February 15th, 2019
 10th of Adar, 5779 

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    Parshat T'tzaveh
Candle Lighting at 5:55 PM

 Colors of Our Days and Nights

In this week's parsha, the Torah describes the two daily sacrifices, one that is brought in the morning -- בבקר -- and another which is brought toward the evening -- בין הערבים. The simple meaning of the pasuk teaches us about the timing of these sacrifices, but perhaps we can uncover a deeper meaning as well. Morning is a time of sunshine, happiness, and optimism. Morning is the time when we look forward to achieving our dreams and aspirations during the day ahead. Evening, however, is a time of darkness and sadness, a time of gloom and dreams shattered. The Torah is telling us that during times of joy and optimism we must thank God and offer our morning sacrifice, but when we face times of trouble we also offer the afternoon sacrifice. The morning sacrifice is how we express appreciation for what we have and hope to achieve, but the afternoon sacrifice is when we reach out to God for support and solace. Each sacrifice reflects an important aspect of the religious experience.

Last week, our students celebrated joyously as they competed during the color war, showing great school spirit and inspired creativity.  During moments like color war, I reflect on the extraordinary achievements of our students, whether in arts, athletics, academics, and every other zany sort of competition. It's a time for smiling and it's a time that reflects the spirit of the  morning sacrifice, full of hope, optimism and joy.

Life in school can be an emotional roller coaster, often full of joy but sometimes including difficult moments. Yesterday, in commemoration of the horrific tragedy at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas, one year ago,  the entire school gathered together for mincha to offer our "afternoon sacrifice", reaching out to Hashem and asking Him to support and comfort the families who lost a loved one. I was proud of our students who earnestly reached out, demonstrating the power of the "afternoon sacrifice" at this difficult moment. May we continue to celebrate many more "morning sacrifices", and may we continue to cherish the community that knows how to come together for an "afternoon sacrifice."

Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Jonathan Kroll
Head of School 


Upcoming Events
Feb. 18  
Presidents Day-No Classes

Feb. 19 
Conference Day
Feb. 20  
Tennis Match- HOME vs Westminster 4 PM - 7 PM (Misner Golf and Country Club 6200 Boca del Mar Drive, 33433)
Good & Welfare
Suri (Hoenig '02) and Eric Kinzbrunner on the birth of their daughter, Devorah Nesyah.
Sheera (Hopkins '02) and Michael Kalnicki on the birth of their son, Jacob Paul
Sara (Shabtai '10) and David Shiminow on the birth of their daughter, Bobbi. 

Randi Prince ('11) on her engagement to Yaad Gal from Rosh Haayin
Ariel Clayman ('10) on her engagement to Jason Gruener from Brooklyn, NY.
Rashel Maikhor ('12) to Ezra Allswang
Mrs. Cindy Halbstein on the passing of her beloved father, Mr. Aryeh Leib Goetz.   
Mazel Tovs
Brian and Huvie Gately on the birth of their son, Liam Nathaniel and brother to Hunter ('21) and Hailey ('22) 
Groovin' With the Grove     
Students See Right Through Hilarious Grove-Themed Breakout
Something for Everyone
Endless Permutations Of New Games Offer Fun For The Whole Family At This Year's Color War
Meme Machines
Check Out These Great Memes!
Racing Amazingly
Students Participate in a Flurry of Fast-Paced Activities in the Amazing Race
Shtick Vs. Shtark
Analyzing Color War on the Spectrum of Shtick to Shtark
Battle of the Bots
Immaculately Constructed Robots Battle For Dominance
B-L-U-E All The Way To Victory!
Blue Team Clinches Sweet Victory, Overcoming Second Place Green
Media Gallery
Click on the Menu Choices Below to Watch Some of the Best Color War Has to Offer, Click on the "Videos" Button to See All of the Featured Color War Videos
Special thanks to the photographers:
Daniel Gross ('19)
Lydia Coker ('19)
Samantha Shuman ('19)
Yonaton Schwab ('21)
Ben Heller ('21)
Adina Eisenmann ('22)
This Week in Pictures

The Yeshiva Highlites Staff