more than ever.
*PDF gets updated weekly. Please check out our COVID-19 page for the latest resource.
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National Healthcare News
Ending racism in healthcare often begins with medical education - and is the target of a new national project
To say that race has been a much-debated topic during the pandemic would be an understatement. Racial tensions were hitting a boiling point in the U.S. even before the world shut down due to COVID-19, and now the pandemic has highlighted racial disparities that exist in many facets of American life, including in healthcare. 
IVF is complicated. AI companies are looking to help
People in the U.S. are waiting longer to have babies. And more and more families are seeking help with getting pregnant. In fact, according to Penn Medicine, one million babies have been born between 1987 and 2015 using in vitro fertilization or other assisted technology. 
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